SUPPLEMENT TO : A CATALOGUE/CHECKLIST OF THE BUTTERFLIES OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO Clifford D. Ferris, Editor The Lepidopterists’ Society Memoir No. 3 1989 SUPPLEMENT TO: A CATALOGUE / CHECKLIST OF THE BUTTERFLIES OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO Clifford D. Ferris, Editor Director, Bioengineering Program, University of Wyoming Research Associate, Allyn Museum of Entomology / Florida Museum of Natural History Research Associate, Florida Collection of Arthropods Research Associate in Entomology, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County The Lepidopterists’ Society Memoir No. 3 1989 © 1989 by the Lepidopterists’ Society Library of Congress Catalog Card Number; 89:080153 ISBN: 0-930282-04-3 Printed in the United States of America Typesetting by C. D. Ferris on Macintosh™ Plus computer using Times type font and Apple® LaserWriter™. m MEMOIRS EDITOR’S NOTE During the eight years since the publication of Memoir No. 2, classification and nomenclature of the North American butterflies has undergone a period of instability. This was predicted at the end of my Editor’s Notes in that volume, and is reflected in the varying usages employed by the authors of several major books on North American butterflies that have been published during the interim, plus a number of talks at Annual Meetings and shorter published works. The present volume reflects nomenclatural changes published since Memoir No. 2 came out, plus some corrections of errors in that work. A few emendations dictated by the 1985 revision of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature appear here, and further valuable notes are also included. The Lepidopterists’ Society owes a debt of gratitude to Dr. Clifford D. Ferris and the other members of the Review Committee (listed on p. v), as well as to the many of our colleagues who have contributed to the substance of this Supplement. As I stated in Memoir No. 2, the search for a more complete and perfect classification system of butterflies continues, and the employment of modem approaches will certainly result in further and, hopefully, weU-supported changes in years to come. Increasingly systematists employ such techniques as cladistic analysis, electron microscopy, physiological experimentation, and new life history information to base decisions on more sound footing than before. Further, increased international communication among scholars and the resulting association of our butterfly fauna with that beyond our borders should bring Lepidoptera classification and nomenclature to a new level of worldwide uniformity and stability in years ahead. In 1989 Dr. William E. Miller will assume the duties of Editor of the Memoirs. Bill has already distinguished himself as a tireless and exacting Editor of our Journal, and has exercised his duties with skill, timeliness, and courage. I wish to thank the members of the Memoirs Advisory Board and the Executive Council for the help they gave me during my tenure as Editor. Intended for long works of broad interest to lepidopterists, the Memoirs should be expanded in future to include works other than checklists, and I feel it will be. I want to wish Bill Miller great success in making the Memoirs a more frequent and versatile component of our Society’s publishing program I urge you to support your Society in every way, including suggestions to the Editor for types of works you would like to see appear as Memoirs. Charles V. Covell, Jr. Editor of the Memoirs V PREFACE A Catalogue/Checklist of the Butterflies of America North of Mexico {Memoir No. 2 of the Lepidopterists’ Society) by Lee D. Miller and F. Martin Brown was published in 1981. At the 34th Annual Meeting of the Lepidopterists’ Society, held in Columbus, Ohio in July of 1983, the Executive Council appointed a five-member committee charged with the review of Memoir No. 2 for errors and omissions. This committee was also instructed to bring the publication up to date regarding new taxa and taxonomic changes in existing nomenclature. It is anticipated that this latter function will be on a continuing basis with periodic notes published in either the News or the Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society. This initial revision, however, is being published as a separate Supplement to Memoir No, 2. The Committee as finally constituted (one initial appointee declined to serve) is composed of the following: Dr. Clifford D. Ferris, Chairman, University of Wyoming. Pieridae; nymphaloid butterflies, general editing. Dr. F. Martin Brown, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Heliconiidae; Melitaeinae; Danaidae. Dr. David L. Hancock, Brisbane, Australia. Papilionidae. Dr. Lee D. Miller, AUyn Museum of Entomology /Florida Museum of Natural History. Hesperioidea; Satyridae. Col. Stanley S. Nicolay, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Lycaenidae; Riodinidae. The material presented herein is a synthesis of the efforts of the individual committee members and contributions from numerous individuals representing the lepidopterological community at large, many of whom are recognized in the “Acknowledgments.” Although not formally members of the Committee, three individuals have made major contributions to this project and deserve special recognition. They are Dr. Jacqueline Y. Miller, Jonathan P. Pelham, and Steven R. Steinhauser. It must be emphasized that the geographic region to which Memoir No. 2 pertains is North America north of Mexico, and not the political entity represented by the United States of America and its protectorates. For this reason, the fauna of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, etc. are not included. Some readers of Memoir No. 2 have misunderstood its geographic coverage. An attempt has been made to include aU species for which there are any reasonable records of occurrence in the region to which Memoir No. 2 applies, Some-of these records date to the 19th Century and may be erroneous, but museum specimens exi^ with appropriate locality labels. One must recognize that many environmental changes have occurred in North America during the past century. Distribution patterns have shifted accordingly, and several species are either known to be or are presumed to be extinct; yet we have museum material. Early lists, especially those of Boisduval, erroneously included names of Old World and Asiatic species. These names have generaUy been omitted from Memoir No. 2 and this Supplement. VI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Committee wishes to thank the following individuals who supplied information used in this revision: P. H. Amaud, Jr. (San Francisco, CA), G. T. Austin (Las Vegas, NV), K. Bagdonas (Laramie, WY), M. D. Bowers (Cambridge, MA), C. A. Bridges, (Urbana, IL), J. M. Burns (Washington, DC), C. F. Cowan (U.K.), J. P. Donahue (Los Angeles, CA), J. F. Emmel (Hemet, CA), Hans J. Epstein (Switzerland), H. A. Flaschka (Decatur, GA), T. P. Friedlander (Baton Rouge, LA), L. P. Grey (Lincoln, ME), D. W. Jenkins (Sarasota, FL), K. Johnson (New York, NY), O. Kudrna (Germany), J. D. Lafontaine (Canada), B. Mather (Clinton, MS), J. S. Mdlcr (New York, NY), D. J. Murphy (Stanford, CA), N. F. Nash (Urbana, IL), Y. P. Nckrutenko (U.S.S.R.), C. G. Oliver (Scottdale, PA), K. W. Philip (Fairbanks, AK), J. E. Rawlins (Pittsburgh, PA), F. H. Rindge (New York, NY), R. K. Robbins (Washington, DC), C. W. Sabrosky (Washington, DC), J. A. Scott (Lakewood, CO), A. M. Shapiro (Davis, CA), S. Shaw (Cambridge, MA), R. E. Stanford (Denver, CO), J. W. Tilden (San Jose, CA), M. E. Toliver (Eureka, CA), T. W. Turner (Safety Harbor, FL), M. Williams (Urbana, IL), Several anonymous reviewers of the completed draft made valuable suggestions. In addition to members of the Committee, C. V. Coveil, Jr and colleagues (Louisville, KY), J. C. Downey (Sarasota, FL), T. P. Friedlander (Baton Rouge, LA), D. W. Jenkins (Sarasota, FL), and S. R. Steinhauser (Sarasota, FL) graciously assisted in checking sections of the galley proof. INTRODUCTION vii This Supplement to Memoir No. 2 is divided into three parts. The first part consists of some general notes relative to the family-group names and certain literature citations. Much of this information was kindly supplied by the late C. F. Cowan, with additional notes by C. A. Bridges. The second part contains corrections, emendations, general notes, and additions to the original text of Memoir No. 2. Relative to the format, the number code appearing in the left margin refers to page number and the corresponding genus/species entry number. Thus: 84:367 is interpreted as page 84, species entry 367 (Zerene cesonia); 85:CXI is interpreted as page 85, genus entry CXI Phoebis. Because of the numerous changes that have been made in the original text of Memoir No. 2, as shown in this Supplement, a rudimentary checklist of the butterflies of North America north of Mexico has been included as Part HI. All primary taxa are included, but synonomies, form, and aberrational names have been omitted. This list serves in lieu of an index, and it may also be used in a manner similar to the “life lists” used by birders. The use of the term CODE refers to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (February, 1985) adopted by the XX General Assembly of the International Union of Biologicd Sciences. The permanent body which is the authority on zoological nomenclature is the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, herein abbreviated as I.C.Z.N. In this regard, it should be noted that the CODE is revised periodically. Changes in the rules, however, are for the most part not retroactive (an exception is the requirement for genus- species-name gender agreement and certain matters of spelling). Thus actions taken by authors working under the guidelines of previous editions of the CODE are not countermanded when a new edition of the CODE is issued. This condition must prevail so that nomenclatural stability is preserved, which is one of the goals of the CODE. Editor’s Note Since 1986, several regional books and a general book on North American butterflies have been published. These include: Tilden and Smith, 1986, A Field Guide to the Western Butterflies, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston; Garth and Tilden, 1986, California Butterflies, University of California, Berkeley; Heitzman and Heitzman, 1987, Butterflies and Moths of Missouri, Missouri Department of Conservation, Jefferson City; Shull, 1987, The Butterflies of Indiana, Indiana University Press, Bloomington; Royer, 1988, Butterflies of North Dakota, Minot State University; Scott, 1986, The Butterflies of North America, Stanford University Press. To varying degrees, the nomenclature used in these books differs from that used in Memoir No. 2, and from one another. In some cases, taxonomic changes have occurred since 1981 when Memoir No. 2 was published, and these are reflected in these books and in this Supplement. Several of the authors mentioned have elected to use the “super genus” approach, for example the use of the single generic name Papilio rather than the generic names adopted in Memoir No. 2 and this Supplement. The nomenclature used in this Supplement reflects the opinions of the Committee members as to what is appropriate usage at this time. We recognize that nomenclature must be flexible to the extent that it can adapt as our knowledge of the butterflies expands. A brief comment is in order concerning the nomenclature used in the Scott book. With regard to the boldface type font used therein, species, subspecies and form names are un- differentiated. Many taxonomic changes and new combinations of names appear without any supporting discussion, and for this reason are not adopted herein. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 1 PARTI GENERAL NOTES 1 . The method of citing dates in Memoir No. 2 does not conform to the recommendations given in Art. 22 of the CODE. Recommended format is; Papilio sennae Linnaeus, 1758. [Literature citation]. This form is used when the date of publication is clearly specified, and the name as originally proposed has not been revised. Phoebis sennae (Linnaeus, 1758). [Literature citation]. This form is used when a reviser has altered the generic name, but the date of publication is clearly speci- fied; ( ) used in this case. Papilio argyrognomon Bergstrasser, [1779]. [Literature citation]. In this example, the date was not clearly specified and has been determined only from external evidence. [ ] used in this case. Lycaeides argyrognomon (Bergstrasser, [1779]). [Literature citation]. In this in- stance, both ( ) and [ ] are used, since the date of publication is clouded and the generic name has been changed. The nature of this note is purely informative; no attempt has been made to change the existing text, although this format has been followed in new and revised entries, except when split as in: Phoebis sennae (Linnaeus) PAPILIO , 1758 [to indicate the genus in which the species name was originally described]. In some instances a date is set in “ ” to indicate imprinted date of publication when the actual date of publication is different. 2 . Dating of the early literature is somewhat uncertain. The late C. F, Cowan has suggested the following revisions to references cited in the text of Memoir No. 2, and which represent the current status of this material. The numbers set apart in { } in this and the sections that follow indicate respectively the page and species entry numbers of the associated reference. Only the page numbers are indicated for family-group names. Available names appear in the Official Lists (and subsequent Opinions) published by the I.C.Z.N. See ^ 15 on page 4. PAPILIONIDAE {55}; PAPILIONINAE {59}; Papilionini {61}: Latreille, [1802]. Hist. Nat, Crust. Ins. 3: 387, “Ann. X”, but [Nov. 1802]. Parnassiinae; Parnassiini {55}: Duponchel, [1835]. In Godart, Hist. nat. L6pid. France. Suppl. 1 (Livraison 22): 380; 1832-[1835]. PIERIDAE; Pierinae; Pierini {68}: Duponchel, [1835]. In Godart, Hist. nat. L6pid. France. Suppl. 1 (Livraison 22): 381; 1832-[1835]. DISMORPHIINAE {91}: This same name was used earlier by Schatz, 1886. In Staudinger and Schatz, Exot. Schmett. 2 (Die Famdien und Gattungen. . .): 56, 57. An even yet earlier name is LEPTALINAE: Bar, 1878 (as LEPTALIDES). Ann. Soc. ent. France (5) 8: 12, 23. MILETINAE Corbet, “1939” {91}: Since this name is valid under Art. 40(a) of the CODE, it should be cited as: Corbet, 1939 (1886) in accordance with Art. 40(b) 1886 being the date of the superseded GERYDINAE Doherty. RIODINIDAE {127}; Riodininae {128}: Grote, 1895 (1827). Mitt. Roemermus. Hildesheim, (1); 1; 1895 (1827), by I.C.Z.N. Opinion 1073. LIBYTHEIDAE {132}: Boisduval, 1833. Nouv. Ann. Mus. H. N. Paris (2) 2: 200 [reprinted as Faune Entom. Madag., Bourbon et Maurice (L^id.); 52], Argynninae {135}: Duponchel, [1835]. In Godart, Hist. nat. Lipid. France, Suppl. 1 2 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) (Livraison 23): 394; 1832-[1835]. MELITAEINI; Melitaeini {152}: An earlier usage is: Tutt, 1896. Ent. Rec. J. Var. 7: 301. Nymphalini {170}: An earlier usage of Vanessini was: Duponchel, [1835]. In Godart, Hist. nat. Lipid. France. Suppl. 1 (Livraison 23): 397; 1832-[1835]. Hypolimnini {175}: This name is invalid under Art. 60(a) of the CODE. A suggested replacement is: Junoniini Reuter, 1836. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 22: 554. Epicaliini {180}: Guen6e, 1865. In Vinson, Voy. Madagascar, Annexe F: 28. Eurytelini {182}; An earlier usage is: Biblidini Boisduval, 1833. Nouv. Ann. Mus. H. N. Paris (2) 2: 201. [Reprinted as Faune Entom. Madag., Bourbon et Maurice (Lepid.): 53]. Ageroniini {183}: Doubleday, 1847. Gen. dium. Lepid. 1(8): 81. Marpesiinae {185}: An earlier usage is: Cyrestinae Guende, 1865. In Vinson, Voy. Madagascar, Annexe F: 180. Charaxinae {186}: Guende, 865. In Vinson, Voy. Madagascar, Annexe F: 28. DANAIDAE: Danainae {203}: Boisduval, 1833. leones Hist. Ldpid. Europe 1 (Li- vraison 9): 84; 1832-[1834]. 3 . The name Gu6rin-M6neville should be spelled with only two acute accent marks rather than the three shown throughout the text. Regarding his publications, the Iconog. Regne Anim. Cuvier was issued in 45 livraisons (parts) of 450 plates of all orders from 1829- 1838. The complete text followed in 1844. Consequently aU page references must be [1844], and aU plate references must be earlier {94:398} thoe: pi. 81, 1831; text [1844]. {128:528} virginiensis: pi. 81, 1831; text [1844]. {202:757} balder: pi. 80, 1831; text [1844]. Griffith’s Anim. Kingdom Cuvier commenced publication in 1824, but the insect portion began in 1831. Griffith translated Cuvier’s work from the French, and guest authors added supplementary chapters in which new species were introduced. Thus volumes 14 and 15 of the Insects (in 3 and 4 parts, respectively) were direct translations from Latreille in Cuvier’s edition 2, vols. 4 and 5 (1829-30), illustrated by plates exactly copied as mirror images from Gudrin-Mdneville’s Iconographie, which had just begun to appear. A supplementary chapter by G. R. Gray, with its own original plates, followed each insect order. Gray’s concept of Erycina can be evaluated by his own plate 102, with three fig- ures of Erycina species, one of which is Erycina (Lamproptera) curias (PapUionidae). Griffith copied six of Gudrin-Mdneville’s butterfly plates. Griffith’s plates 3, 21, 2, 43, 47, 58 are exact copies of Gudrin-Mdneville’s plates 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81 respectively. Gu6rin-M6neville’s plate 80 introduced the name balder, and plate 81 the names thoe and virginiensis, all three being “Boisduval” manuscript names. The full legends of Gudrin-M6neviUe’s plates were faithfully copied in those of Griffith. Gray had no part in this, although these names have at times been attributed to him. Gray’s only involvement in this was in the index to the last (seventh) part of the insects. He gave a short account of the colors of each insect: “for the sake of those without coloured plates.” This was issjaed well after the plates appeared. Even if Griffith had inadvertently issued a copied plate before Gu6rin-M6neville’s original had appeared, the name should be attributed to Gu6rin-M6neville and not to Gray. 4 . The name Le Conte is variously misspelled Leconte, etc. in the text. 5 . Several Boisduval citations should be corrected as follows: Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 3 {188}: Satyridae; {190}: Satyrinae; {199}: Satyrini; {200}: Oeneis; 202:758a, b. leones Hist. Lepid. Europe 1: [page numbers as shown]. {17}: Achlyodes; 61:301; 65:3 22 ; 66:322; 67:324; 68:328; 71:336d; 73:339a; 82:360, a; 87:347, a; {91}: Nathalis; {128}: Euselasia; {132}: LIBYTHEIDAE (see note above about prior usage); 233:500. [1834]. {In Roret). Hist. Nat. Ins., Sp. G6n. L6pid. [page or plate citation as shown]. Regarding C. F. Cowan’s research into the Boisduval publication dales, the title page of the second book shows the following: “leones Historique des L6pidopteres Nouveaux ou peu Connus. Collection, avec Figures color6es, des Papillons d’ Europe nouvellement d6couverts; Ouviage formant le Complement de tous les autres Iconographies; par Le Docteur Boisduval. Paris, A LaLibrairie Encyclopedique de Roret, 1832.” The situation seems to be that signatures of the book were issued successively over a period of several years, and then eventually bound as a whole. 6. Regarding Godart’s Enc. Meth.: this publication was issued in two parts; Part 1 to page 328 in 1819; Part 2, pp. 329-828 [1824]. The Supplement was not a separate issue, but rather a portion of Part 2 and began with p. 804. Godart’s “Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris 2, 1822” was never published and one copy (at least) exists in proof form at the MNHN in Paris. Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris 1 for the year 1821 was published in 1822; Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris 3 for 1823 was published in 1825. Thus for 60:299, the citation should read: [1824]. Enc. Meth. 9(2): 810. 7 . “Johansson”, 1763: present day botanists and zoologists are in general agreement that in the time of Linnaeus it was customary for the Praeses (Linnaeus) to write the thesis, and for the pupil (Johansson) to propose and defend it. Consequently all new names are credited to the Praeses. Thus the references to “Johansson” should be emended to read: Linnaeus {in Johansson), 1763; 86:372, for example. Further discussion of this matter is found in Marshall [1983. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 78: 375-396]. 8 . Art. 31 of the CODE clearly states that a species-group name must agree in gender with the generic name with which it is at any time combined, hence such changes as Eurema mexicana to Eurema mexicanum [89:380 and elsewhere]. 9. Members of the Committee have received inquiries as to why the nomenclature in the Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico edited by R. W. Hodges differs from the nomenclature in Memoir No. 2, when MiUer and Brown also authored the butterfly section in the Check List. Although Memoir No. 2 was published in 1981 and the Check List in 1983, because of publication delays, the latter is actually an earlier edition of the text of Memoir No. 2. Nomenclatural changes were made in Memoir No. 2 that do not appear in the Check List. Other changes relate to Note 8 immediately above. 10. C. F. Cowan bibliography (papers related to dates of publication of butterfly names and related subjects). Cowan, C. F., 1969a. Bpisduval’s Species General des Lepidopteres. J. Soc. Biblphy nat. Hist. 5(2): 121-122. , 1969b. Boisduval and Le Conte: Histoire Generale et Iconographie des Lepi- dopteres et des Chenilles de V Amerique Septentrionale. J. Soc. Biblphy nat. Hist. 5(2): 125-134. , 1969c. Notes on Griffith’s Animal Kingdom of Cuvier (1824-1835). J. Soc. Biblphy nat. Hist. 5(2): 137-140. , 1969d. On the Mimoires de la Societe Linnenne de Paris, 1822-27. J. Soc. 4 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) Biblphy nat. Hist. 5(2): 152-154. , 1970a. Boisduval’s leones des Lepidopteres d' Europe “1832" [-1841]. J. Soc. Biblphy nat. Hist. 5(4): 291-302. , 1970b. Boisduval et al., Collection . ... des Chenilles d’ Europe “1832" [-1837]. J. Soc. Biblphy nat. Hist. 5(4): 303-323. , 1971. On Gxxiim.' s Iconographie: particularly the insects. J. Soc. Biblphy nat. Hist. 6(1): 18-29. , 1976. On the Disciple’s Edition of Cuvier’s Regne Animal. J. Soc. Biblphy nat. Hist. 8(1): 32-64. 11. Regarding the Gunder names contained in Memoir No. 2, frequently the statement appears: “HT should be in AMNH.” The Gunder types are in fact at AMNH and a list of those type specimens was published by dos Passes [1938. American Mus. Novitates (999): 1-16]. 12. Several publications by Ahmet O. Ko^ak which appeared in the journal Priamus have come to the attention of the Committee [1981. 1(2): 93-96; 1983. 3(1); 3-5; 1984. 3(3): 93-97], In these articles, Ko^ak has proposed corrections in nomenclature at the family and species level regarding several entries in Memoir No. 2. Where appropriate, changes have been made in this Supplement. In other instances, Kogak has apparently disregarded several I.C.Z.N. Opinions, and his emendations are not followed. 1 3. The abbreviations used to designate several museums have changed in the past few years (USNM to NMNH, for example). To avoid confusion, the same abbreviations as were used in Memoir No. 2 are retained herein. 14. Methods of bibliographic citation vary. The journal and serial abbreviations used herein are consistent with those in general usage, with the exception that national names are spelled out (Canadian Ent. as opposed to Can. Ent.) as was done in Memoir No. 2. 15. A useful reference fra- persons seriously interested in matters of nomenclature is: Melville, R. A. and J. D. D. Smith, eds. 1987. Official Lists and Indexes of Names and Works in Zoology. Published by the International Trust for Zoological Nomen- clature, c/o British Museum (Natural History), London, UK. 1 6. Charles A, Bridges of Urbana, IL has published (1984) a useful concordance to Memoir No. 2 in which appear indices to original descriptions, journals and serials, and a general bibliography. The title of this work is: Notes on Species- group names mentioned in the Miller & Brown CataloguefChecklist of the Nearctic Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera). This publication may be purchased from the author, who is a member of the Lepidopterists’ Society. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 5 PART II REVISIONS AND EMENDATIONS TO MEMOIR NO. 2 Editorial Note: The section on the HESPERIOIDEA was prepared by the Editor with substantial input from Jonathan P. Pelham and Ray E. Stanford. It was reviewed and emended by L. D. and J. Y. Miller, R. E. Stanford, and S. R. Steinhauser. In many of the entries in Memoir No. 2 where the taxon was described by W. H. Edwards, the comment is found with respect to type locality and/or type specimens; “designated by F. M. Brown and L. Miller, in press”. The related publications are: Trans. American ent. Soc., 106: 43-88, 1980; 113: 29-71, 1987. Superfamily HESPERIOIDEA Latreille 1:1 Add at end of prefatory material: = Apyrrhothrix Evans, 1951. Cat. American Hesp. Brit. Mus. (N.H.): 8. Lapsus calami. 1:1a Correct museum citation to: BM . 2:3 Correct third line of entry: = polybius (Fabricius), etc. 2:3a Delete [ ] from [1 866] entry in 2nd line. Correct museum citation for socius and decolor to: BM. 2:4 Correct museum citation in 2nd line to: BM. 4:7 Add as follows: c. c. californicus MacNeill [nccJ. B. Smith, 1891], 1975. //i Howe, 7c. Butts. N. America: 572. TL - China Flat, El Dorado Co, California. LT in CAS. Although this name has been attributed to J. B. Smith, apparent- he never published it. 4:V Revise 3rd line of entry to read: (= Papilio leo Gmelin, 1790. Syst. Nat. ed. 13, 1: 2363; subspecies). Lines 12 & 13, delete entry: (= Papilio leo . . . 1790). Revise entry to read: * 1 . leo (Gmelin), etc. Delete 9 at end of line, a. 1. histrio Rober, 1925. Ent. Mitted., 14: 161. TL- “Panama”. Type 9a. probably was in Dresden. = f. “arizonensis” (Skinner) ERYCIDES, 1911. Etc. = f. “paUida” Rober, 1925. Etc. Editorial Note: Evans [1955. Cat. American Hesp. in BM (N.H.), part IV, Appendix II, p. 476] has stated: “Comstock 1944 assigns the locality of lividus Hiibner to Hispaniola: the name should therefore be removed from the synonyms of leo and used as a subspecies in place of ishmael, which becomes a synonym of lividus.” 6:17 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: mexicana. 6:18 Add to entry: = maculate, Seitz, 1925. Grossschmett. Erde, 5: pi. 161d. Lapsus calami. 6:19 Correct end of 1st line of procerus entry to read: ... 55: 8 19. To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: procera. 7 :XII Add as follows in Goniurus entry: = Goniuris Westwood, 1852. Gen. dium. Lepid., (2): 510. Lapsus calami. 6 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) = Goniarus Mabille 1891. Bull. C. R. Soc. ent. Belgique, 35: 9. Lapsus calami. 7:24 Add to entry: Neotype male designated by S. R. Steinhauser, 1981 [Bull. AUyn Mus., (62): 13] as follows: MCAS, Chenypoint, Craven Co., N[orth] C[arolina]. NT in AME. 7:25 Replace pronta Evans with pronus Evans as follows: 2. pronus Evans, 1952, Cat. American Hesp. Brit, Mus. (N.H,), 2: 89. 11^ - Ambato, Ecuador. HT in BM. = plinius Bell, 1956. American Mus. Novitates (1778): 1-5. TL - Santa Cruz, Bolivia. HT in AMNH. 9:33 Delete this entry; species does not occur in our region. This record (by Greg Nielson; March, 1972) was reported in McGuire and Rickard [1974. Annotated Check List of the Butts. Bentsen-Rio Grande Val. St. Pk. and Vic. Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept., Mission, TX. Entry 223.1]. The record proved to be a misidentification of U, doryssus (fide W. W. McGuire, in Hit.). 9:X1II Modify end of 2nd line as follows: (1875 Papilio aulestes recte aulestis Cramer, [1780]. Uitl. KapeUen, 3: 161, etc. See: Steinhauser, 1986 [Bull. Allyn Mus., (104): 1-2]. 10:XIV Add species as follows: 3. cinctus (Plotz) CECROPTERUS, 1882. Bed. ent. Zeit., 26: 261. TL - 41.1. “Oaxaca”, Mexico. Loc. of type unknown. = cinctus (Godman and Salvin) CECROPTERUS, 1894. Biol. Central!- Americana, Lepid. Rhop., 2: Tab. 80, fig. 3, emendation of cincta (Plotz), 1882. = rotundatus (Mabille) TELEGONUS, 1883. Bull. Soc. ent. Bel- gique, 27:52. TL - “S. America”. ST’ s may be in BM. 11:46 Correct date entry: 1881[1882]. 1 1:48 Scott [1986. Butts. N. America] has elevated f. “albosuffusa” to subspecific status. Since this phenotype occurs to some extent in many pylades pop- ulations in western North America, we retain its form status. 11:50 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: mexicanus. 1 1 ;50a It is doubtful that nominate mexicanus occurs in our region. 12:50 Add as follows : d. m. bianco Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1: 7. TL - Crooked Creek 50d, Lab., 10,150’, 3 airline mi. N, Inyo Co, line, Mono Co., California. HT in California Insect Survey, Berkeley, California. 12:51 Add to entry: = confusus Auct. Lapsus calami. 12:53 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: valerianus. There is considerable uncertainty about this taxon, and apparently valer- ianus does not occur in our region. It may or may not be a synonym of mysie. Tilden [1949. Bull. S. Calif. Acad. Sci., 48: 4-6; 1975. J. Lepid. Soc., 60-61], however, reviewed the taxonomy of mysie Dyar and concluded that it is a valid species in the genus Phoedinus Godman and Salvin. Several recent publications have followed this arrangement. This genus was placed by Evans in his Catalogue (1953) as a synonym of Cogia Butler. The type-species of Phoedinus is Eudamus caicus Herrich- Schaffer, 1869 which is now placwi as Cogia caicus. On this basis then, the taxon mysie should be plac^ under Cogia. See entry 14:XXI below. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 7 12:XVni Correct spelling to: Ancistrocampta. 13;XXI The comments in Note 36 are superseded by Cowan, 1970. Ann. Rhop.: 53. 1 4:62a It is doubtfijl that nominate caicus occurs in our area. 14:XXI Add new species as follows; 4. mysie (Dyar) THORYBES, 1904. J. New York ent. Soc., 12: 40. TL - 62.1 . Patagonia Mtns., Arizona. HT in USNM. This species has been collected in southern Arizona. See comment above under entry 12:53. 14 New entry as follows: Genus XXIA: Artcurotia Butler and Druce 1872. Cist. Ent., 1: 112. Type-species by original designation: Arteurotia tractipennis Butler and Druce, 1872. Cist. Ent., 1: 112. l.tractipennis Butler and Druce, 1872. Cist. Ent., 1: 112. TL - Costa Rica. HT in BM. a. t. tractipennis Butler and Druce, 1872. Cist. Ent., 1: 112. TL - Costa 62.5a. Rica. HT in BM. = ribbei (Staudinger) HELIAS, 1875. Verb, zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 25: 117. TL - Chiriqui, Panama. LT may be in ZMHU. 15:XXIII Add as follows: 3. diniidiata Herrich-Schaffer, 1870. CorrespBl. zool.-min. Ver. Regens- burg, 24; 160. TL - “Mexico”. Loc. of type unknown. a. d. dimidiata Herrich-Schaffer, 1820. CorrespBl. zool.-min. Ver. Reg- 65.1a. ensburg, 160. TL- “Mexico". Loc. of type unknown. = didia Moschler, 1876. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien., 26: 340. TL- “Surinam”. Type may be in Vienna. = corinna Plotz, 1882. Berl. ent. Zeit., 26: 254. TL - “Mexico". Type may be in Munich. = nivonicus (Plotz) ACHLYODES, 1884. Jahrb. nass. Ver. Nat., 37:14. TL- “Mexico". Type may be in Munich. = bilinea Mabille, 1889. Le Naturaliste 1889: 216. TL - “Chiriqui”, Panama. Type should be in MNHN. = bobae (Weeks), P API AS, 1906. Canadian Ent., 38: 203. TL - Suapure, Venezuela. HT may be in MCZ, = hypsipyle Hayward, 1947. Acta zool. lilloana, 3; 121. TL - “Columbia”. HT in Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires. 16:XXV Add as follows: 4 . azteca (Scudder) PHOLISORA, 1 872. 4th Ann. Rept. Peabody Acad. 70.1. Sci. [1871]: 72. TL- Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. HT should be in MCZ. 16:74 Add to entry; = trixus Auct. Lapsus calami Editorial Note: In the text of Uitlandsche Kapellen 4:87, Stoll referred to “Tryxus” and stated that it belongs “aux Plebeiens nobles” or “onder de Dikkop-Kapellen”. dos Passos [1960. J. Lepid. Soc., 14(1): 24-36] con- sidered similar use in the text by Cramer to be a nomen nudum and used the index spelling. If one accepts this reasoning, then the index spelling trixus 8 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) would apply with the date 1784 rather than 1780 [see Brown, 1941. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 34(1): 128]. 17 Insert genus entry as follows: Genus XXIXA Antigonus Hiibner [1891]. Verz. bekannt. Schmett. (7): 108. Type- species by monotypy: Urbanus erosus Hiibner, [1812]. Saminl. exot. Schmett., 1: pi. [153]. l.emorsus(R. Felder) L£f/COC///rO^EA, 1869. Verb, zool.-bot. Ges. 74.5. Wien, 19: 479. TL - “Mexico”. HT in BM. = albimedia (Draudt) SYSTASEA, [1922]. In Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde 5: 904. TL - “Mexico”. Loc. type not known. 1 8:78 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: stigmatica. 18:81a The synonym llano was treated as a separate subspecies by Durden [1982. J. Lepid. Soc., 36(1): 8]. 19:82 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: bninneus. 20:85a Add: = juvenis (Hiibner) NISONIADES, [1819]. Verz. bekannt. Schmett., (7): 108. 21 :93c To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: perniger. 21:99a Add: = Cervantes (Boisduval) THAN AOS ^ 1852. Ann. Soc. ent. France (2)10: 310. TL - “California”. HT may be in USNM or BM. 22: 101 Change entry number to 101a and emend entry as follows: TL of ruralis restricted by Scott, 1981 [Papilio (new series), 1: 7] to Tuolumne Co., California. 23:101 Add: TL of caespitatis restricted by Scott, 1981 [Papilio (new series), 1: 7] to Marin Co., California. Add entry 101b as follows: b. r. lagunae Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1:7. TL - N. end, E. La- 101b. guna Mtns., San Diego Co., California. HT in LACM. 24: 1 10 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: lavianus. 25:116 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: mejicana. 25:XLI Delete reference to Hesperopsis and split it out as a separate genus with species as follows: Genus XLIA Hesperopsis Dyar 1905. J. New York ent. Soc., 13: 118. Type-species by original desig- nation: Thanaos alpheus W. H. Edwards, 1876. Trans. American ent. Soc., 5; 206. See Stanford, 1980 [in Ferris and Brown, Butts. Rocky Mtn. States: 87]. 1. Ubya(Scudder)//£r££<9/T££C/S, 1878. Etc. a. I. libya (Scudder) HEJEROPTERUS, 1878. Etc. 117a. b. 1. lena (W. H. Edwards), ANCYLOXYPHA, 1882. Etc. 117b. 2. alpheus (W. H. Edwards) THANAOS, 1876. Etc. a alphaeas Dyar, 1905. Lapsus calami. a. a. alpheus (W. H. Edwards) T/fANAOS, 1876. Etc. 118a. b. a. oricus (W. H. Edwards) PHOLISORA, 1879. Etc. 118b. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 9 26:XLII 26;120a 27:123 27:XLIV 28:131 28:134 29 30:139 30:LIV 31:144 31:147 32:148 32:148 c. a. texanus Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1:8. TL - Boca Chica, 20-22 mi. E. Brownsville, Cameron Co., Texas. HT in LACM. 3.gracidae (MacNeUl) PHOLISORA, 1970. Etc. Add at end of genus entry: = Pamphila W. J. Holland [nec Fabricius], 1898. Butterfly Book: 342. Add: = mackenziei Wyatt, 1965. Zeit. wien ent. Ges., 50: 70. TL - ??? HT presumed to be in Wyatt Collection in Karlsruhe Museum, West Germany. To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: microstictus. Editorial Note: There is considerable confusion about this taxon. No re- vision is presented herein, but the reader is referred to: Freeman, 1979 [Bull. Allyn Mus., (52): 5-6] for the discussion of Piruna mexicana Freeman; Scott, 1986 [Butts. N. America; 426] for his discussion of Piruna cingo Evans. Add species as follows; 3.syraces (Godman) CYMAENES, [1901]. In Godman and Salvin, Biol. Centrali-Americana, Lepid. Rhop., 2: 595, pi. 103, figs. 1-3. TL - “Mexico”. HTinBM. Add to entry: = Iherminieri Auct. Lapsus calami. Correct spelling to: tripunctus. New entry as follows: Genus LIA Vettius Godman In Godman and Salvin, 1901. Biol. Centrali-Americana, Lepid. Rhop., 2: 589. Type- species by original designation; Papilio phyllus Cramer, [1777]. Uitl. Kapellen 2(15): 122, pi. 176, figs. B, C. 1 . fantasos (Stoll) PAPILIO, 1780. Pap. Exot., 4: T. 300, figs. E, F. TL - Surinam. Loc. of type unknown. = abebalus (Stoll) PAPILIO, [1781]. Uitl. Kapellen 4(31): 145, pi. 365, figs. G, H. TL - “Guinea and Cape of Good Hope”. Loc. of type unknown. = eucherus (Plotz) HESPERIA, 1882. Stett. ent. Zeit., 43: 452. TL - “Surinam”. Loc. of type unknown, perhaps in Munich. Correct reference to Note 87 to: Note 84. Add species as follows: 2. huasteca (H. A. Freeman), TIRYNTHIA, 1966. J. Lepid. Soc., 23 (Suppl. 2): 44, pi. 14, figs. 3-6; pi. 10, fig. 5. TL - 7 mi. S. Valles, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. HT in USNM. Correct spelling to: powesheik. Also misspelled in MONA Check List (the species name differs from the spelling of the county name). To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: aurantiacus. To confoim to the CODE, emend speUing to: minimus. Add to entry: = singularis (P16tz [nec Herrich-Schaffer, 1865]) THYMELICUS, 118c. 119. 126.1. 137.5. 140.1. 10 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) 32:LX 1884. Stett. ent. Zeit., 45: 284. TL - ???. Loc. of type unknown. Correct spelling in 4th line of entry to: Adopoea. Scudder [1875. Proc. 32:150 Amer. Acad. Arts. Sci., 10: 103] misspelled this name as Adopoea. Correct Note 73 to read: Note 75. 33:151 Add at end of entry: Many other palearctic synonyms omitted. Add to entry; a. p. phyleus (Drury) PAPILIO, [1773]. Etc. 151a. b. p. muertovalle Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1: 10. TL - Furnace 151b. Creek, date grove. Death VaUey, Inyo Co., California. HT in LACM. 34;154a Add to entry: TL restricted by Scott, 1981 [PapUio (new series), 1: 12] to “Nr. Victorville, San Bernardino Co., California”. 34:154 Add entry as follows: c. e. alinea Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1: 12. TL - Afton, San Ber- 154c. nardino Co., California. HT in LACM. 34:LXV Correct spelling in 7th line of prefatory material to; Sodovsky. Add at end of entry: = Herpena W, H. Edwards, 1872. In Hayden, Geol. Surv, Montana: 466-467. Lapsus calami. 35:158 36:158 Add at end of entry: Many palearctic synonyms omitted. Add to entry: o. c. oroplata Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1: 8. TL - Spring Creek, 158o. Fremont Co., Colorado. HT in LACM. 36:161, 162 Scott and Stanford ["1981(82)”. J. Res. Lepid., 20(1): 18-35] demon- strated that leonardus and pawnee are conspecific. Thus these entries should be as 161 (delete existing 162) and arranged, starting at end of leonardus entry, as follows; a. 1. leonardus Harris, 1862. Etc. 161a. b. 1. pawnee Dodge, 1874. Etc. 161b. c. 1. montana (Skinner) PAM PH I LA, 1911. Etc. 161c. 36:164 Add following California entry: = californica Skinner, 1920. Ent. News, 31: 175. Lapsus calami. 36:165a Correct entry to read: HT in AMNH. 36:165b Durden, 1982 [J. Lepid, Soc., 36(1): 9] has treated this taxon as a separate 37:174 species. Delete coras, and replace with peckius (W. Kirby). The taxon coras refers to a questionable species from South America. See Stanford, 1980 [m Ferris and Brown, Butts. Rocky Mtn. States: 118]. 38:175 Add entry as follows: d. s. ministigma Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1:9. TL - 8 mi. W. 175d. Crestone, Saguache Co., Colorado. HT in LACM. 38:175 The following changes should be made based upon a recent revisionary paper [Austin, 1987. Bull. AUyn Mus., (109): 1-24]: The name genoa listed under 175a should be placed as a separate sub- species 175e. Austin {op. cit., p. 3) has fixed the TL as Carson River Valley, Douglas Co., Nevada. Add five new subspecies as follows: f. s. alkaliensis Austin, 1987, BuU. AUyn Mus., (109): 4-5. TL - Nev. 175f. 8A, 1.3 mi. W. Nev. 34, Granite Mtns., Washoe Co., Nevada. HT in Nevada State Museum. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 11 g. s. albamontana Austin, 1987. Bull. Allyn Mus., (109): 6-7. TL- 175g. Trail Canyon, White Mtns., Esmeralda Co., Nevada. HT in Nevada State Museum. h. s. sinemaculata Austin, 1987. BuU. Allyn Mus., (109): 7-9. TL - 175h. Nev. 140, 5.0 mi. W. Denio Jet., Humboldt Co., Nevada. HT in Nevada State Museum. i. s. basinensis Austin, 1988. Bull. AUyn Mus., (120): 1. Replacement 175i. name for P. pallida Austin, 1987. Bull. Allyn Mus., (109): 9-10. TL - Nev. 722, 4.0 mi. E. of Reese River, Lander Co., Nevada. HT in Nevada State Museum. Preoccupied by Pamphila pallida Skinner, 1911. Ent. News, 22: 412. j . s. nigrescens Austin, 1987. Bull. AUyn Mus., (109): 10-12. TL - 175j. Steptoe Valley, Warm Springs, T21N, R63E, S25 on USGS Monte Neva Hot Springs, Nevada, 7.5’ quadrangle, White Pine Co., Nevada. HT in Nevada State Museum. 38:179 Add: = turneri Freeman, 1944. Ent. News, 55(2): 47. TL - Jesmond, British Columbia. HT should be in Freeman Collection in AMNH. 40:184 Freeman, 1950 [Field and Laboratory, 18(2): 78] reported from Texas W. otho curassavica (Snellen) HESPERIA, 1886. Tijdschr, Ent., 30: 28, pi. 2, figs. 3, 3a. TL - Curasao, Venezuela. Loc. of type unknown. Al- though this record has been questioned by some specialists, C. D. Ferris took a male of what appears to be this subspecies in Hidalgo Co., TX on 8.vii.72. J. Y. MUler is revising this group regarding subspeciatioh. 40: 186 Correct author font in last entry to: (H. A. Freeman). 41;187a Add to note references; [see Notes 22, 134]. Add: = flaveola (MabiUe) PAMPHILA, 1891. BuU. C. R. Soc. ent. Bel- gique, 35: cixxxiv. TL - ??? HT in ??? 41:189 Add to entry; 3. mazai H. A. Freeman, 1969. J. Lepid. Soc., 23 (Suppl. 2): 39, pi. 13, 189.1 figs. 1-2, pi. 15, fig. 8. TL - Mexcala, Guerrero, Mexico. HT in USNM, One paratype from Laredo, Webb Co., Texas. 4. potosiensis H. A. Freeman, 1969. J. Lepid. Soc., 23 (Suppl. 2): 40, 189.2 pi. 13, figs. 3-4; pi. 15, fig. 9. TL - 7 mi. S. Valles, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. HT in USNM. 42:LXXn The taxonomy in genus Ochlodes is currently in a state of flux. Several re- cent publications have placed pratincola (192b) as a separate species, and nemorum (193c) has ^en omitted entirely. Until the taxonomy in this genus is resolved, we make no changes here except to add some recently described names. 42:192a Correct reference to: [see Note 137]. TL restricted by Scott, 1981 [PapUio (new series), 1: 11] to Tuolomne gold fields, Tuolomne Co., California. 42:192b TL restricted by Scott, 1981 [Papilio (new series), 1 : 1 1] to Broderick, Yolo Co., Cdifomia. 42;192c Add; = amanda (Hotz) HESPERIA, 1883. Stett. ent. Zeit., 44: 197. TL - ??? HT in ??? 42: 192 Add as foUows; d. s. santacnizus Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1:11. TL - Central 192d. VaUey, Santa Cruz I., Santa Cruz Co., California. HT in California Insect Survey, Berkeley, California. 12 Mem. tepid. Soc., (3) e. s. orccoastus Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1: 11. XL - Cullaby 192e. Lake, Clatsop Co., Oregon. HT in LACM. f. s. bonnevillus Scott, 1981 Papilio (new series), 1: 10. XL -Thomas 192f. Can., Ruby Mtns., Elko Co., Nevada. HX in LACM. 42:193a The XL for milo (based upon H. K. Morrison’s records) must be in error. O. agricola does not occur in extreme NW Oregon (fide J. P. Pelham). 42:193c XL fixed by Scott, 1981 [Papilio (new series), 1: 11] as Broderick, Yolo Co., California, 42:LXXII Add at end of entiy : W. J. Holland recorded a specimen of O. venatus faunas (Xurati) from the United States. This was either a misidentification or an import of a European specimen. 43: 197 Rearrange and add as follows; 2.hobomok (Harris) HESPERIA, 1862. Rept. Ins. Inj. Veg., 3rd ed.: 313. XL - “Massachusetts”, Loc, of type not known [see Note 144]. a. h. hobomok (Harris) HESPERIA, 1862. Etc. 197a. b, h. wetona Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1: 9, XL - Sand Gulch, S. 197b. Greenwood, 7200’, Custer Co., Colorado. HX in LACM. 44:LXXV Add species as follows; S.vitellius (Fabricius) //ESPMM, 1793. Ent. syst., 3(1): 327. XL- 205.1. “Central American Islands”. HX - Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. Evans [1955. Cat. American Hesp. Brit. Mus. (N.H.), 4: 353] lists a female of this species from Florida in the British Museum. = huebneri (Plotz) HESPERIA, 1883, Stett. ent. Zeit., 44: 199. XL - “West Indies”. HX in ??? = insularis (MabUle) TAGIADES, 1876. Annales Soc. ent. France, 5(6); 272, XL - St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. HX in BM, = portensis (Mabille) PAMPHILA, 1891. C, R. Soc. ent. Bel- gique., 35; cixxxiv. XL - Puerto Rico. HX in ??? = commodus Kirby, 1903, In Wytsman, Fac. ed., Hiibner, Samml. exot. Schmett.: 110. A replacement name for vitellius Hiibner, erroneously considered to be a different species from vitellius Fabricius. 44:206 Delete extra ( in (Plotz). 45:213 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: conspicuus. 45:215 This taxon almost certainly represents a hybrid. 46:216 Stanford [in Ferris and Brown, 1981. Butts Rocky Mtn. States: 101] elevated illinois to subspecific status. Thus entry should show: a. b. bimacula (Grote and Robinson) HESPERIA, 1867. Etc. 216a. b . b . illinois (Dodge) HESPERIA, 1 872. Etc. 216b. 46:217 Because of the confusion surrounding the use of the name ruricola, one cannot consider that the Principle of Priority applies here. Therefore vestris Boisduval should be restored as the specific epithet. For further discussion, see Brown and McGuire, 1983. [Trans. San Diego Soc. nat. Hist., 20:69-79]. [c.f. Note 153]. 46:217b The name kiowah applies to the Rocky Mtns. populations as used by Stanford, 1980 [in Ferris and Brown, Butts. Rocky Mtn. States], See also Brown and McGuire, 1983 [Trans, San Diego Soc. nat. Hist., 20; 69- 79]. Durden [1982, J. Lepid., 36(1): 9] treated osyka as a valid sub- species. We suggest that vestris be arranged as follows: Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 13 47:226b 47:227 48:234 48:238 48:240, 241 a. V. vestris (Boisduval) HESPERIA^ 1852. Etc. 217a. b. V. metacomet (Hams) HESPERIA, 1862. Etc. 217b. c. V. kiowah (Reakirt) HESPERIA, 1866. Be. 217c. d. V. harbisoni J. W. Brown and McGuire, 1983. Trans. San Diego Soc. 217d. nat. Hist., 20(3); 58-59. TL - 13.3 km E. Dulzura, N. slope Tecate Peak, 500 m, San Diego Co., California. HT in San Diego Nat. Hist Museum. The taxon margarita should be placed as f. “margarita” of A. python (225), and the cestus entry renumbered as 226. See Tilden and Smith [1986. Field Guide Western Butts.: 223]. Delete all references to ovinia and elevate edwardsi to a full species 247. See Bums, 1983 [Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 85(2): 335-358]. Based upon rearing studies, J. A. Scott [1976. J. Res. Lepid., 15(2): 92] has determined that erna is simply a form of aenus (231). Delete this entry and place erna as a junior synonym of aenus. In its place, insert as follows; 7 . elissa Godman, [1900]. In Godman and Salvin, Biol. Centrali-Ameri- 23 4 . cana, Lepid. Rhop., 2: 505, pi. 95, figs. 40-41. TL - Mexico. HT in BM. This species is closely related to eos (244), and has been reported from southeastern Arizona. This taxon may prove to be a subspecies of tolteca Scudder, 1872 [4th Ann. Rept. Peabody Acad. Sci. 1871; 76]. Editorial note; These taxa have been considered to be synonymous by some specialists. 5 1 :260 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: hecebola. 52 In subfamily Megathyminae, delete reference to Note 170. 52:LXXXVII The taxonomy in this genus is confused. K. Roever {in Hit.) has con- ducted chromosome studies on this genus (unpublished as yet). We feel that the best arrangement of species at this time is as presented by Roever, 1975 [in Howe, Butts. N. America]. We wUl not duplicate this information here. One item should be noted, however, Freeman (in lilt.), as reported by Ferris [1977, J. Lepid. Soc., 31(1): 74-75] has pointed out that chisosensis (271) differs in chromosome number (18) from neumoegeni (265) (10). Roever placed chisosensis as a subspecies of neumoegeni. The CHECK- LIST (PART III of this Memoir) has been rearranged to conform to Roever’ s treatment with the one exception nc^ed above. 52:267 Correct spelling to; florenceae. 53 In Tribe Megathymini, delete reference to Note 170. 54;286j To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: albasufTusus. 54:289, As suggested by Ferris, 1980 [m Ferris and Brown, Butts. Rocky Mtn. 290 States; 143], these taxa should be arranged after the iniiid streckeri entry as follows: a. s. streckeri (Skinner) AEGIALE, 1876, Etc. b. s. texanus Barnes and McDunnough, 1912. Etc. c. s. leussleri Holland, 1931. Etc. 54:292 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: maculosa. 289a. 289b. 289c. 55 : Superfamily PAPILIONOIDEA Latreille Revise headings as follows: 14 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) Superfamily PAPILIONOIDEA Latreille Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins., 3: 387, “Ann. X”, but [Nov., 1802]. Family PAPILIONIDAE Latreille Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins., 3: 387, “Ann. X”, but [Nov., 1802]. See I.C.Z.N. direction 116, 1985. Bull. zool. Nom., 42(pt. 1): 41-42. ' Subfamily Parnassiinae Duponchel Duponchel, 1832-[1835]. In Godart, Hist. nat. L^pid. France, Suppl. 1, (Livraison 22): 380. 55:XC Correct lit. cit. 4th line of text to read: VetenskAkad.; 18th line: Das Tierreich. 55 :239a Correct to read: *1. eversmanni [M6n6tri6s] in Siemaschko, [1851]. Russkaya Fauna, fasc. 17, Lepidoptera, tab. 4 as explanation to fig. 5. TL - Kansk (Krasnoyarsk Dist., U.S.S.R.). Male HT in Zool. Inst. Leningrad, a. e. thor Hy. Edwards, 1881. Papilio, 1:4. TL - Yukon River, Alaska 293a about 100 mi. from mouth. HT in AMNH [see note 178], = pinkensis Gauthier, 1984. Ent. Zeitschr., 94: 319. Replacement name fox meridionalis Eisner, 1978. Zool. Meded., 53: 109, pi. 2, figs. 9, 10. TL - Pink Mt., British Columbia, HT in Rijksmus. Nat. Hist. (Leiden): preoccupied by P. apollo meridionalis Pagen- stecher, 1^. [see Note 179], = ab. “kohlsaati” Gunder, 1932. Etc, 56:294b This subspecies is now presumed to be extinct. 5 6 :294 h Delete synonym shepardi, and add this taxon as subspecies k. k.c. shepardi Eisner, 1966. Zool. Meded., 41: 145-146. TL-Wawa- 294k wai Snake R., Washington. HT in Rijksmus. Nat. Hist. (Leiden). This subspecies, which is now extinct at the TL owing to construction of a dam and flooding of the site, bears no resemblance to altaurus. See discussion in Ferris, 1976. J. Res. Lepid., 15(2): 65-74, The shepardi phenotype does still occur in isolated pockets in areas close to the TL. 57:295d Add as foUows: = olympianus Auct. Lapsus calami. 57:295e Shepard, 1984 (Quaestiones Entomologicae, 20: 35-44) has restricted type localities and designated lectotypes for several Doubleday taxa. Based upon Shepard’s research, the type of smintheus was collected by Joseph Burke in 1844 [not 1845 as stated by Doubleday] near Jasper, Alberta, and restricted by Shepard to vie. of Rock Lake (53°27’N, 118°16’W). Shepard has selected as the LT of smintheus a male specimen presented to the British Museum in 1845 by Doubleday and labeled: “Syntype, Rocky Mts. Pres, by Earl of Derby, 45-136, 33.6, spec, exam C. Eisner”. A label has been attached to this specimen with the data: “Lectotype of Parnassius smintheus, designated by Jon H. Shepard, 1983”. This LT is in the BM. Correct the 4th line as follows: = sedakovii [M6n6tri6s] m Siemaschko, [1851]. Russkaya Fauna, Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 15 fasc. 17, Lepidoptera, tab. 4 as explanation to fig. 2. TL - Irkutsk. Female LT in Zool. Inst., Leningrad. 58 :295g Correa the literature citation in the 8th line of entry to read: Lepidopterist. 57:295 Although stated on oi Memoir No. 2 that the authors followed “the best available revision” within genera, the published revision by Ferris, 1976 [J. Res. Lepid., 15(1): 1-22] was not followed for the entries under Parnassius phoebus. The following reassignraents should be made: 295c magnus should be placed as a junior synonym of 295e smintheus, which now becomes 295d. 29Sf xanthus should be placed as a junior synonym of 295d (new) smintheus. 295e (new) should now be shown as sub- species montanulus Bryk and Eisner, with maximus Bryk and Eisner as a junior synonym. The remaining subspecies are renumbered as shown in the Checklist. 59: Heading should read: SubfamUy PAPILIONINAE Latreille Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins., 3: 387, “Ann. X”, but [Nov., 1802]. General Note: The generic names used in this section are in general agreement with the family revision on a World basis published by Hancock [1983. Smithersia, 2: 1-48]. 59:XCI Correct 2nd line of type species entry to read: Princeps echelus Hiibner, [1815] Princeps eckemon Hiibner, [1813]. Samml. exot. Schmett., 1: pi. [121]). 59:296 Correct date of publication of eurimedes to: [1782], 59:296a Correa entry to read: = Ureas (Stoll) PAPILIO, [1872]. In Cramer, Uitl. KapeUen, 4: 174. TL . . . 60:297 For [see Note 000], read: [see Note 1S>6]. 60:297a At end of entry, insert additional ^nonym and explanatory note as follows: = sepentariae Fabricius, 1938 [in Bryk, J. Chr. Fabricius Systema Glossatorum. Im Anhang: K. lUiger: Die neuste Gattungs-Eint- heilung der Schmetterlinge aus den Linneischen Gattungen Papilio und Sphinx. J. Chr. Fabricius: Rechenschaft an das Publicum iiber seine Classification der Glossaten. Verlag Gustav Feller, Neu- brandenburg, Germany, pp. 23-24]. This reference is subsequently abbreviated as: J. C, Fabr. Syst. Gloss. This is a replacement name for philenor based upon a foodplant name. 60:297b The HT of ab. “inghami” is in AMNH. 60:299 Correct lit. cit. for Tribe Leptocircini to read: 1896. Allen’s Nats. Libr.; Lepid. (Butterflies) 2: xviii, 307. Correct 3rd line of entry to read: = Teinopalpidae Grote, 1899. Proc. American phil. Soc., 38: 16. 60:300 (Cramer) should be shown as: (Cramer) Insert additional synonym as follows: = annonae Fabricius, 1938. In Bryk, J. C. Fabr. Syst. Gloss., p. 49. A replacement name for ajax based upon an erroneous food- plant name. 61 :302 Correct page ref. for Lucas in 1st line to read 130, not 180. Correct sinon (Cramer) to: sinon (Stoll). 16 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) 61: 61:XCIV 62;303a 62:303a 62:305 62:306 62:308 63:308 63:309 Heading should read (below middle of page): Tribe Papilionini Latreille Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins., 3: 387, “Ann. X”, but [Nov., 1802]. Correct 4th line of text to read: = Amaryssus Dalman, 1816. K. Svenska VetenskAkad. Handl., Stockholm, 37: 60. Type species by original designation Papilio machaon . . . Correct spelling in 6th line to: Aernauta. Insert additional synonym as follows: = gracehus Fabricius, 1938, In Bryk, J, C, Fabr. Syst. Gloss., p. 23. This name was proposed for a female specimen of asterius in the collection of Smith Barton [in Barton Collection from Smith?] from Philadelphia, PA. 12th line (f. “pseudoamericus”). Correct page reference to: 291. At end of 303a entry, add as follows: b.p.coloro W. G. Wright, 1905. Butts. W. Coast, 86: pi. 3, fig. 25. TL - Colorado Desert, SE California; fixed by Ferris & J. Emmel [Bull. Allyn Mus., (76): 1-13] as Whitewater Hill, west end of Coachella Valley, Colorado Desert, Riverside Co., California. HT in CAS. = rudkini F. & R. Chermock, 1937. Bull. S. California Acad. Sci., 36: 8. TL - Ibanpah Mtns., California. HT in LACM. See Ferris & J. Emmel {Op. cit.) and [see Note 211], = f. “clarki” F. & R. Chermock, 1937. Bull S. California Acad. Sci., 36: 8-9. TL - Ibanpah Mtns., California, HT in LACM. = f.“comstocki” F. & R. Chermock, 1937. Bull S. California Acad. Sci., 36: 10, TL - Ibanpah Mtns., California, HT in LACM. Delete entire entry for Papilio rudkini. Add the following note at end of entry: Several specialists have suggested that this taxon represents a hybrid between Papilio machaon and P. polyxenes asterius. Scott [1981. Papilio (new series), 1: 1], however, has asserted that kahli is a subspecies of polyxenes and has used the combination P. polyxenes kahli. While Scott has cited a rearing study, his paper is not a definitive taxonomic revision. Until such a paper is published, the taxonomic placement of kahli remains unclear. Correct date in 1st line to: 1866. Correct spelling in 3rd line to: “hoUandii”. This taxon has been variously treated by authors as a separate species and as a subspecies of P. bairdii, the latter most recently by Fisher [in Ferris and Brown, 1981. Butts, of the Rocky Mtn. States, p. 183]. Under the concept that oregonius is a yellow expression of bairdii, then the entries should be changed as follows: a. b. baridii W. H. Edwards, 1869. b. b. oregonius W. H. Edwards, 1876. c. b. dodi McDunnough, 1939. Scott [1986. Butts. N.A,] without comment has placed oregonius and all 303b. 308a. 308b. 308c. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 17 63:310a 63:310b 63:311a 64:312c 64:312 65:314 65:316a 65:317 66:XCVI 66:320a 66;320b 66:320 c of the subspecies of batrdii as subspecies of mackaon. Add at end of entry: Seyer [1977. Mitteilungen ent. Ges. Basel, 27{4): 113] published three names attributed to F. Chermock. These names are also cited in Zoological Record for 1977. Apparently the taxa were intended to be new subspecies, but Chermock never published the names and no designated type specimens can be located in the Chermock material at the AME. Seyer listed only the names and did not provide descriptions. Hence the taxa Icwahvapoochesi, prestoni, and frechini are clearly nomina nuda with no taxonomic status. Add at end of entry: The name avinojfi may well apply to a yellow ex- pression of P. kahli (entry 306). Delete the entry: = chloro [^ic] W. G. Wright, etc. See new entry 303b under the correct spelling coloro. The TL has been fixed as Devil Canyon, ca. 11 km NNW of San Bernardino Co., California by S. E. Miller [1984. J. Res. Lepid., 23(2): 175]. Add two new subspecies entries as follows: h. i. phyllisae J. Emmel, 1981. J. Lepid. Soc., 35(4): 297. TL - Butter- 312h. bread Peak and ridge running to the southwest, 4900-5900’, S. 30 & 31, T. 29 S., R. 36 E., Kern Co., California. HT in LACM. i. i. panamintensis J. Emmel, 1981. J. Lepid. Soc., 35(4): 300. TL - 312i. Thorndike Campground, Wildrose Canyon, 7400’, Panamint Range, S. 35, T. 19 S., R. 45 E., Inyo Co., California. HT in LACM. Correct 5th line of entry to read: ST’s in AMNH. Add at end of entry: = luxuriosus (Reiff ms.); actually published by Forbes, 1960. Corriell Exp. Sta. Mem. 371: 104. No specific TL indicated. This is a nomen nudum. Correct font to read: (E. M. Sharpe). Correct lit. cit. to read: Spec. g6n. L6pid. Correct lit. cit. for Euphoeades ro read: (5): 83 [1819]. Correct type font: a. g. glaucus . . . Insert additional synonyms as follows: = lauri Fabricius, 1938. In Bryk, J. C. Fabr. Syst. Gloss., p. 22 A replacement name proposed for glaucus based upon a foodplant name. Add at end of entry: = ab. “ehrmanni” (Ehrmann), 1925. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 20(2): 84. TL - Hammett Place, Alleghany Co., PA. HT in CM. Correct punctuation: = ab. “gerhardi” . . . Remove synonym arcticus (Skinner) and place as a separate subspecies 320d. This butterfly is phenotypically distinct from P. g. canadensis and occurs widely in Alaska and the Yukon Territory. Replace entry as follows; c. g. maynardi (Gauthier) PAPIUO, 1984. Revista Lepid., 12: 210. Re- 320c. placement name for australis Maynard, 1891 {nec Esper, 1781). Man. N. American Butt.; 215. TL-“Horida”. HTinMCZ. Correct page ref. from 158 to 138 here and also in 321a. 66:321 18 66:321a 66;321b 66:322 67:323 67:324 67:325 a 67:326 67:326.1 67:XCVII 68:327a 68:329 Mem, Lepid. Soc., (3) Change [see Note 000] to: [see Note 231]. This is a color variant and should be placed as f. “ammoni” under 321a. To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: multicaudatus. Correct lit. cit. to read: Spec. g6n. L6pid. Add note at end of entry: Upton [1984(85). J. Lepid. Soc., 38(3): 165- 170] has asserted that eurymedon (Lucas) is predated by an earlier name proposed by Donovan [1805. Nat. Hist. Ins. New Holland, pi. 16]. Donovan’s type specimen, which appears to be eurymedon, bears a locality label “New Holland”, and the specimen is in the C.S.I.R.O., Canberra, Australia. Because Donovan’s name has not been used since 1891, a petition is being filed with the I.C.Z.N. (under Art. 79 of the CODE) to suppress the taxon in favor of the well-established eurymedon (Lucas). Correct lit. cit. to read: Spec. g6n. L6pid. Prior to the aberration entries, insert the following synonym: = anethi Fabricius, 1938. In Bryk, J. C. Fabr. Syst. Gloss., p. 21. A replacement name proposed for troilus based upon a foodplant name. In 10th line, correct author cit. to read: (Dufrane). Add note: H. A. Freeman [1951. Field and Laboratory, 19(1): 32] report- ed the occurrence in Texas of the Mexican subspecies p. leontis (Rothschild and Jordan) PAPILIO, 1906. Novit. zool., 13: 599. TL - Monterrey, Mexico. HT in BM. Add new entry as follows: 8. victorinus (Doubleday) PAPILIO, 1844. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 14: 418. TL - “West coast of Amer.” Female HT in BM. This species has been reported from Texas by Adams [1984. J. Lepid. Soc., 37: 318]; Kendall and McGuire [1984. Bull. Allyn Mus., (86): 11]. According to Hancock’s revision [1982. Smithersia, 2: 1-48], anchisiades should be associated with the genus HERACLIDES (XCV) and placed as 319.1a. In 2nd line of text, correct spelling to read: Priamides hipponous. Add at end of entry: = pandonius (Staudinger) PAPILIO, 1894. Deut. ent. Zeits. [Iris], 7: 104. Unjustified replacement name for pandion (C. and R. Felder). Family PIERIDAE Duponchel Beginning with 4th line, revise as follows: a. m. menapia (C, and R. Felder) PIERIS, 1859. Wiener ent. Monats., 3: 271. TL - “Utah” [see Note 240], here restricted to west of Pyramid Lake, Nevada. HT in BM [see Note 241]. = ninonia (Boisduval) PIERIS, 1869. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 12: 38. TL - “le plus orientale de la Califomie”. HT apparently in USNM [see Note 22]. = f. “suffusa” Stretch, 1882. Papilio, 2: 109-110. TL - vie. Spokane Falls, Washington. HT in MCZ. = ab. “nigricosta” J. A. Comstock, 1918. The Lepid., 2: 13. TL - “high Sierras of Tulare Co., California, 9-10,000 ft. (near Olancha Peak)”. HTinLACM. 326.1. 329a. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 19 b. m. tau (Scudder) PIERIS, 1861. Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 8: 183. 329b. TL - Gulf of Georgia, [Washington]. HT in MCZ. [See: Domfeld, 1980. Butts, of Oregon], c. m. melanica Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1: 2. TL - 6 mi. W. 329c. Willits, Mendocino Co., Calif. HT in LACM. Note: The relation be- tween this taxon and ninonia needs to be elucidated. 69:C Add at end of genus citations: = APPIUS F. M. Brown, 1942. Ent. News, 53: 82-83. Lapsus calami. 70;CI Add at end of genus citations: = PIERIS Auct., part, not Schrank, 1801. Fauna boica. 2(1); 152, 161. 70:332 Correct line 3 and add as noted: = pseudochloridice (McDunnough) . . . = pseudocklorodice Ferris and Brown, 1980. Butts. Rocky Mtn. States. Lapsus calami. 70:334 Add at end on entry: = protodin (W. H. Edwards) PINIS {sic = PIERIS], 1872. In Hayden, F. V., Geol. Surv, Montana, p. 466. Lapsus calami. 7 1 :CII Add at end of genus citations: = PIERIS Auct., part, not Schrank, 1801. Fauna boica. 2(1): 152, 161. 71 :CII Discussion of generic status of Artogeia The use of the generic name Artogeia in Memoir No. 2 was based upon a revisionary paper “Artogeia Verity 1947, gen. rev. for Papilio napi Linnaeus” published by Otakar Kudma in 1974 in Entomologist’s Gaz., 25: 9-12. Many specialists have questioned the use of this generic name. A year after Memoir No. 2 was issued, Kudma published another paper in which he rescinded his earlier action elevating ARTOGEIA to full generic status [in Blab, J. & O. Kudma, 1982. Hilfsprogramm fur Schmetterlinge. Naturschutz aktuell, 6: 1-135]. He further recommended that ARTOGEIA might be used in the subgeneric sense as defined by Klots [1933. A generic revision of the Pieridae. Entomologica am. (N.S.), 12: 139-242]. Robbins and Henson [1986. J. Lepid. Soc., 40(2): 79-92] have also presented data that suggest the use of PIERIS to replace ARTOGEIA. On the basis of these actions, it apprears preferable to use PIERIS as the appropriate generic name. The generic entry should be changed as follows to reflect this action, and the ( ) removed from author names when the associated species was described under the genus PIERIS. Genus CII: Pieris Schrank 1801. Fauna boica. Burchgedrachte Geschichte der in Baiem cinheimisch- en und zahmen Thiere, 2(1): 152, 161. Type-species by selection by La- treille [1810. Consid. g^n. Anim. Crust. Arach. Ins.,; 440, 351] as Papilio brassicae Linneaus, 1758, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10), 1; 467. = Artogeia Verity, 1947. FarfaUe dium. d’ltalia, 3: 192. Type- species by original designation Papilio napi Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. 20 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) Nat. (ed. 10), 1: 468. [Note 252 no longer applies]. 7 1 ; 336 Discussion of Pieris napi in North America In 1981, Ulf Eitschberger published a paper suggesting that Pieris napi does not occur in North America and he proposed several new names [Atalanta, 11: 366-371]. In 1983, he published a major work (in two volumes) devoted to the “Pieris napi-bryoniae complex” in which many new taxa were proposed, including many new North American taxa. This opus: Systematische Untersuchungen am Pieris napi-bryoniae-Komplex (s.l.) (Lepidoptera, Pieridae), Herbipoliana 1(1): 1-504; 1(2): 1-601, published by U. Eitschberger & H. Steiniger, has been the subject of two very critical reviews. The first, by A. M, Shapiro [1984. J. Lepid. Soc., 38(4): 324-327] is in the format of a conventional book review. Shapiro raises a number of questions about the validity of the treatment by Eitschberger of the North American taxa. The second review by O. Kudma and H. Geiger [1985. A critical review of “Systematische Untersuchungen am Pieris napi-bryoniae-Komplex (s.l.)” (Ixpidoptera: Pieridae) by Ulf Eitschberger, J. Res. Lepid., 24(1): 47-60] is in the form of a technical paper. Numerous errors in Eitschberger’ s work are detailed and im- proprieties regarding the I.C.Z.N. CODE are cited. The authors conclude that Eitschberger’ s study should be placed in the I.C.Z,N. Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Specific Names in Zoology. On the basis of these two reviews, no changes to reflect Eitschberger’ s work are being made in this revision to Memoir No. 2. The new taxa and their status are included here for the sake of completeness. The numbers after each entry refer to the page in which the name appears in Volume 1 of Eitschberger’s study. Only North American taxa are included here. Nomina Nuda Pieris marg inalis tremblayi 3 27 . Pieris marginalis shapiroi 330. Pieris marginalis browni 332. Pieris virginiensis hyatti 358. Available Names Pieris angelika [nec Eitschberger, 1981] 340. Pieris oleracea ekisi 272. Pieris marginalis reicheli 30 1 . Pieris marginalis meckyae 322. Pieris marginalis guppyi 324. 7 1 :33 6d Correa date in line 1 of entry to read: 1 829. 72:33 6h Insert as 8th line of entry: = macdunnoughi dos Passes, 1964. Lepid. Soc. Mem. No. 1: 40, emendation. 73:338 Add after “(1889)” in 4th line: , preoccupied by “immaculata” de Selys- Longchamps, 1857. Ann. Soc. ent. Beige, 1: 5. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 21 73:339 73:339c 74:341a 74:342 75:343d 75:344 75:CVI 75:345a Add to text related to m. monuste as follows: Based upon the Linnaean de- scription and the figures of Kleemann [1761. Der Beytrage zur Natur-oder Insecten-Geschichte, etc., in Der monathlich-herausgegebenen Insecten- Belustigung, von August Johann Rosenhof, IV: 9-68; Pis. I-VIII] and Cramer [1775-1791. Papillons exotiques de trois parties du monde I’Asie, 1’ Afrique et I’Amdrique etc., Amsterdam, I-IV], W. P. Comstock fixed the type locality for monuste as Surinam [1943. American Mus. Novitates, (1229): 1-2]. Add: The name cleomes may apply to a pale migratory form of phileta. See: Pease, R. W. Jr., 1962. Science, 137: 987-988. Scott [1981. Papilio (new Series), 1: 3] has applied the form name “nigra” to the dark form of phileta. No type specimen was specified and this is an infrasubspecific name with no standing under the CODE. Add at end of entry: = ansonoides (W. H. Edwards) ANTHOCARIS [sic], 1987. In Hayden, F. V., Geol. Surv. Montana, p. 466. Lapsus calami. In- correctly cited in MONA Check List, 1983: 51 as ausonoides [sic]. = ausoniedes (Hy. Edwards) ANTHOCARIS [sic], 1877. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 7(12): 168. Lapsus calami. = aussonides Elrod & Maley, 1096. Butts, of Montana, p. 32. Lapsus calami. Correct TL data as follows: TL - Vic. of Rock Lake, nr. Jasper, Alberta (53°27’N, 118”16’W) as restricted by Shepard, 1984 [Quaestiones Entomologicae, 20: 35-44]. LT (as selected by Shepard from Lord Derby material) in BM. [see Notes 260 and 269]. Add at end of entry: = elsa Beutenmiiller, 1898. Bull. American Mus. nat. Hist., 10: 25, TL - Laggan, “British Columbia” [Lake Louise, Alberta]. ST in AMNH. This species was originally described as a variety of creusa. Examination of a syntype in the AMNH collection proved it to be a slightly aberrant creusa. The additional specimen that BeutenmuUer stated was in the Strecker Collection cannot be found in that collection. = cre«.sa Hy. Edwards, 1881. Papilio, 1: 15. Lapsus calami. Delete entire entry. See: 74:342 (above). Add at end of entry: Form “rosa” does not apply to the color of the insect, but rather to a form in which the fore wing apical dark markings are much reduced. In the 1st line of text, correct citation as follows: [Feb. 1833], Coll. Icon. Hist. Chenilles Europ., 12: pi. Papilionides 5; and [June, 1833], 13: p. [35]. Add at end of genus citations: = Anthocaris Hemming, 1934. Gen. Names hoi. Butts., 1: 132. Lapsus calami. = Anthocaris dos Passes, 1964. Lepid. Soc., Mem. No. 1: 48-49. Lapsus calami. = Antkockris Cook, C., 1948. Lepid. Soc. News, 2(2): 22. Lap- sus calami. Add to entry: = angelina Boisduval, 1869. Ann. ent. Soc. Belgique, 12: 40. 22 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) 75:346 75:347 76:348a 76:348h 76:CVII 77:349a 77:349b 78;CVni 78:351a 79:351a 79:351c 79:352 80:353 Austin [(1986). J. Lepid. Soc., 39(2): 101] has suggested that pima and cethura are conspecific based upon intermediate populations in the Mojave Desert, Emmel and Emmel [1973. Butts. S. California] used the com- bination A. cethura pima , This situation requires further study. Further credence is given to the hybrid theory regarding this taxon [see Note 276] by Shields and Mori, "1978(1979)”, J. Res. Lepid., 17(1): 53- 55. The HT of ab. "wrighti” is not in the LACM. A note in the extant Riker mount photographed for Bate 1 1 of Comstock’s Butts. California regarding this specimen states: "ret'd to W. S. Wright, San Diego”. Correct spelling of first word in second line to: Alaska. The name Falcapica Klots is predated by Paramidea Kusnezov. Therefore the genus entry should be replaced as follows: Genus CVII: Paramidea Kusnezov [1928]. Faune URSS, Ins, L6pid. 1 (livr. 2): 58, footnote. Type-species by original designation Midea scolymus (Butler) ANTHOCHARIS, [1866], J. linn. Soc. Lend., Zool., 9: 52. (cf. Hemming, 1967: 340, fide Nekrutenko). = % Midea Herrich-Schaffer, 1867. Corresp.-Bl. zool.-min. Ver. Regensburg, 21; 105, 143. Type-species by monotypy Papilio genutia Fabricius, 1793. Ent. Syst., 3: 193; preoccupied (= Mancipium midea Hiibner, [1809]. Samml. exot. Schmett., 1: pi. [142], figs. 1-4). Preoccupied by Midea Bruzelius, [1855], Beskr. Hydrachn.: 35. = Falcapica Klots, 1930. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 25: 83. Type- species, as replacement name, Papilio genutia Fabricius, 1793. Ent, Syst., 3: 193; preoccupied Mancipium midea Hiibner, [1809], Samml. exot. Schmett., 1: pi. [142], figs. 1-4). Add at end of entry; = medea (Leussler) ANTHOCARIS [ric], 1938. Ent. News, 49: 77. Lapsus calami. Change author citation as follows: (dos Passos and Klots) ANTHOCHARIS (FALCAPICA), 1969. Add at end of entry: = Eucolias Berger, 1986. LambUlionea, Suppl. to 86(7-8): 22-23. Type-species by original designation Papilio palaeno Linnaeus, 1761, Fauna Suecia: 272 [incorrectly cited by Berger as: "C. palaeno L.”]. Correct date (3 entries) of Strecker Syn. Cat. from 1876 to: 1 878. In 3rd line, correct date from 1886 to: 1891. The HT of ab. “rothkei” is in AMNH. The name eriphyle may in fact apply to a hybrid form eurytheme x philodice. Pending further study, should this be the case, then the name hageni W, H. Edwards (1883) is available to denote the western subspecies of philodice. The page citation for ariadne should be: 12-13. This entire entry should be reassigned as 355i under Colias alexandra. See; Ferris, 1973, J. Lepid. Soc., 27: 57-73; 1988. Bull. Allyn Mus., Suppi. to Memoir No. 2 23 (1 16): 1-28. The initial portion of the entry entry should now read; h. a. harfordii Hy. Edwards, 1877. Pacific Coast Lepid., (24): 9 [see 3551. Note 291]. TL - Havilah, Kern Co., California. ST’s in AMNH [see Notes 292 and 293]. 80:354a Delete statement “HT should be in MCZ” and emend as follows: The types of this taxon have been examined by C. D. Ferris. The male is indeed occidentalis. The accompanying female, however, is a specimen of the “alba” form of Colias eurytheme Boisduval. A red lectotype label has been affixed to the pin of the male specimen. It reads: "LECTOTYPE/ Colias philodice/occidentalis Scudder/Designated by C. D./Ferris 20 Jan., 1986.” This label is handwritten in black ink. LTinMCZ. 80:345b Correct the HT statement to: ST’s in AMNH. Add as follows: = chryomelas Hy. Edwards, 1877. Trans. Amer. ent. Soc., 6: 1- 68. Lapsus calami. - chrysomelaena Auct., 1983. MONA Check List: 52. This is a questionable emendation with regard to the CODE and the original description of the insect. 8 1 ;355e Correct date of Cockerell citation to: 1889. 81:355 Add entry 355g as follows: g. a. kluanensis Ferris, 1981. Bull. Allyn Mus., (63): 1-12. TL - Haines 355g. Junction, Yukon Territory. HT in AME. = yukonensis Berger, 1986. Lambillionea, Suppi. to 86(7-8): 45. This is a nomen nudum. The name appears in a key without a description. No type specimen was designated, nor was a type locality designated other than “Yukon (Canada)”. It is assumed that Berger’s name refers to kluanensis^ but it may equdly refer to Colias alexandra Christina which occurs at several localities in the Yukon Territory. h. a. apache Ferris, 1988. Bull. Allyn Mus., (116): 8-11. TL - 13 mi. E. 355h. of McNary, 2520 m, Apache Co., Arizona. HT in AME. Add entry 355i as noted above (80:353). 81 :356 Add entry 356c as follows: c. m. lemhiensis Curtis and Ferris, 1985. Bull. Allyn Mus., (91): 1-9. 356c. TL - Near Meadow Creek Lake, 4 mi. W. of Gilmore, 9100 ft., Lemhi Range, Salmon Nat. For., Lemhi Co., Idaho. HT in AME. 82:357c Per the revision of this species by Ferris [1982. Bull. Allyn Mus., (71): 1- 19], glacialis is a junior synonym of h. hecla, and should be so placed under entry 357a. 82:357.1 Add new species as follows: 8. canadensis Ferris, 1982. Bull. Allyn Mus., (71); 1-19. TL - Mde 209 357.1. Alaska Highway, British Columbia. HT in AME. This species was initially described as a subspecies of hecla, but subsequently elevated to full species status [Ferris, 1988. Bull. Allyn Mus., (116): 1-28]. 82:358 This taxon is tentatively retained, but should be renumbered as species 9. As shown by Ferris [1985. Bull. Allyn Mus., (96): 1-51], there is strong evidence that this taxon represents a hybrid hecla x nastes [see Note 298]. As such, boothii would be placed at the end of the revised entry for 357a. Various authors have assumed that the HT was placed in the USNM, but this does not appear to be correct. The specimens illustrated by Curtis seem 24 Mem, Lepid. Soc., (3) to be those in the Hope Museum at Oxford University, England. As also demonstrated by Ferris [1985. Bull. Allyn Mus., (96): 1-51], thula is a color form of boothii, and the entry for boothii should be emended as follows (deleting species entry 359): = thida Hovanitz, 1955. Wasmann J. Biol., 13: 2-4. TL - 70"45’N, 156°30’W, along the Meade R., S. of Point Barrow, Alaska. HT in USNM. This is presumed to be a hybrid nastes x hecla, although there is limited evidence that thida is becoming a stable phenotype in some areas. = f. “chione” Curtis, 1835. Nat. Hist Append, in Ross., Voy. Search Northwest Pass.: 65. TL - Boothia peninsula, North- west Territories. Type in Hope Museum, Oxford University, England. 82:360 C. F. Cowan [1970. J. Soc. Biblphy nat. Hist., 5(4): 300] has established the date of publication of the Boisduval name nastes as 1834. The title page of the volume in question, however, is clearly imprinted “1832”. Based up- on a recent extensive revision by Ferris [1985. Bull. Allyn Mus., (96): 1- 51], the entry for C. nastes, starting at the end of 360a should be rearranged as follows: = f. “rossii” Guen6e, 1864. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 4(4); 199. TL - Boothia peninsula, Northwest Territories. HT apparently in USNM [see Note 22]. This is presumed to be a hybrid nastes x hecla. = f. “gueneei” Avinoff, 1935. In Holland and Avinoff, Mem. Carnegie Mus., 12: 13-14, 21-22, 25-27. TL - Southampton I., Northwest Territories. HT in CM. This is presumed to be a hybrid nastes x hecla. b. n. moina Strecker, 1880. BuU. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 3: 34. TL-“A 360b. considerable distance above Fort Churchill” [possibly Manitoba, but probably in the vicinity of Eskimo Point, Northwest Territories]. LT [designated by Ferris, 1988. Bull Allyn Mus., (116): 22-23] in Strecker Collection at FMNH. = ab. “harperi” (Gunder) EURYMUS, 1932. Canadian Ent., 360c. 64: 278. TL - Fort ChurchiU, Manitoba. HT in AMNH. c. n. aliaska Bang-Haas, 1927. Horae Macrolepid., 1: 41. TL - “Rompart” = Rampart, Alaska. HT in ZMHU [see Note 299]. = subarctica (McDunnough) EURYMUS, 1928. Canadian Ent., 60: 210-21 \. TL - Bernard Harbour, Northwest Territories. HT in CNC. = ab. “cocandicides” Verity, 1911. Rhop. Palaearctica: xxxvii; 355. TL - “Territoire de Barren”, 67‘’40’N, 114"30’W [vie. Coppermine R., Northwest Territories], HT may be in BM. d. n. streckeri Grum-Grschimaflo, 1895. Horae Soc. ent. Rossiae, 29: 360d. 290. TL - Laggan, Alberta. LT [designated by Ferris, 1988. Bull Allyn Mus., (1 16): 1-28] in Strecker Collection at FMNH. = ab. “obscurata” Verity, 1911. Rhop Palaearctica: pi. 61, fig. 6. TL - Lake Louise, Alberta. HT may be in BM. = ab. "palliflava” (McDunnough) EURYMUS, 1927. Canadian Ent., 59: 154. TL - Mt. McLean nr. Lillooet, British Columbia. HT in CNC. Suppl. to Memoir No, 2 25 83:361 Emend entry to read as follows: ll.scudderii Reakirt, 1865. Proc. ent. Soc. Philadelphia, 4; 217-218. 361. ‘‘Rocky Mountains, Colorado Territory”, fixed in Memoir No. 2 by Brown as “vie. Empire, Clear Creek Co., Colorado”. HT in FMNH. As ascertained by Ferris, the HT is lost. A neotype has been designated by Ferris, [1987. Bull. AUyn Mus., (1 12): 6-7] as follows: a male specimen collected by E. M. and S. F. Perkins, 19.vii,63 on the east slope of Berthoud Pass along Hwy. 40 at Hoop Creek in the Arapahoe National Forest, 10,800’, Clear Creek Co., Colorado. NT in AME. = f. “flavotincta” Cockerell, 1901. Psyche, 9: 186. TL not stated, but reference made to specimens from vie. Twin Lakes and the upper Arkansas River Valley, Lake Co., Colorado, figured by W. H. Edwards, Butts. N. America, 1: pi. Colias VIII, fig. 5. Ferris [1987. Bull. Allyn Mus., (112): 8-11] has fixed the TL and designated a LT as follows: TL - Lake Co., Colorado. LT in CM (from W. H. Edwards Collection). = ruckesi Klots, 1937. J. New York. ent. Soc., 45: 324-326. TL - Windsor [jjc] Cr. Canyon, W. of Cowles, New Mexico. HT in AMNH. See Ferris (op. cit.). Note: The original spelling (1865) of this name is scudderii. Reakirt apparently emended the name to scudderi [1866. Proc. ent. Soc. Phila- delphia, 5: 136]. 83:362c Delete 362c as a subspecies and enter it as a junior synonym of 362a. See Ferris [1987. Bull. Allyn Mus., (112): 1-25]. 83:363a Nothing corresponding to the HT can be identified at the USNM and the HT is apparently lost, or perhaps at the BM. Regarding labradorensis, Ferris [1988. BuU. Allyn Mus., (122): 1-34] has designated a lectotype which is in the MCZ. 83:363b Delete this entry as a separate subspecies. Bean never described this insect, nor was a type specimen designated. The journal article cited is not a description. On this basis, minisni is a nomen nudum. If the name is to be credited, it should be credited to Barnes & Benjamin by virture of then- description of f. “isni”. The form name “neri” of pelidne skinneri has line priority over f. “isni”. As shown by Ferris [1988. Bull. Allyn Mus., (122): 12-19], the trinomial skinneri applies to all of the Rocky Mountain populations of pelidne. Thus minisni may be taken either to be a nomen nudum, or credited to Barnes & Benjamin. If the latter, it falls as a junior synonym to skinneri Barnes. Verity misspelled the name as menisme [1911. Rhop. Palaearctica: xxxiv; 218]. 83:364a Ferris [1988. Bull. Allyn Mus., (122): 2] has fixed the type locality as “Mouth of the Saskatchewan River, vie Grand Rapids. W. shore of Lake Winnepeg, Manitoba”. The HT (type no. 5081) is in the MCZ. 83:364b, Ferris [1988. Bull. Allyn Mus., (122): 1-34] has recognized only the taxon 364c interior without subspecies. Thus the entries 364b, c should be placed as synonyms of interior. The HT of laurentina is lost. A neotype has been designated by Ferris [op. cit.] as follows: A male from Baddeck, Cape Breton I., Nova Scotia, collected by J. McDunnough on 16 July, 1938. The NT is in the CNC. 84;365a Correct the page citation for Synopsis 9 to: 8. 84:367 Correct the citation from Ann. Soc. Ent. to: Bull. Soc. ent. 26 Mem. Lepid. Soc., {3} 84:367 Add the following form names (all from the same reference): = (female) f. “marginata” Riddell, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc., 91: 453. TL - San Bernardino Mtns., California. HT in CAS. = (male) f. “rubrosuffusa” Riddell, 1941. Op. cit.: 454. TL - San Bernardino Mtns., California. HT in CAS. = (female) ab. “nigrocapitata” Riddell, 1941. Op, cit.: 452. TL - Mill Creek Canyon, San Bernardino Mtns., California. HT in CAS. = (male) ab. “flavolineata” Riddell, 1941. Op cit.: 454. TL - San Bernardino Mtns., California. HT in CAS. 87 :CXII Insert additional species under APHRISSA as follows: *2. orbis (Poey) CALLIDRYAS, 1832 Cent. Lepid. Cuba, 1: 5 figs. TL - 376.1. “Cuba”. HTinANSP. 88:CX1V In keeping with the change from ARTOGEIA to PIERIS (71;CII - above) and the sense of Klots {op. cit, - above), PYRISITIA and ABAEIS are best considered as subgeneric names of EUREMA, thus delete Genus CXV and Genus CXVI. Add at the end of the current entry for Genus CXIV: = Pyrisitia Butler, 1870. Cist. Ent., 1: 35, 44. Type-species by original designation Papilio proterpia Fabricius, 1775. Syst. Ent.: 478. [see Note 330]. = Abaeis Hiibner, [1819]. Verz. bekannt. Schmett., (7): 96. Type- species by designation of Butler, 1870, Cist. Ent., 1: 35 Papilio nicippe Cramer, [1779], Uitl. KapeUen, 3: 31. = Xanthidia Boiduval and Le Conte, 1829. Hist. L6pid. Amerique sept.: 48-49. Type- species by designation of Scudder, 1875, Proc. American Acad. Arts. Sci., 10: 288 Papilio nicippe Cramer, [1779], Uitl. KapeUen, 3: 31. Agassiz used the name H EUREMA as an unjustifiable emendation of EUREMA Hiibner [Nomencl. zoo. (4to ed.). Index univ.: 181, 1846]. 88:379 To conform to the CODE, emend speUing to: boisduvalianum. 88:380 To conform to the CODE, emend speUing to: mexicanum. 89:CXV Delete heading and the 2 lines immediately beneath. 89:3 81a To conform to the CODE, emend speUing to: limoneum. 90:387b Correct author entry as follows: (M. Bates) EUREMA, etc. 90:CXVI Delete heading and the 6 lines immediately beneath. 91;CXVII This now becomes Genus CXV based upon the two deletions above. Add the foUowing to the prefatory material: The incorrect speUing NATALIS was used by Doubleday [List. Spec. Ins. Brit. Mus., Appendix: 10, 1836]. 91 : Change the mid-page subfamily entry to read: Subfamily Dismorphiinae Schatz 1866. In Staudinger and Schatz. Exot. Schmett. 2 (Die FamUien und Gattungen der Tagfalter, Systematischen und analytisch bearbeitet): 56, 57. 91 :CXVni This now becomes Genus CXVI to accomodate the two earlier deletions. 91:390 Change entry to read as foUows: 1 .albania (Bates) LEPTALIS, 1864. Ent. month. Mag., 1:6. TL - Cen- 390. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 27 tral Guatemala. HT in BM. According to the most recent revision of this genus by Llorente-Bousquets [1983. Folia Entomol6gica Mexicana 58: 3- 206], albania is the species that has been recorded from southern Texas. Family LYCAENIDAE Leach 93: Lines 2 and 6 of text at top of page, correct spelling to: Sodovsky. 93:393a Correct ab. "neui” and ab. “fulvus" entries to read: HT in AMNH. 93:394 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to; cuprea. Add subspecies as follows: d. c. artemisia Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1: 6. TL - The Potholes, 394d. Teton Co., Wyoming. HT in LACM. 94:396 Add subspecies as follows: c. e. nevadensis (Austin) LYCAENA, 1984. J. Res. Lepid., 23(1): 83- 396c. 85. TL - Jarbidge Canyon between Pine Creek and Gorge Gulch, 6600*, T46N, R9E, S33, Elko Co., Nevada. HT in Nevada State Museum. 94:398 Based upon the Principle of Priority and the actions of the I.C.Z.N. cited by Brown and Field [1970. J. New York ent. Soc., 78(3): 175-184] and Miller and Brown [1979. Bull. Allyn Mus., (51): 15-17], we feel that hyllus is the correct specific epithet. Therefore the actions of Ko^ak [1983. Fttamus, 3(1): 3-5; 1984. 3(3): 95] are deemed invalid. Correct spelling to; “wormsbacheri”. Add at end of entry: = ab. “stemitzkyi” (Gunder) LYCAENA, 1927. Canadian Ent., 59: 285. TL - Petaluma, California. HT in AMNH. 95:399 To conform to CODE, emend spelling to: rubida. 96:402b To conform to CODE, emend spelling to: phaedra. 96:403c Delete entry from ‘‘TL - . . . (1969).*’ and replace as follows; The action taken by F. M. Brown [1969. Trans. American ent. Soc., 95: 172-173] was in error owing to confusion about two similar place names. The Edwards ST’s were extant, unbeknown to Brown. Bird and Ferris [1979. Canadian Ent., 111:637-639] corrected this error. The TL was fixed in the publication cited as; “Crow Nest [sic, Crow’s Nest] Pass”, Alberta, and a LT designated from one of the original W. H, Edwards ST’s. LT in CNC. 98:411 Kendall and McGuire, [1984. BuH. AUyn Mus., (86); 15-16] have asserted that the species recorded from the United States is E. toxea (Godart), and additionally that toxea is a species distinct from minijas (Hiibner) and not a junior synonym thereof as stated in Memoir No. 2. Goodson [1947. The Entomologist, 80: 273-276] identified the Texas butterfly as toxea. Scott [1986. Butts. North America has retained minijas]. This situation needs additional study. 100:420 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: acadicum. 101:421 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: californicum. Austin, 1985[86], J. Lepid. Soc., 39(2): 103 has removed cygnus from synonomy and treated it as a valid subspecies. Brown and Opler [1970. Trans. American ent. Soc., 96: 43-46] considered cygnus to be a synonym of californicum. 101 ;422,a To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: sylvinum. 101;422e Add as follows: 28 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) = putmani (F. M. Brown et al.) STRYMON , 1957. Colorado Butts.: 131. Lapsus calami. 1 0 1 :424a Correct spelling in 3rd line of entry to: wittfeldii. 101 :424b Insert after lorata entry as follows: = heathii (Fletcher) THECLA, 1903. Trans. Royal Soc. Can., Sect. IV: 211-212; 1904. Canadian Ent., 36(5): 125. TL - Long River Valley nr. Cartwright, Manitoba. HT in USNM. 101 :424b Correct spelling in last line to: inorata. 102:424b Add to 2nd line; Lafontaine originally described this taxon as borealis (1969), but emended the spelling to boreale in 1970 in his redescription of the taxon [J. Lepid. Soc., 24(2): 83-86]. 102:424 Add subspecies as follows: d. c. albidus Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1:5. TL - NW Hayden, 424d. Routt Co., Colorado. HT in LACM. 102:427b Insert date of publication: 1862, 102:430 Add after 4th line of entry: = soepium dos Passos, 1970 [nec Boisduval, 1852]. J. Lepid. Soc., 24(1): 28. Lapsus calami. 103:430b To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: okanaganum. 103:CXXXV Correct Roman numerals to: CXXXIII. 103:431 According to R, K. Robbins at the Smithsonian Institution, there are several species that have been lumped under the name ocrisia, and it is not clear that the Texas record applies to this species. 103:CXXXVI Correct Roman numerals to: CXXXIV. 103:CXXXVII Correct Roman numerals to: CXXXV. 104:CXXXVIII Correct Roman numerals to: CXXXVI. 104:CXXXIX Correct Roman numerals to: CXXXVII, R. K Robbins has a paper in press revising Thereus, and new assignments will occur at both the genus (to REKOA Kaye, 1904) and species levels. 1 04:43 9 Insert before entry = juicha the following: = mytillus (Godman and Salvin) THECLA, 1887. Biol. Centrali- Americana, Lepid. Rhop,, 2: 37. Lapsus calami. 104:CXL Correct Roman numerals to: CXXXVni. 104:440 According to Lathy [1926. Ann, Mag. nat. Hist,, 17: 35-47] pion is a junior synonym of strophius Godart, This situation bears further study. 104:CXLI Correct Roman numerals to; CXXXIX. 104:441 Correct spelling in 3rd line of entry to read: RUin'ICUS. 105:CXLII Correct Roman numerals to: CXL. 105:443b J. A, Scott [1986. Butts. N, America] treated perplexa as a subspecies of qffinis (447). J. F. Emmel has informed this editor that perplexa will be treated as a separate species in the forthcoming book on California butterflies by J. F. Emmel, T. C. Bmmel and S. O. Mattoon. 105:448 J. A. Scott [1986, Butts. N. America] has treated viridis as a junior synonym of d. dumetorum (443a). J. F. Emmel has informed this editor that the same treatment will be used in the forthcoming book on California butterflies by J. F, Emmel, T. C. Emmel and S. O. Mattoon. Editorial Note: The taxonomy of genus Callophrys has been complicated by two publications: Scott and Justice [“1981(82)”, J. Res. Lepid., 20(2): 81-85; Scott, 1986, Butts. N. America]. In the first paper, C. ajfinis is treated as a subspecies of C. dumetorum. No mention is made of C. viridis. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 29 In the second publication, Scott has combined the taxa ajfinis, apama, homoperplexa, and perplexa as subspecies of C. affinis. C. viridis and C. dumetorum are combined as the single species dumetorum. The following subspecies are assigned to the taxon sheridanii\ sheridanii, comstocki, lemberti, newcomeri, and a nomen nudum paradoxa. This latter is an unpublished manuscript name attributed to R. E. Stanford, and its use in Scott, 1986 (p. 379) does not meet the publication requirements of the CODE. 106;CXLni Correct Roman numerals to: CXLI. Correct spelling in 1st line of prefatory material to read: Ehrlich. 106:450 Correct lit. cit. to read: The Entomologist, 79: 186. 106:CXL1V Correct Roman numerals to: CXLII. 1 06 :452 Revise entry as follows: l.spinetorum (Hewitson) THECLA^ 1867. 111. dium. Lepid. Lyc.; 1: 94. TL - “California”. HT in BM. a. s. spinetorum (Hewitson) T//ECLA, 1867. 111. dium. Lepid. Lvc.; 452a. 1 : 94. TL - “California”. HT in BM. = cuyamaca W. G. Wright, 1922. Bull. S. California Acad. Sci., 21: 19. TL - Julian, San Diego Co., California. Type in CAS. b. s. ninus (W. H. Edwards) THECLA, 1871. Trans. American ent. 452b. Soc., 3: 270-271. TL - “Colorado”, restricted to about 1 mi. E. Kenosha Pass, Park Co., Colorado by F. M. Brown [1970. Trans. American ent. Soc., 96: 59]. See also: Clench, 1981 [Bull. Allyn Mus., (64): 21]. 106: Add entty as follows: 1 . millerorum (Clench) C ALLO PHRYS, \9El. Bull. AUyn Mus., (64): 452.1. 21-23. TL - Vic. El Encamacion, 2400-2450 m, Hidalgo, Mexico. HT in AME. One specimen has been recorded from Otero Co., New Mexico See Johnson, “1985(1986)”, J. Lepid. Soc., 39(2): 119-124. 107:457b Correct spelling T£//CLA to: THECLA. 107 :458,a Delete references to rhodope (Godman and Salvin). Species is Mexican. Ft. Wingate is located in New Mexico, not Arizona. 1 07 :458 Add two subspecies: d. s. chalcosiva (Clench) CALLOPHRYS,\9%\. Bull. Allyn Mus., 458d. (64): 11-13. TL - S. Willow Creek, Stansbury Mtns., Tooele Co., Utah. HT in AME. e. s. clenchi K. Johnson, 1988. Insecta Mundi, 2(1): 76-80. Replace- 458e. ment name for Callophrys (Mitoura) siva rhodope Clench, 1981. Bull. Allyn Mus., (64): 14-15 [nec Godman and Salvin, 1887. Biol. Centrali- Americana, Lepid. Rhop., 2: 48], misidentification; preoccupied. TL - Pinery Canyon, 6500’, Chiricahua Mtns., Cochise Co., Arizona. HT in CM. 107:460 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: grynea. Correct spelling to: patersonia. 1 07 : 460a Insert after the entry for damon (Stoll): = demon dos Passes, 1970. J. Lepid. Soc., 24(1): 32. Lapsus calami, dos Passos credited this misspelling to “Skinner, 1897”, but the name is spelled correctly as damon in Skinner’s 1897 paper [Canadian Ent., 29: 156]. In this paper, Skinner described Theda damon “n[ew] var. discoidalis". See entry 460d. 30 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) 107 Add new species: n.thornei J. W. Brown, [1983]. J. Res. Lepid., 21(4): 246-249. TL - Little Cedar Canyon, north slope of San Ysidro Mtns., (Otay Mtn.), east end of Lower Otay Lake, 200 m, 32°37’N, 116“52’W, San Diego Co., California. HT in San Diego Nat. Hist. Museum. [NB: Taxonomically this species is closest to loki (459)]. 108;CXLV Correct Roman numerals to: CXLIII. 1 08:462 Delete last two lines of entry and insert as follows: a. X. xami (Reakirt) THECLA, 1866. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia, [1866]: 332. TL -“nr. Vera Cruz, Mexico”. Loc. of type unknown. b. x. texami (Clench) CALLOPHRYS, 1981. Bull. Allyn Mus., (64): 6- 7. TL - Corpus Christi [Nueces Co.], Texas. HT in CM. 108:CXLV1 Correct Roman numerals to: CXLIV. 108:463 Delete entry number (463) at right margin, and add at end of entry: a. m. mcfarlandi P. Ehrlich and Clench, 1960. Ent. News, 71: 138. TL - La Cueva Canyon, W. slope Sandia Mtns., Bernalillo Co., New Mexico. HT in AMNH. An additional subspecies from Mexico was recently described. 108: CXLVll Correct Roman numerals to: CXLV. 108:464 The correct name is Incisalia augustinus Westwood, 1852; not I. au- gustus Kirby, 1837. Westwood made Theda augustus Kirby a secondary homonym of Hesperia augustus Fabricius 1793 when he switched the latter to Theda. Consequently Westwood proposed augustinus as a re- placement name for augustus Kirby. Apparently Comstock and Huntington in their 1959 paper [J. New York ent. Soc., 67: 85] overlooked this situation since augustus Kirby was placed under Incisalia. The CODE [Art. 59(b)] is specific about the treatment of secondary homonyms: “A junior secondary homonym replaced before 1961 is permanently invalid.” Thus YThecla] augustus Kirby is permanently invalid, and augustinus Westwood applies. The text of entry 464 should be rearranged accordingly so that the primary name is Incisalia augustinus (Westwood) with /. augustus (Kirby) as the junior secondary homonym. Several recent books have used the incorrect spelling augusta. 108:464c Correct spelling to read: croesioides. 108:465 The separation of the Sedum-feeding mossii group from fotis was made by Fisher [1980. In Ferris and Brown, Butts. Rocky Mtn. States]. Sub- sequent publications have also used this nomenclature, including Tdden and Smith [1986. Field Guide to W. Butts.], Garth and Tilden [1986. Cali- fornia Butts.], Thus this entry should be rearranged as follows: 2.fotis (Strecker) r//£CLA, 1878. Lepid. Rhop. Het.: 129. TL- “Ari- zona”. ST’s in FMNH (Slrecker Collection). 2.1. mossii (Hy. Edwards) THECLA, 1881. Papilio, 1: 54. TL - Esquimault, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. HT in AMNH. a. m. mossii (Hy. Edwards) THECLA, 1881. Papilio, 1: 54. TL - Es- quimault, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. HT in AMNH. b. m. schryveri Cross, 1937. Proc. Colorado Mus. nat. Hist., 16: 20. TL - Chimney Gulch, Colorado. HT is not in the Denver Museum of Natural History and is presumed to have been destroyed by dermestids. [see Note 371]. c. m, bayensis (R. M. Brown) CALLOPHRYS, 1969. J. Lepid. Soc., 461 . 1 . 462a. 462b. 463a. 465. 465.1a 465.1b 465.1c Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 31 23(2): 95-96. TL - San Bruno Mtns., San Mateo Co., California. HT in CAS. d. m. doudorofn dos Passes, 1940. Canadian Ent., 72: 168. TL-Big 465. Id Sur, Monterey Co., California. HT in AMNH. e. m. windi Clench, 1943. Canadian Ent., 75: 185. TL - Placer Co., 465. le California. HT in AMNH. 109:466 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: polia. 109:466b To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: obscura. 109:467c To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to; hadra. 109:468c To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: solata. 109:470a Add at end of entry: = plautus Scudder [nec Fabricius], 1987. Bull. Buffalo Soc, nat. Sci., 3: 104. Scudder credited the name, which is a nomen nudum, to Abbot [Papilio plautus], Draw. Ins. Georgia. Brit. Mus., 6: 55, figs. 173-175; 16, 36, lab. 112. This reference is an unpublished manuscript. Scudder, unfortunately, had the habit of citing unpublished manuscript names. 109:CXLVni Correct Roman numerals to; CXLVI. 1 10:CXLIX Correct Roman numerals to: CXLVII. Clench [1978. J. Lepid. Soc., 32(4): 277-281] rescinded his prior action erecting the genus EURISTRYMON. Thus the prefatory material should be changed as follows; Genus CXLVII; Fixsenia Tutt 1907. Nat. Hist. British Butts., 2: 142. Type-species by original designation Theda herzi Fixsen, 1887. In Romanoff, M6m. L6pid., 3: 279; pi. 13, fig. 4. = Leechia Tutt, 1907, op. cit. Type-species by original designation Theda thalia Leech, [1893]. Butts. China Japan Corea (2) (text- part 3): 367; (plate-part 3/4): pi. 30, fig. 15. Invalid junior homo- nym of Leechia South, 1901. Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1901; 400. Replaced by the name Strymondia Tutt, [1908]. See below. = Sirymondia Tutt, [April, 1908]. Nat. Hist. Brit. Butts., 2: 483. Type-species through Art. 67(i) of CODE (replacement names) Theda thalia Leech, [1893]. Butts. China Japan Corea (2) (text- part 3): 367; (plate part 3/4): pi. 30, fig. 15. New subjective synonym. = Euristrymon Clench, 1961. In P. and A. Ehrlich, How Know Butts.: 212. Type-species by original designation Papilio favonius J. E. Smith, in Abbot and Smith, 1797. Nat. Hist. Rarer Lepid. Ins. Georgia, 1: 27. 110:475 Modify entryas follows; a. p. polingi (Barnes and Benjamin) STRYMON, 1926. BuU. S. Cali- 475a. fomia Acad. Sci., 25: 94. TL - Sunny Glen Ranch, nr. Alpine, Brewster Co., Texas. HT in NMNH. b. p. organensis Ferris, 1980. J. Lepid. Soc., 34(2): 221-222. TL - Fin- 475b. ley Canyon, W. Slope Organ Mtns., ca. 6500’, Dona Ana Co., New Mexico. HT in AME. 1 10:CL Correct Roman numerals to: CXLVIll. 32 Mem. tepid. Soc., (3) llOiCLI llOiCLII lll:478d lll:478f 111:480 111:482 111:484a 112:487b 112:490 112:CLIII 112:CLIV 113:493a 113 Correct Roman numerals to: CXLIX. Correct Roman numerals to: CL. To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: pudicus. To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to; atrofasciatus. To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: rufofuscus. Correct entry to read: HT in ANSP. To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: albatus. Occurrence of this subspecies in our area is questionable. According to R. K. Robbins at the Smithsonian Institution, at least two species are presently lumped under bazochii, and it is not clear if bazochti is the species that has been collected in Texas. Correct Roman numerals to: CLI. Correct Roman numerals to; CLII. R. K. Robbins at the Smithsonian Institution has suggested that cyphara is a separate species rather than a subspecies of endymion. To agree with Eliot’s revision [1973, Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., 28(6): 443-588], change Tribe entry as follows: Tribe Polyommatini Swainson 1827. Phil. Mag., (2)1(3): 187 [see Note 1]. 113:CLV Correct Roman numerals to: CLIII. 1 13:495 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: exile. 113:CLVI Conect Roman numerals to: CLIV. 1 14;CLVII Correct Roman numerals to: CLV. 1 14:CLVIII Correct Roman numerals to: CL VI. 115 Delete Tribe Everini heading and associated reference. 115 :CLIX Correct Roman numerals to: CLVII. 1 15:503a Based upon Wright’s illustration of sissona, this taxon should be placed as a synonym of amyntula (504a). 1 15;503b To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: texanus. Durden [1982. J. Lepid. Soc., 36(1); 13] has suggested that texanus is neither a subspecies of comyntas nor amyntula^ but should be associated with herrii (504d), which he considers to be a separate species. This situation requires further study. 1 1 5:504a In the entry for ab. “dodgei”, delete the superscript ^ immediately after the = sign. 1 15:504d Bailowitz [1982. J. Lepid. Soc., 36(4): 308-309] has reaffirmed the place- ment of herrii with amyntula. 1 1 6 Delete Tribe Celastrini heading and associated reference. 116:CLX Correct Roman numerals to: CLVII. 1 16:505 In the most recent revision of the genus CELASTRINA by Eliot and Kawa- zo6 [1983. Blue Butts. Lycaenopsis Group], the taxon ladon (Cramer) is placed as a subspecies of the holarctic argiolus (Linnaeus). The name ladon is used to represent the race of argiolus that occurs in the south- eastern portion of North America. On the basis of the Eliot and Kawazod revision, the following changes should be made in entry 505: The species name is changed to argiolus. The second two lines of the prefatory material are replaced as follows: Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 33 *1. argiolus (Linnaeus) PAPILIO, 1758. Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 1: 483. See Eliot and Kawazo^ (op. cit.), pp. 213-214 for synonomy. 1 16:505a Studies in progress (unpublished as yet) by several researchers indicate that f. “neglectamajor” may in fact represent a separate species. Delete references to Note 385 and Note 000. 117:506 The Committee received various letters questioning the validity of the name ebenina. This situation was carefully researched by L. D. Miller and C D. Ferris with regard to various W. H. Edwards names and their subsequent treatment by Strecker and Dyar. MUler and Ferris concluded that the name ebinina is valid for the edition of the CODE under which Clench worked. The reasons are as follows: 1 . W. H. Edwards clearly described “nigra" as a melanic and dimorphic male of the winter form (not variety) of Lycaena pseudargiolus; the winter foim being “violacea”. The arrangement shown by Edwards in Volume 2 of Butts. N. America is: Lycaena pseudargiolus winter form “violacea” dimorphic (melanic) male “nigra”. Thus “violacea" in this use by Edwards has only infrasubspecific status, since pseudargiolus now has subspecific status, and in addition, Edwards clearly denoted “violacea” as a winter form. This use of “violacea” differs from the use by Edwards of violacea [1866. Proc. ent. Soc. Philadelphia, 6: 201]. Consequently “nigra" as used by Edwards has less than infra- subspecific status. 2. In the Strecker Catalogue, entry #136, p. 95 there appears the name “Nig.” This has been misinterpreted by some authors as “nig” and not “nig.”, which is an abbreviation for “nigra”. It was common for 19th Cen- tury authors to abbreviate form names. Strecker named “Nig[ra]” based up- on the Edwards illustrations of the female of Lycaena violacea (fig. 4) in Volume 1 of Butts. North America. W. H. Edwards named his male form “nigra” in Volume 2 of Butts. N. America. Strecker very clearly designated his “Nig.” as an aberration, and thus a status below an infrasubspecific name. The Strecker arrangement is: Lycaena lucia ab. [entry] a. “Nig[ra]” (applied to a female aberration) ab. [entry] b. "Intermedia” (applied to a female aberration) 3. In his 1902 Catalogue, Dyar sunk “nigra” in synonomy and ignored Strecker’s “Nig[ra]” entirely. 4. While contemporary authors (on the first reviser basis) have interpreted “var.” or “variety” to be synonomous with subspecies, “form” and “aber- ration” are clearly defined. Edwards stated clearly that his “nigra” applied to a melanic/dimorphic [he used both descriptors] male of a winter form, and Strecker clearly stated that his “Nig[ra]” applied to a female aberration. On this basis, both of these names have no status under the CODE and cannot be applied (nor are they available) to replace ebenina Clench. Delete reference to: Note 000. Delete Tribe Scolitantidini heading and associated reference. 1 17:CLXI Correct Roman numerals to: CLDC. 1 1 8:CLXII Correct Roman numerals to: CLX. The treatment of the species in this genus generally followed that of Shields 34 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) [1975. Bull. Allyn Mus., (28): 1-36] in Memoir No. 2. A subsequent re- vision by Mattoni [1977. J. Res. Lepid., 16(4): 223-242] refuted a portion of Shields’s work. Most recent publications on the butterflies of western North America have followed the arrangement proposed by Mattoni. Based upon the comments above, the entries on page 119 should be rearranged as follows: c. e. enoptes . . . 509c. d. e. bayensis . . . 509d. e. e. smith! . . . 509e. f. e. tildeni . . . 509f. g. e. langstoni . . . 509g. h. e. dammersi . . . 509h. 3. mojave . . . 510. 4. rita . . . a. r. rita . . . 511a. b. r. coloradensis . . . 511b. c. r. emmeli . . . 511c. d. r. mattonii . . . 511d. e. r. pallescens . . . 511e. d. r. elvirae . . . 511f. 5. spaldingi (Barnes and McDunnough) PHILOTES, 1917. Contrib. nat. Hist. Lepid. N. America, 3: 216. TL - Provo, Utah. HT in USNM. a. s. spaldingi (Barnes and McDunnough) PHILOTES^ 1917. Contrib. 511.1a. nat. Hist. Lepid. N. America, 3: 216. TL - Provo, Utah. HT in USNM. b. s. pinjuna Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1: 6, TL - Shilling’s 511.1b. Spring, Conejos Co., Colorado. HT in LACM. 1 19;CLXIII Correct Roman numerals to: CLXI. 119;CLXIV Correct Roman numerals to: CLXII. 120:514a Add: = mildredi Auct., 1983. MONA Check List: 56. An incorrect em- endation that contrevenes Ait. 31(a) of the CODE. 120 :5 14h In 2nd line of entry, correct to read: HT in AMNH. 120:514i To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: incognita. 121 :514j In 2nd line, correct date of publication to: 1977. 121:515 Correct reference to Note 000 to read: Note 395. 121 :CLXV Correct Roman numerals to: CLXin. 121:516 The species name should be idas [see Higgins, 1985. J. Lepid. Soc., 39(2): 145-146], The initial ^cies entry should be modified as follows: * Lidas (Linnaeus) PAPILIO, 1761. Fauna Svecica, (ed. 2): 284, no. 1075. TL - Swieden, ST in Linnaean Collection, London. [See Opinion 269 of the I.C.Z.N., 1954]. 122:520 Add the subspecies: m. i. helios (W. H. Edwards) LYCAENA, [1871]. Trans. American ent. 520m. Soc., 3: 208-209. TL - "From California”, restricted to Fawn Lodge, Trinity Co., California by F. M. Brown [1970. Trans. American ent. Soc., 96: 390]. NT in CM, designated by J. C. Downey in Brown 1970 [Trans, American ent. Soc., 96: 392], 1 22 :520i Correct spelling in 2nd line to: Francisco. 123:CLXVI Correct Roman numerals to: CLXIV. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 35 123:518b The two entries: f. “caenilescens” and ab. “leussleri” should be removed from this entry and placed under entry 518e. 1 24:aLX VII Correct Roman numerals to: CLXV. 124:CLXVIII Correct Roman numerals to: CLXVI. 126:521 Add new subspecies at end of entry as follows: d, s. charlestonensis (Austm) PLEBE JUS, 1980. J. Lepid. Soc., 34(1): 20-22. TL - Lee Canyon, Spring Range, 8250-8800’, Clark Co., Nevada. HT in LACM. 126:CLXIX Correct Roman numerals to: CLXVII. 127:CLXX Correct Roman numerals to; CLXVIII. Discussion: In the dos Passes List [1964. Lepid. Soc. Memoir No. 1], only the taxon aquilo (Boisduval) was included under the genus Agriades. Subsequent publications on both sides of the Atlantic have generally expressed the concept that the taxa aquilo and glandon (de Prunner) should be used to represent Old World insects. In some instances, glandon and aquilo have been considered to be conspecific with the former carrying publication priority; in other instances they have been considered to be separate species. In the most recent general publication on European butterflies [Higgins and RMey, 1975. Butts. Britain and Europe: 286-290], they are treated as distinct species. A. glandon inhabits interior montane habitats, while aquilo is a low-altitude coastal species. Other factors used to separate these two butterflies are differences in adult maculation and larval host plant preference. The North American fauna are perhaps more complex than their European counterparts. There is a leguminosae-feeding, low- altitude butterfly to which the name franldinii (Curtis) has been applied. In the Old World, aquilo uses Astragalus alpinus (Leguminosae) as a larval host. In the Rocky Mountains, the butterfly that W, H. Edwards named rusticus is reported to use Androsace (Primulaceae) as a larval foodplant, as does also glandon. Thus we have two parallel species in the New and Old Worlds. A problem arises, however, with the interior arctic populations of Agriades. Reported larval host plants are Saxifraga (Saxafragaceae). Possibly a third species is involved, or perhaps out of necessity rusticus has adapted to another host. Various legumes do normally exist where these butterflies occur, since Agriades is often found flying with Colias nastes, which is a legume-feeding species. See Fisher in Ferris and Brown [1980. Butts. Rocky Mtn. States: 208-209] for a discussion of rusticus. Under the assumption that only two species occur in North America, it is suggested that entry 526 be rearranged as follows: Genus description and 526a remain as shown. Entries 526b-f now become 526.1a-e, as noted below: 1. rusticus (W. H. Edwards) LYCAENA, 1865, Proc. ent. Soc. Philadelphia, 4; 203-204. TL - “Pikes Peak”, restricted to vie. Empire, Clear Creek Co., Colorado by F. M. Brown, 1970, Trans. American ent. Soc., 96: 404. LT in FMNH designated by F. M. Brown, op. dt. p. 406. a. r. rusticus (W. H. Edwards) LYCAENA, 1865. Proc. ent. Soc. Philadelphia, 4: 203-204. TL - “Pikes Peak”, restricted to vie. Empire, Clear Creek Co., Colorado by F. M. Brown [1970. Trans, American ent. Soc., 96: 404]. LT in FMNH designated by F, M. Brown, op. cit. p. 406. 521d 526 . 36 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) b. r. podarce (C. and R. Felder), etc. 526.1b. c. r. megalo (McDunnough), etc, 526.1c. d. r. lacustris (T. N. Freeman), etc. [Correct spelling of TL to: Norway 526. Id. House]. e. r. bryanti (Leussler), etc. 52 6.1 e. Family RIODINIDAE Grote 1 27 Change first line of prefatory material to read: 1895(1827). Mitt. Roemermus, Hildesheim, (1): 1 [see Note 405]. 128:CLXXI Correct Roman numerals to: CLXIX. Correct lit. cit. in 1st line of Eurygona entry to read: Spec. g6n. L6pid. 128 Change 1st line under Subfamily Riodininae entry to read: 1895(1827). Mitt. Roemermus. Hildesheim, (1): 1 (as Riodinidae) [see Notes 1 and 405]. 128:CLXXII Correct Roman numerals to: CLXX. Replace genus description by: 1869. Trans. American ent. Soc., 2: 310. Type-species by designation of I.C.Z.N. [1966. Opinion 755] Erycinia virginiensis Gu6rin-M6neville [1831]. Icon. Ins.; Plate Ins. 81 [see Notes 408 and 409]. = Calephalis W. G. Wright, 1908. J. New York ent. Soc., 16(3): 160. Lapsus calami. = Lephelisca Barnes and Lindsey, 1922. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 15; 93. Type-species by original designation Erycinia virginiensis Gu6rin-M6neville, [1831]. Icon. Ins.: Plate Ins. 81. 1 28 ; 52 8 Revise entry to read: 1. virginiensis (Gu6rin-M6neviile) ERYCINIA, [1831]. Icon. Ins.; Plate 528. Ins. 81. TL - “Georgia”. HT apparently in USNM [see Notes 22, 410, 411 and 412]. = caenus Auct. \nec Linnaeus, 1767]. = pumila, etc. 128:533 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to; mutica. Correct footnote reference from 414 to: 415. 128:534 Correct footnote reference from 415 to; 414. 128:535 In 2nd line ofentry, correct “min,” to: mi. 129:CLXXIII Correct Roman numerals to: CLXXI. 129:CLXXIV Correct Roman numerals to: CLXXII. 130;CLXXV Correct Roman numerals to: CLXXni. 130:CLXXVI Correct Roman numerals to: CLXXIV. 1 30:541a Add at end of entry: = zeia area^. M. Brown et al., 1957. Colorado Butts.: 120. Lap- sus calami. 131 :CLXXVII Correct Roman numerals to: CLXXV. 1 3 1 ; 544e To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: mejicana. 132:549 Correct spelling in 2nd line to: Arizona. Family LIBYTHEIDAE Boisduval There have been two recent revisionary publications devoted to this family. They are includ^i here only for completaiess; no changes have been made regarding North Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 37 American fauna: Shields, 1983[84]. J. Res. Lepid., 22; 264-266; 1985; Tokurana (Acta Rhopalocerologica), No. 9: 1-58. [In this latter publication, Shields credits the family name Libytheidae to Duponchel (no date)]. See Part I, Note 2 in this Supplement regarding the date and authorship of the family name. 132:CLXXVIII Correct Roman numerals to: CLXXVI. FamHy HELICONIIDAE Swainson 133 Delete 3rd and 4th lines at top of page: = Argynitae, etc. 133:CLXXIX Correct Roman numerals to: CUOCVn. 133:CLXXX Correct Roman numerals to: CUCXVin. 133:CLXXXI Correct Roman numerals to: CLXXIX. 133;CLXXXII Correct Roman numerals to: CLXXX. 134:CLXXXIII Correct Roman numerals to: CLXXXI. 134:CLXXIV Correct Roman numerals to: CLXXXII. Regarding the 2nd line of the genus text, the original spelling was chari- thonia. Linnaeus in his Index [1767. Vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 757] corrected the spelling to charitonia to conform to its Greek base. Correct reference to footnote 443 to read: 442. In the entry for Blanchardia (16 lines from top of page), correct the final sentence to read as follows: Preoccupied by Blanchardia Castelnau, 1 875. Philadelphia Cent. Exhib. of 1876, Off. Rec. Section 7, Essay 2: 47. The generic name as herein us^ applies to a small Australian fish. Correct spelling to; vazquezae. Add: = vasquezae. 1983. MONA Check List: 58. Lapsus calami. To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: petiveranus. 134;559a 135 135:560b 135:561a FamUy NYMPHALIDAE Swainson 135:CLXXXV Correct Roman numerals to: CLXXXni. Add at end of prefatory material: = EUPTNETA dos Passes, 1964. Lepid. Soc. Mem. No. 1: 96. Lapsus calami, dos Passes credited this misspelling to “[W. H.] Edwards, 1873”, but no such form has been found in Edwards’s papers. 136:562 Replace the 1st 2 lines at top of page as follows: s daunus Auct. = mariamne Scudder, 1889. Butts. Eastern U.S. and Canada, 1: 519. = (female) f. “dodgei” Gunder, 1927. Ent. News, 38: 135-136. TL - nr. Scribner, Dodge Co., Nebraska. HT may be in CAS. 136:CLXXXVI Correct Roman numerals to: CLXXXIV. The name dos Passes is consistently misspelled as dosPassos in this section. 138:568 The taxon Speyeria nokomis wenona dos Passes and Grey, 1945 was pur- posely omitted from Memoir No. 2 because this insect has been recorded only from Mexico. 1 38 :568a Regarding the type locality comment, specimens have recently been collected 38 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) in Ouray Co., Colorado in sight of Mt. Sneffels. Thus the stated TL is most probably correct. An anonymous reviewer has made the following com- ment: "However, the phenotype of the New Mexico S. n. nigrocaerulea is almost identical to these Mt. Sneffels specimens, and is not so similar to the Arizona S. n. nitocris'' It appears that nokomis from New Mexico is variable. MatCTial in the C. D. Ferris collection from Taos and Catron Cos., New Mexico is very close to nitocris, and was the basis for Ferris and Fisher [1971. J. Lepid. Soc., 25(1); 44-52] placing nigrocaerulea as a synonym of nitocris. Thus it appears that nigrocaerulea could be equally placed under 568a or 568b. f, “valesinoidesalba” (Reuss) may apply to 568d (n. apacheana)-, no TL was staled. Note also; = omitted from entry. ab. "rufescens” (T. Cockerell) should be placed immediately following the entry for nigrocaerulea. 138:569 Insert before last line of page: = aglaia (W. H. Edwards) ARGYNNIS, 1864. Proc. ent. Soc. Philadelphia, 2: 505. 139:570, a Correct TL in both entries to: Vic. Agua Fria, Mariposa Co., California. See Masters, 1971 [J. Lepid. Soc., 33(2): 137-138]. 139:570d There has been considerable confusion about the correct placement of this taxon. According to L. P. Grey [1989. J. Lepid, Soc., 43(1): 1-10], gunderi is a senior synonym of S. zerene cynna (571p). Thus entry 570d should be moved to entry 571p. Entries 570e-g now become 57«d-f. 140:571d An anonymous reviewer has commented as follows: “The taxon S. zerene sordida (W, G. Wright) does not appear to represent any known population. In fact, Wright himself described sordida as an aberration of bremneri (Edwards), and never intended to list it at a higher taxonomic level. Moreover, Wright's concept of **bremneri" actually represents our modem concept of S. hydaspeW^ 140:5711 Correct date to: 1945. 1 40:57 Ij See comment under 571d. 140:571o This taxon was described from a mixed series which contained several species and the zerene in this series are platina. See Grey [1989. J. Lepid. Soc., 43(1): 1-10]. Thus entry 571o as shown should be moved under entry 571n as follows; = pfoutsi (Gunder) ARGYNNIS, 1933. Canadian Ent., 65: 171. TL - Mt. Loafer, nr. Payson, Utah Co., Utah. HT in AMNH. 140;571p This entry should be renumbered 571o and modified as follows: o. z. gunderi (J. A. Comstock) ARGYNNIS, 1925. BuU. S. California 57 lo. Acad. Sci., 24: 67. TL - N. of Alturas, Modoc Co., California. HT in LACM. = cynna dos Passos and Grey, 1945. American Mus. Novitates, (1927): 4. TL - Humboldt Natt. Forest, Ruby Valley, Elko Co., Nevada. HT in AMNH, [see 139:570d (above)]. 140:572 In 1975, Howe [Butts. N, America: 230-235] treated calUppe and neva- densis as separate species with associated subspecies. This arrangement is contrary to current literature and has not been followed in Memoir No. 2. A recent revisionary paper by R. A. Arnold [1985. Pan-Pacif. Ent., 61(1): 1-23] in which the number of callippe subspecies is reduced to three is not Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 39 followed in this revision to Memoir No. 2. This paper has proved to be controversial. A cogent rebuttal of Arnold’s paper has been published by Hammond, “1985(86)” [J. Res. Lepid., 24(3); 197-208]. See also the treatment by Grey [1989. J. Lepid. Soc., 43(1): 1-10]. 1 4 1 :572g Add at end of entry: = sierra dos Passes and Grey, 1945. American Mus. Novitates, (1927): 5. TL - Gold Lake, Sierra Co., California. HT in AMNH. 1 4 1 :572 h An anonymous reviewer has commented as follows: “There are two serious problems with the taxon laura (W. H. Edwards). First, the designated type locality ‘Nevada’ is both ambiguous and probably in error. Second, the characteristics of the laura lectotype closely match those of S. c. juba in the northern Sierra Nevada. Therefore, laura is probably best listed as a synonym of S. c.juba. “In conclusion, I would like to suggest that the taxon inornata should be raised from synonymy with juba to a separate subspecies status, which may require a change in the designated type locality, while the taxa sierra and laura should be reduced to synonymy with Juba” 141:572i Delete entire entry. See discussion by Grey [1989. J. Lepid. Soc., 43(1): 1 - 10 ]. 142:573b-d Emmel and Emmel [1973. Butts. S. California; 29-30] treated these taxa as follows: Speyeria a. adiaste a. atossa a. clemencei S. a. atossa was last collected in 1959 and it is now thought to be extinct. Garth and Tilden [1986. California Butts.] and Tilden and Smith [1986. Field Guide West. Butts.] have treated adiaste as a separate species. It is therefore recommended that 573b-d be separated from egleis and made a new entry 573.1; see Checklist. 143:573m Add new subspecies (see Checklist for revised numbering): j. e. moecki Hammond and Domfeld, 1983. J. Lepid. Soc., 37(2): 115- 573j. 120. TL - Skookum Meadow, Walker Rim, Klamath Co., Oregon. HT in AMNH. 143:574d,p The problem here is that two putative subspecies have the same type locality. For discussion, see; Ferris, 1983 [J. Res. Lepid., 22: 101-114]. 144:574r Insert at end of entry: [see Note 532]. 144:574 After 574u, insert additional subspecies: v. a. ratonensis Scott, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1: 4. TL - Raton Me- 574v. sa, Colfax Co., New Mexico. HT in LACM. w. a. elko Austin, 1983. J. Lepid. Soc., 37(3): 244-248. TL - Owyhee 574w. Valley, WUdhorse Creek C.G., ca. 10 mi. S. Mountain City, Hko Co., Nevada. HT in Nevada State Museum. X. a. capitanensis R. Holland, 1988. Bull. AUyn Mus., (115): 1-9. TL - 57 4x. Padilla Point, crest of Capitan Ridge, Capitan Mtns., Lincoln Co., New Mexico. HT in AMNH. 145:575e See discussion of TL by Grey [1989. J. Lepid. Soc., 43(1): 1-10]. 145;575g This subspecies is known from only three specimens collected in 1932. Despite intensive searching by many collectors, no additional examples have been found and this subspecies is presumed to be extinct. 1 45: 576b, c The subspecies jesmondensis (576c) should be placed as a junior synonym 40 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) of opis (576b) as discussed by Grey [1989. J. Lepid. Soc., 43(1); 1- 10 ]. 146:576f,h The subspecies arge (576f) should be placed as a junior synonym of mormonia (576h) as discuss^ by Grey [1989. J. Lepid. Soc., 43(1): 1- 10 ]. 146:576i The name cUo has been used generally to describe the unsilvered form of eurynome. Silvered and unsilvered forms occur in various subspecies of mormonia. Howe [1975. Butts. N. America] treated clio as a separate subspecies, despite the fact that mixed pairs are regularly taken in copulo. 147:CLXXXVII Correct Roman numerals to: CLXXXV. 147:577 According to Crosson du Cormier [1977. Alexanor, 10: 31-43], napaea does not occur in North America and alaskensis should be the species name. This paper has been disputed by many North American specialists, and no change is made herein pending further study. 1 47 : 5 77 b Add at end of entry: = pales Lehmann, 1913. In Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde, 5: 423. 147:CLXXXVIII Based upon genitalic studies conducted by L. P. Grey [1989. J. Lepid. Soc., 43(1): 1-10]. the genus PROCLOSSIANA should be lumped with the renumbered genus CLOSSIANA (CLXXXVI) and the heading changed to: Genus CLXXXVI: CLOSSIANA Reuss 1920. Ent. Mitt., 9: 192 (footnote). Type-species by original designation PAPILIO selene [Denis and Schiffermiiller] PAPILIO, 1775. Ankiin- dung eines syst. Werkes Schmett. Wienergegend: 321 [see Note 466]. = Proclossiana Reuss, 1926. Deutsche ent. Zeits. [Iris], 51: 168. Type-species by original designation Papilio aphirape Hiibner [1799-1800]. Samml. Europaischer Schmett.: pi. 5, figs. 23-35. (= Papilio eunomia Esper, [1779]. Die Schmett., Suppl. Band 1: 94). [Entry 578 now follows, then entry 579]. 147;578a Correct date of (Boisduval) to: “1832” [1834]. 148:578d This butterfly is only a melanic altitudinal form of dawsoni (578c) and is therefore omitted from the Checklist. See Ferris and Groothuis “1970(1971)” [J. Res. Lepid., 9(4): 243-248]. 148: Delete heading CLXXXIX and the first three lines of text immediately beneath. 148:579a Regarding the synonym marilandica, this name was applied to a presumed univoltine population. Anderson and Simmons, 1979 [J. Lepid Soc., 33(2): 143-145], have demonstrated that the type locality population is multivoltine. 149:580c COTrect first portion of entry to read; (D. Stallings and Turner) BOLORIA, 1946. Canadian Ent., 78: 135-136. TL- etc. 149:581 Karsholt and Nielsen, 1986 [Ent. scand., 16: 446] have designated a LT for this taxon and Hxed the TL as Lappland. 149:581b Rearrange the first part of entry as follows; b. f. gibsoni (Barnes and McDuimough) BRENTHIS, 1926. Bull. S. 581b. California Acad. Sci., 25: 92. TL - Barter’s I., N. Alaska (presumably Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 41 incorrect [see Note 470]). HT stated to be NMNH, but probably in Senckenberg Mus., Frankfurt. = alaskensis (Lehmann) ARGYNNIS, 1913. In Seitz, Gross- schmett. Erde, 5: 424. TL - Lat. 69°40’N., Long. Ul’W., NE Alaska. HT should be in Senckenberg Mus., Frankfurt [see Note 469]. 149:582b Move this entry under 582a as follows: = young i (Holland) BfRENTHISJ, 1900. Ent. News, 11: 383-384. TL - “mountains between Forty-Mile and Mission Creeks, NE Alaska". HT in CM. See: Ferris, 1984 [Bull. ADyn Mus., (89): 1 7]. 149:582b Add new entry as follows: b. i. harryi Ferris, 1984. Bull. Allyn Mus., (89): 2. TL - Near Summit of 582b. Bears Ears Trail, 0.5 mi. NW Mt. Chauvenet, 11, 750’, Fremont Co., Wyoming. HT in AME. 149:582 Add new species as follows: 4.1. acrocnema (Gall and Sperling) BOLORIA, 1980. J. Lepid. Soc., 34 582.1. (2): 231. TL - Mt. Uncompahgre, 13 km NW Lake City, Hinsdale Co., Colorado. HT in YPM. 149:583 In entry for laurenti, correct page citation to 450 and spelling of TL to Brighton. 150:584c The subspecific name is an invalid homonym, preoccupied by C. there borealis (Staudinger), 1861. The replacement name uslui has been pro- posed by Ko 9 ak [1984. Priamus, 3(3) :96]. The type specimen and TL re- main the same. 150:586 Karsholt and Nielsen, 1986 [Ent. scand., 16: 446] have designated a LT for this taxon and fixed the TL as Lappland, Sweden. 150:586c Mt. Natazhat is in the Yukon Territory. For further discussion of this taxon, see Ferris et al., 1983 [Canadian Ent., 115: 832-833]. Collecting in the Arctic by J. Troubridge in 1987, and Troubridge and K. W, Philip in 1988 has confirmed that natazhati is a distinct species. A publication is in preparation. No change is made here, however, pending this publication. 150:586d Delete this entry as a separate subspecies and place nabokovi as a junior synonym of natazhati (586c). This action is based upon independent examination of the type specimen of nabokovi by J. H. Shepard and C. D. Ferris. Correct date of publication for nabokovi to 1946. 1 5 1 : 5 86e Correct the citation to: The Entomologist, 86:210. 15 1 :588a The TL has been restricted to the vicinity of Rock Lake, Alberta (53°27’N, 118"l6*W) by J. H. Shepard [1984. Questiones Entomologicae, 20: 35 44], 151:588 Add additional subspecies: c. a. tschukotkensis Wyatt, 1961. Zeits. Weiner ent. Gesell., 46: 99. 588c. TL - Tschukolka Mtns., NE Siberia. HT in Colin Wyatt Collection, Karlsruhe Museum, West Germany. Editorial Note: This subspecies occurs in the Seward Peninsula and the NW Brooks Range in Alaska. It was originally described as a subspecies of distincta. It has yet to be satisfaaorily demonstrated that astarte and distincta are separate species. 151;589f Add at end of entry: = sangredecristo (Scott) BOLORIA, 1981. Papilio (new series), 1: 5. TL - Hermit Pass, Sangre de Cristo Mtns., Custer Co., Colorado. 42 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) HT in LACM. Based upon the original description, this name applies to an altitudinal female form of Helena. 152;CXC Correct Roman numerals to; CLXXXVIL This entry in its entirety does not follow the treatment of the W. H. Edwards names by Brown [1966. Trans. American ent. Soc., 92: 357-468]. In view of present (and perhaps incomplete) knowledge of this genus, Brown’s 1966 treatment seems to be a viable approach. Based upon examination of museum specimens from the early 1900s and contemporary material, it appears that P. minuta no longer occurs in the United States. The taxon nympha appears to apply to minuta (as placed by Brown) and not to arachne. While at one time, m. minuta occurred in Texas and m. nympha apparently occurred in Arizona, there are no contemporary collections of either butterfly, although a minuta-arachne clinal form has been taken by M. E. Toliver in NE New Mexico. See discussion in Ferris and Brown [1980. Butts. Rocky Mtn. States: 329]. A series of contemporaty specimens of m. nympha from northern Mexico is in the AME. Based upon present knowledge, a reasonable arrangement of Poladryas is as follows: 1. minuta (W. H. Edwards) MELTTAEA, 1861. Etc. a. m. minuta (W. H. Edwards) MELITAEA, 1861. Etc. 591a. b. m. nympha (W. H. Edwards) MELITAEA, 1884. Etc. 591b. 2. arachne (W. H. Edwards) MELITAEA, 1869. Etc. a. a. arachne (W. H. Edwards) MELITAEA, 1869. Etc. 592a. = gilensis (Holland) MELITAEA, 1931. Etc. TL - Along the west fork of the Gila River in Catron Co., New Mexico. The HT bears the locality label: “W. F. Gila/7.16 N ”. The Ft. Gila, S. Arizona locality is incorrect. The HT figured by Holland is a female and not a male as stated. HT in CM. The name gilensis actually applies to an aberration in which the VHW dark markings are much reduced. = ab. “gunderiae” (Holland), etc. b. a. monache (J. A. Comstock) MELITAEA, 1918. Etc. 592b. 152:CXCI Several changes are necessary in this section based upon a recent revision of the genus by M. J, Smith and J. P. Brock [1988. Bull. Allyn Mus., (118): 1 - 21 ]. 152:CXCI Correct Roman numerals to: CXXXVIII. 153:595 Break entry at end of 2nd line, delete 595, and insert as follows: a. c. cyneas (Godman and Salvin) MELITAEA, 1878. Proc. zool. Soc. 595a. London, [1878]: 269. TL - Oaxaca, Mexico. HT in BM. = ab. “infrequens” Gunder, etc. 153:596 Break entry at end of 4th line and insert as follows: a. f. fulvia (W. H. Edwards) MELITAEA, 1879. Canadian Ent., 11: 596a. 117-118, TL - “W. Texas”, restricted to Archer Co., Texas by F. M. Brown, 1966, Trans. American ent. Soc., 92: 391, = ab. "sinefasciata” (R. C. Williams), etc. b. f. Coronado M. Smith and Brock, 1988. Bull. Allyn Mus,, (118): 6- 596b. 10. TL - Summit of Redington Pass, 20 km ESE of Tucson, Santa Catalina Mtns., Pima Co., Arizona. HT in LACM. c. f. pariaensis M. Smith and Brock, 1988. Bull. Allyn Mus., (118): 10- 596c. 12. TL - The Cockscomb Ridge, ca. 61 road km E. of Kanab, Kane Co., Utah. HT in LACM. 153:597a Insert at end of entry for f. "obsoleta” as follows: Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 43 Misspelled “obliterata” by Strecker [1878. Syn. Cat., : 125]. 153 :597c Smith and Brock {op. cit.) treat cerrita as a blend-zone form. 153:597 Add new subspecies as follows: e. 1. oregonensis (Bauer) CHLOSYNE, 1975. In Howe, Butts. N. A- merica: 166-167. TL - Not clearly stated; Jackson Co., Oregon implied. The presumed female type is illustrated in pi. 40, fig. 17 with data: “Mt. Ashland, Loop Road, Jackson Co., Ore.” HT in LACM. 154:CXCII Correct Roman numerals to: CXXXIX. 155:CXXXIX Add two new species as follows; 8. ehrenbergerii (Geyer) MORPHEIS, 1833. Samml. exot. Schmett., 3: pi. 443 (5) (named figure only). TL - Mexico? Loc. type unknown. = ehrenbergerii (Hiibner [Kirby]) ANEMECA, 1871. Synon. Cat., no. 179. = ehrenbergeri Higgins, 1960. Trans. R. ent. Soc., 12: 404. Higgins {op. cit.) placed this species in CHLOSYNE. 9. melitaeoides (C. and R. Felder) SYNCH LOE, 1867. Reise Freg. No- vara, 3: 396. TL - “Mexico”. HT in BM. = melitaeoides (Godman and Salvin) SYNCHLOE, 1882. Biol. Central!- Americana, Lepid. Rhop., 1: 181. = melitaeoides Higgins, 1960. Trans. R. ent. Soc., 12: 419. Higgins treated this taxon as a form of C. marina (Geyer), 1837. Kendall and McGuire [1984. Bull. Allyn Mus., (86): 28] treated melitaeoides as a full species. 155:CXCIII Correct Roman numerals to: CXC. Charidryas was elevated to generic status by Ferris and Fisher [1977. J. Res. Lepid., 16(3): 133-140]. In his massive revision of the Melitaeinae, Higgins [1960. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 112: 381-475], did not recognize this taxon. We feel that the species associated with Charidryas in Memoir No, 2 are sufficiently distinct in maculation to merit recognition. There are excellent biogeographical reasons for maintaining Charidryas as a genus. It is north-temperate in origin, whereas Chlosyne is tropical. On this basis, Charidryas is retained as a distinct genus. 156:606a Add the following: = nyctis (Boisduval) MELITAEA, 1869. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 12: 53. Lapsus calami. Correct entry for ab. “milbumi” to read: HT in AMNH. 156:608a To be consistent with geographic-race distribution, the entry, ab. “blackmorei” should be placed with 608f. 156:608b The status of whitneyi is currently under revision and the reader should check on the revised status as published in the forthcoming book on California butterflies by J. F. Emmel, T. C. Emmel and S. O. Mattoon. Insert as follows after the entry = hewesi: = ab. “hopfingeri” (Gunder) MELITAEA, 1934. Canadian Ent., 66: 129. TL - Aster I. (Columbia R.), Brewester, Okanogan Co., Washington. HT in AMNH. 157:608f The HT of f. “dorothyae” is in LACM. Editorial Note: There are several problems here in regard to the illustrations in Howe [1975. Butts. N. America] as pointed out by J. P. Pelham and J. P. Donahue {in litt.). The ensuing discussion applies to Note 497 in Memoir No. 2 and plate 40 in Howe. In the latter, figs. 13, 16 are sterope 597e. 604.1 604.2 44 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) and figs. 9, 12 are “dorothyae”. The HT male of “dorolhyae” (fig. 12) is from Durkee [Baker Co.], Ore. The AT female (fig. 9) is from Gypsum, Snake R., Baker Co., Ore. Fig. 13 is sterope with erroneous ddXdt. fide Bauer; fig. 16 is sterope from Fulton Canyon, Sherman Co., Ore. According to the CODE, the taxon “dorothyae” is inappropriately described in Howe. The butterfly itself remains somewhat of an enigma. It occurs in the blend-zone between the ranges of acastus (to the south) and palla sterope (to the north). It remains to be elucidated whether “dorothyae” is a varietal form of sterope, a subspecies of acastus, or possibly a hybrid between acastus and sterope. The emendation to “dorothyi” in the 1983 MONA Check List contravenes Art. 31(a) of the CODE. 157:611 The original spelling is: gabbii. 157:612 The status of damoctas is currently under revision and the reader should check on the revised status as published in the forthcoming book on California butterflies by J. F. Emmel, T. C. Emmel and S. O. Mattoon. 158:613c Conect entry as follows: c. h. manchada (Bauer) CHLOSYNE, 1959 [I960]. Etc. 158:CXCIV Correct Roman numerals to: CXCI. 158:614 Add: = horni Rebel, 1906. Verb, zool.-bot. Ges. Wein: 9. TL - ?? Loc. type not known. = draudti Rober, 1913. In Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde, 5: 453. TL - Mexico. ST’s probably in ZMHU. 158:CXCV Correct Roman numerds to: CXCII. 159:CXCVI Correct Roman numerals to: CXCni. 159:616a Add at end of entry: = ubrica (Skinner) MELITAEA, 1898. Syn. Cat. N. A. Rhop.: 14. Lapsus calami 159:CXCVII Correct Roman numerals to: CXCIV. 159:617a Add at end of texana entry as follows: Misidentified as Eresia cincta Edwards, by Scudder [1875. Bull. Buffalo Soc. nat. Hist., 2: 239, 268]. 159:617b Opler and Krizek [1984. Butts. E. Great Plains: 143] have suggested that Seminole may be a distinct species. 160:CXCVin Correct Roman numerals to: CXCV. 1 60:623a To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: arcticus. Add: = artica dos Passes, 1969. J. Lepid. Soc., 23(2): 120. Lapsus calami. 1 61 :623b Insert between euclea and selenis entries as follows: = pulchella (Boisduval) MELITAEA, 1852. Ann. Soc. entomol. France, (2)10(2): 306, no. 4. TL - "Califomie” [the alleged type bears no locality label]. This specimen is actually P.pratensis, but Boisduval clearly intended the name pulchella as a replacement name for Papilio tharos Drury. For further discussion, see TUden 1974 [J. Lepid. Soc., 28(4): 353-353]. 161:623 b Insert at end of 2nd line of selenis entry: [see Note 507]. 1 61 :623c To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: distinctus. The HT is inLACM. 161:623d Opler and Krizek [1984. Butts. E. Great Plains: 145-146] elevated this tax- Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 45 on to species status based upon the presumption that it is univoltine, while tharos represents a multivoltine species. Based upon extensive studies, J. P. Pelham has ascertained that pascoensis from the TL region is found in typical tharos habitats, and is at least bivoltine. On this basis, it is thus a form or subspecies of tharos. Hence it appears incorrect to use the name pascoensis to represent the univoltine sibling species of tharos. Add to end of entry as follows; = f. “herse” G. C. Hall, 1924. J. New York ent. Soc., 32: no. TL - Taft, British Columbia. HT in AMNH. = f. “nigrescens" G. C. Hall, 1924. J. New York ent. Soc., 32: 1 10. TL - Taft, British Columbia. HT in AMNH. 161:623 Editorial Comment: The //loroj-complex is still under study by several specialists, and the ‘‘correct” nomenclature has yet to be established. Scott [1986. Butts. N. America: 309-311] has used morpheas (Fabricius) [pre- viously considered as the spring form of tharos^ to represent the univoltine species. He has placed pascoensis as a synonym, which is a contradiction of Pelham’s findings. In south-central Wyoming and along the Arizona- New Mexico border, there are tharos populations that will probably prove to be distinct species (C. G. Oliver, in litt.). Thus there are perhaps a min- imum of four sibling species currently included under the taxon tharos. Much additional research is required. 161:624 Add: = ab. “harperi” Gunder, 1932. Canadian Ent., 64: 283-284. TL - McCreary, Manitoba. HT in AMNH. 161:625 Editorial Note: With regard to the use of pro/c/ty /jin preference to cuwp- estris, it should be noted that in the original Behr publication, the name order was Melitaea montana (p. 85), M . campestris (p. 86), then M. pratensis (p. 86). Strecker in his transfer of these taxa to Phyciodes, reversed the order placing P. pratensis (no. 233) and P. montana (no. 234), If the “First Reviser” principle is adhered to, then the correct specific epithet is pratensis. On the other hand, if the Principle of Priority is strictly applied per the current edition of the CODE, then the specific epithet becomes montanus (correct spelling to conform to the CODE), since the “50-Year Rule” no longer exists. In neither case does campestris have pre- cedence. In the interest of maintaining stability, we retain pratensis as the species name. 161 :625b To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: montanus. 1 62:626 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: pictus. 162:626b Based upon the revision of the genus by Higgins [1981. Bull. Brit. Mus. (N.H.), Entomol Ser., 43(3): 91], canace is a junior synonym of pictus pictus. 1 62:628 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: pallidus. 162:629 The name mylUta was incorrectly emended to mylittus by Higgins [1981. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), 43(3)]. 1 63 :629a Insert after 4th line of entry: = my/i7/ae W. G. Wright, 1883. Papilio, 3: 119. Lapsus calami. 1 63;629b The HT of arizonensis is in the Bauer collection. 163:629c Add; [NB: Contemporary occurrence of this subspecies in our region is questionable]. 163: Insert new Genus CXC VI: Tegosa Higgins as follows: 46 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) Genus CXCVI: Tegosa Higgins 1981, Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), 43(3): 121. Type-species by original designation Acraea claudina Eschscholtz, 1821 in O. von Kotzebue: Entdeckungs-Reise etc.: 3, Appendix (5): 112, pi. [8], figs. 18a, b. *l.ameta (Hewitson) ERESIA, [1864]. Ulus, exot. Butts., 3: [23], pi, [12], figs, 43, 44. a. a. luka Higgins, 1981. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), 43(3): 126-127. 629.5a. TL - Tamazunchale, San Luis Potose [^ic, Potosi], Mexico. HT in BM. There is a specimen from Texas of this species in the LACM. The sub- specific assignment is based solely upon geography and is tentative. 1 63;CXCIX, CC Delete and renumber as noted below. Basal upon a recent paper that treated genetic distances in the checkerspot butterflies [1985. Brussard et al., J. Kansas ent. Soc., 58(3): 403-412], Hypodryas and Occidryas should be treated as subgenera of Euphydryas Scudder (renumbered as CXCVII), thus superseding the revision by Higgins [1978. Entomol. Gaz., 29: 109-115]. Thus parentheses should be deleted for author names associated with the species originally described as EUPHYDRYAS. The heading should be modified as follows: Genus CXCVII: Euphydryas Scudder 1872. 4th Ann. Kept. Peabody Acad. Sci., [1871]: 48. Type-species by original designation Papilio phaeton Drury, [1773]. 111. nat. Hist., 1: index et 42, pi. 21, figs. 3, 4, = Hypodryas Higgins, 1978. Ent. Gazette, 29: 110-112, Type- species by original designation Papilio maturna Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1: 480. = Occidryas Higgins, 1978. Ent. Gazette, 29; 110-112. Type- species by original designation Melitaea anicia Doubleday and Hewitson, [1848]. Gen. dium, Lepid., 1: pi. 23, fig. 2 [see Note 520]. Editorial Note: It has been suggested by one author [Scott, “1978(80)”. J. Res. Lepid., 17(4): 245-252] that E. anicia and E. chalcedona are con- specific based upon studies of the male genitalia. This placement has been disputed by various specialists {in litt.), since there is a considerable amount of field evidence to the contrary, and therefore the conservative approach is taken here. The two taxa are herein treated as separate species based upon the findings of Ferris [“1987(88)”. J. Res. Lepid., 26: 109- 115]. 1 63:630 The original spelling is: gillettii. 163:631b The TL has been restricted by J. H. Shepard [1984. Quaestiones Entomo- logicae, 20: 35-44] to the vicinity of Rock Lake, Alberta (53‘’27’N, 118°16’W). 1 64:63 Ih Emend type locality entry as follows: Sacremento [sic] Mtns. Sacramento was misspelled in the original description. 164:6311 Add; = ab. “venusta” Gunder, 1932. Pan-Pacif. Ent., 8: 127. TL - Cottonwood Can., above Roosevelt Camp, Roosevelt Dam, [Gila Co.], Arizona. HT in AMNH. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 47 1 65 :63 It Correct spelling “Harbey” to: Harney. 1 65 ;632 Editorial Note; There has been a long-standing taxonomic problem relative to chalcedona and E. colon (633). Bauer in Howe [1975. Butts. N. America: 176-181], treated these taxa as separate species. Historically they have been treated by specialists as both conspecific and as separate species. Domfeld [1980. Butts, of Oregon: 72] considered them conspecific, as did Scott [“1978(80)”. J. Res. Lepid., 17(4): 245-252]. Again the con- servative approach is adopted and chalcedona and colon are treated herein as conspecific. In the form that Memoir No. 2 was published there is a conflict between entries 632d {E. chalcedona huellemanni) and 633e (£. colon wallacensis). Both entities have the same type locality. This would present no problem were these butterflies clearly separable, but they are not. Ehrlich et al. [1975. Science, 188: 221-228] have suggested that it is possible to have two genetically distinct populations of Euphydryas in close geographic proximity. Field studies in Idaho by N. S. Curtis, C. D. Ferris and others have shown that £. chalcedona is extremely variable in facies within a given colony in that area, and there is some degree of annual variation as well. Thus it appears that the names huellemanni and wallacensis apply to the same insect, with the latter having publication priority [see Note 524]. On the basis of the preceding discussion, entries 632 and 633 should be combined into the single species-group chalcedona with the following modifications: 165:632 Revise order of entries as follows: a. c. chalcedona (Doubleday), etc. 632a. b. c. colon (W. H. Edwards), etc. 632b. c. c. corralcnsis T. and J. Emmel, etc. 632c. d.c. dwinellei (Hy. Edwards), etc. 632d. e. c. kingstonensis T. and J. Emmel, etc. 632e. f. c. klotsi dos Passos, etc. 632f. g.c. macglashanii (Rivers), etc. 632g. h. c .nevadensis Bauer, etc. 632h. i. c. olancha (W. G. Wright), etc. 632i. j. c. paradoxa McDunnough, etc. 632j. k. c. perdiccas (W. H. Edwards), etc. 632k. 1. c. quino (Behr), etc. 6321. m. c. sierra (W. G. Wright), etc. 632m n. c. sperryi F. and R. Chermock, etc. 632n. o.c. wallacensis Gunder, etc. 632o. 165:632a Insert after entry for ab. “suprafusca” as follows: = ab. “suprafusa” dos Passos, 1964. Lepid. Soc. Mem. No. 1: 86. Lapsus calami. 165:632o This entry should now read as follows: o. c. wallacensis Gunder, 1928. Pan-Pacif. Ent., 5; 50. TL - Wallace, 632o. Shoshone Co., Idaho. HT in AMNH. = huellemanni dos Passos, 1964. Lepid. Soc. Mem. No. 1; 86; change of status. TL -Wallace, Idaho. HT in LACM [see Note 524]. = ab. “huellemanni” J. A. Comstock, 1926. BuU S. California Acad. Sci., 25: 32. TL - Wallace, Idaho. HT in LACM. 1 66:633 This entire entry should be placed under 632 as noted above. 48 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) 167:633b 168:634h 169:634q 169:634 169 169:635a 170:CCII 170:636 Change last sentence to read (now 632h as revised): Bauer did not designate a type specimen. For discussion [see Note 529]. LT in Bauer collection. Reference should be to Note 531, not 532. Insert after 1st line as follows: = nubigea (Carpenter) MELITAEA, 1877. Field and For., 3: 48. Lapsus calami. Insert two additional entries as follows: u. e. luestherae Murphy and Ehrlich, 1980. J. Lepid. Soc., 34(3): 317. 634u. TL - Del Puerto Canyon, 22 mi. W. Patterson, Stanislaus Co., Cali- fornia. HTinAMNH. V. e. koreti Murphy and Ehrlich, “1983(84)”. J. Res. Lepid., 22(4): 257- 634v. 259. TL - Ridge S. Bald Mtn., White Pine Co., Nevada. HT in AMNH. [NB: Phenotypically luestherae is virtually identical to editha, and koreti to lehmani. The basis for naming these subspecies is habitat isolation and presumed lack of gene exchange]. Delete heading CCI and the two lines of text immediately beneath. Correct entry to read: = ab. “streckeri”, etc. Correct Roman numerals to: CXCVIII. Editorial Note: The partial revision of genus POLYGONIA by Scott [1984. J. Res. Lepid., 23(3): 197-210] is considered premature, and it is in- complete with respect to distribution data. Scott’s taxonomic decisions are based upon slight differences in the male genitalia of the specimens examined, and upon geographic distributions. Various taxa have been lumped under progne (Cramer), based upon presumed allopatry, and various other taxonomic changes have been proposed. The taxon nigroiephyrus Scott (in the combination P. progne nigrozephyrus) has been erected primarily on the premise that P. progne progne and P. progne nigrozephyrus are allopatric. It is quite possible, however, that nigrozephyrus represents simply an occasional dark form of zephyrus (not progne) that seems to occur more frequently in females than in males. This dark phenotype ranges at least from the Jemez Mtns, in New Mexico into northern Idaho, and a single female was taken by the Editor along with normal males of zephyrus in 1985 on a prairie in Albany Co., Wyoming where nothing remotely resembling progne is found [cf. “limited to mountainous Colorado, Utah, southern Wyoming, and probably northern New Mexico” as stated by Scott]. Normal progne and zephyrus are sympatric and synchronic in the Pine Ridge (Sioux Co.) of Nebraska, and in Devil’s Tower Nat. Mon, in Crook Co,, Wyoming. Dark zephryus specimens have been taken along with typical progne in the Pine Ridge. The conservative approach is adopted herein, and no major taxonomic changes are recommended pending further study. P. p. nigrozephyrus is tentatively listed, however, as a subspecies of progne. Correct spelling to: interrogationis. Add at end of entry as follows: = interrigaiionis Brown et al., 1957. Colorado Butts.: 91. Lapsus calami. = tiliae (Fabricius) CYNTHIA, 1938. In Bryk, J. C. Fabr. Syst. Gloss.: 90. A proposed replacement name based upon one of the larval foodplants. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 49 170:638b Correct spelling to: neomarsyas. This taxon is simply a varietal form of satyrus and should be treated as a junior synonym thereof and placed under 638a, renumbered as 638. All forms have been reared from a single brood (fide J. P. Pelham). 17 1 :640 P. hylas has been treated by many contemporary authors as a subspecies of P. faunus. Thus revise entry 640 to 639e. 17 1 :641 Delete as separate species and place as synonym of faunus rusticus (639c), fide J. F. Emmel. 171 :643 Correct entry to read: (Grote and Robinson). 171:645 Correct spelling to: c-argenteum. Based upon the editorial note above, the following changes should be made: a. p. progne (Cramer), etc. 645a b. p. nigrozephyrus Scott, 1984. J. Res. Lepid., 23(3): 201-202. TL - 645b Lump Gulch nr. Rollinsville, 8500’, Gilpin Co., Colorado. HT in Univ. of Colorado Mus. 172:CCni Correct Roman numerals to: CXCVDC. 172:646 To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: vaualbum. Correct author entry to: (Denis and Schiffermiiller). Add to entry as follows: = watsoni (G. C. Hall) AGLAIS, 1924. J. New York ent. Soc., 32: 109. TTL - Sicamous, British Columbia. HT in AMNH. 172:648a Add at end of entry: = betulae (Fabricius) VANESSA, 1938. In Bryk, J. C. Fabr. Syst. Gloss.: 111. A proposed replacement name based upon a larval foodplant. 173:CCIV Correct Roman numerals to: CC. 173:649b Add at end of entry: = melberti (W. H. Edwards) VANESSA, 1872. In Hayden, F.V., Geol. Surv. Montana: 467. Lapsus calami. 173:649c Remove 649c as separate subspecies and place as junior synonym of m. milberti (649b). There is no appreciable difference between milberti and furcillata. See Ferris in Ferris and Brown [1980. Butts. Rocky Mtn. States: 337]. 173:CCV Correct Roman numerals to: CCI. 173:650 Insert before huniera entry as follows: = gnaphalii (Fabricius) CYNTHIA, 1938. In Bryk, J. C. Fabr. Gloss.: 102. A proposed replacement name based upon a larval foodplant. 1 74:651 Insert after second line of entry as follows: = carduelis Field [nec Seba, 1765], 1940. BuU. Univ. Kansas, 41(22): 342. = ab. “elymi” Rambur, 1829. Ann. Soc. Obs., 2: pi. 5, figs. 1-2. TL- France?. HT in ?? [NB: See Field, 1971. Smith- sonian' Contrib. Zool., 84 for a detailed discussion of the various aberrational and form names in VAA^ESSA]. 1 74:653a Insert after 4th line of entry as follows: = atalanta Auct. [n^c Linnaeus, 1758]. = italica Field [nec Stichel, 1907], 1938[1940]. Bull Univ. Kansas 39(10): 264. 174:CCVI Correct Roman numerals to: CCII. 50 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) 175:CCVII Correct Roman numerals to: CCIII. Correct spelling in prefatory entry to: Euralia. 175:CCVIII Correct Roman numerals to: CCIV. 175:656 The taxa "rubrosuffusa” and “rosa" were described as forms and not aberrations as stated. Add at end of entry: = ab. “weidenhameri” Polacek, 1925. Bull. Maryland Acad. Sci., 6(3). TL - Maryland. Loc. type unknown. 176:657,658 Editorial Note: Two revisionary papers have been published that affect the taxonomy of these two entries: Hafemik, J. E., Jr., 1982 [Phenelics and ecology of hybridization in buckeye butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymph- alidae), Univ. of California Pubs, in Entomology, 96: 1-109]; Turner, T. W. and J. R. Parnell, 1985 [The identification of two species of Junonia Hiibner (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): /. evarete and J. genoveva in Jamaica, J. Res. Lepid., 24(2): 142-153]. Based upon these studies, entries 657 and 658 should be revised as shown. 176:657 *2. genoveva (Stoll) PAPILIO, [1782]. In Cramer, Uill. Kapellen, 4: pi. 290, figs. E, F. TL - not stated, possibly Surinam. Loc. of type unknown, possibly either BM or Amsterdam, a. g, zonalis C. and R. Felder, [1864-1867]. Reise Freg. Novara, 3: 399.657a TL - “Columbia, Cuba, Puerto Rico”, ST’s in BM. = negraAuct. [nec C. and R. Felder, 1867]. = nigrosujfusa Barnes and McDunnough, 1916. Canadian Ent,, 48: 222. TL - “Palmerlee, Babaquivera [r/c] Mtns., Huachuca Mtns., Arizona”. ST’s in USNM. Hafernik placed this taxon as a sub- species of evarete. T. W, Turner (in lilt.) has suggested that nig- rosuffusa may represent a hybrid between coenia and genoveva rather than a form or subspecies. Dark- suffused examples in- termediate between the two species are regularly collected in SE Arizona and SW New Mexico. For this reason, pending further study, nigrosuffusa is placed as a synonym of genoveva. Turner has also indicated that the dark insect that has been taken on Padre Island, Texas is a dark coenia based upon comparative larval studies and chromosome data. J. evarete occurs along the Florida coast, and in Texas as a migrant from Mexico. 176:658 *3. evarete (Cramer) PAPILIO, [1779]. Uitl. Kapellen, 3: 18, pi. 203, 658. figs. C, D. TL - “Surinam”, Type may be lost [BM, Amsterdam?]. = t lavinia (Cramer) PAPILIO, [1775]. Uitl. Kapellen, 1: 32, pi. 21, figs. C, D. TL - “Surinam”. Loc. of type unknown [see Note 7]. Preoccupied by Papilio lavinia Fabricius, 1775. Syst. Ent.: 450 [see Note 565]. 176:CCIX Correct Roman numerals to: CCV. 176:659 Editorial Note: Silberglied, ef a/. [1979. Psyche, 86: 219-260] revised this genus and recognized no subspecies. We do not accept this approach. Cor- rect the omitted line as follows: TL - “Surinam”. Type - not known and probably lost. 176:659a Correct entry as follows: . . . Munroe, 1942. American Mus. Novitates, (1179): 2-3. TL - San Carlos 659a Estate, Guantanamo, Oriente, Cuba. HT in AMNH. 176:660 Add: [NB: Silberglied, et a/., 1979, qp. d/., have restricted the TL to Suppl, to Memoir No. 2 51 “La Habana, Cuba”]. 176:CCX Correct Roman numerals to: CCVI. 177:663a Correct footnote reference from 557 to: 571. 177:CCXI Correct Roman numerals to: CCVII. Editorial Note: The basis for using Basilarchia relates to differences in larval and pupal morphology between the North American fauna and the Old World LIMENITIS Fabricius. On the other hand, A. P. Platt (who has been studying this group for some years) in a 1988 letter to the Committee chairman, has stated that he favors the use of LIMENITIS with BASILARCHIA as a subgenus. At one extreme, true LIMENITIS could be considered as a monotypic genus composed of L. populi (Linnaeus 1758); at the other extreme, ADELPHA, BASILARCHIA, and LADOGA could be considered to be subgenera under LIMENITIS. BASILARCHIA is retained here pending further study. 1 80:665 Add entry as follows: f, w. siennafascia (Austin and Mullins) LIMENITIS, (1984). J. Res. 665f. Lepid., 22: 225-227. TL - Chiricahua Mtns., nr. Barfoot Park, Cochise Co., Arizona. HT in AME. 180:CCXII Correct Roman numerals to: CCVIII. 180: A major revision of genus EPIPHILE has been published by Jenkins [1986. Bull. Allyn Mus., (101): 1-70]. Thus insert above Genus CCXIII: Myscelia Doubleday as follows: Genus CCVIX: Epiphile Doubleday 1844. List Spec. Lepid. Ins. British Mus., 1: 90. Type-species by selection by Scudder, 1875. Proc, American Acad. Arts Sci., 10: 165 Temenis area Hiibner, 1823. Samml. exot. Schraett., 2: pi. 30. = Epiphile Boisduval, 1870. Consid. L^pid. Guatemala: 40. Type- species by selection by Hemming, 1943. Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (B), 12: 27 Epiphile epicaste Hewitson, 1857. 111. exot. Butts., 2: 47, pi. 24, figs. 2, 4. 1. adrasta Hewitson, 1861. Exot. Butts. Epiphile 2: [50], part [40], pi. [25], figs. 9-11. TL - “Mexico”. ST’s in BM. a. a. adrasta Hewitson, 1861. Exot. Butts. Epiphile 2: [50], part [40], 668.5 pi. [25], figs. 9-11. TL - “Mexico”. STs in BM. 180:CCXIII Correct Roman numerals to: CCX. A major revision of the genus MYSCELIA has been published by Jenkins [1984. Bull. Allyn Mus., (87): 1-64]. Starting with the last line on p. 180 to the end of the genus entry, the text should be revised as follows: 1. ethusa (Doy^re) CYB DELIS, 1840. In Cuvier, Regne Anim. (Dis- ciple’s edn.), Livraison 101 (Ins. 10): pi. 138, figs. 3 & 3b. TL -Un- known. ST’s (7) in USNM. a. e. ethusa (Doyere) CYBDELIS, 1840. In Cuvier, Regne Anim. (Dis- 669a. ciple’s edn.), Livraison 101 (Ins. 10): pi. 138, figs. 3 & 3b. TL -Un- known. ST’s (?) in USNM. = ethusa (Boisduval) CYBDELIS, 1840. In Cuvier, Regne Anim. (Disciple’s edn.), Livraison 101 (Ins. 10): pi. 138, fig. 3. TL - “Mexico”. “HT” male in USNM does not conform to the CODE (Art. 69) and the name is invalid. Note: This has previously been 52 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) cited by authors as “Boisduval, 1836”. In his discussion of the Disciple’s Edition of Cuvier’s Rfegne Anim. [1976. J. Soc. Biblphy nat. Hist., 8(1): 57], Cowan has stated: “Doyere introduced about seven new names in his last livraison. All were Lepidoptera label names from Boisduval’s celebrated collection, and the latter has been cited as their author. But Boisduval was never a disciple, and the responsibility for publication must rest with Doyere.” = cyanecula (C. and R. Felder) FAUN I A, [1864-1867]. Reise Freg. Novara, 3: 408, 618; pi. 53, fig. 5. TL - Mexico. Loc. of HT unknown; not in BM. = rogenhoferi R. Felder, 1869. Verb, zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, (22): 472. TL - Huahuapan (= Huajuapan), Oaxaca, Mexico. ST’s may be in Vienna. *2. cyananthe (C. and R. Felder) FAUNIA, [1864-1867]. Reise Freg. Novara, 3: 408-409. TL - Mexico. HT in BM. a. c. skinneri Mengel, 1894. Ent. News, 5: 96. TL - Bayemena, Sinaloa, 670a. Mexico. ST’s in Reading [Pennsylvania] Public Museum and Strecker CoU. at FMNH. 181 :CCXI V Correct Roman numerals to: CCXI. 1 82:674 Insert after 2nd line at top of page: = caerula dos Passos, 1964. Lepid. Soc. Mem. No. 1: 73. Lapsus calami. 182:CCXV Correct Roman numerals to: CCXII. Add as follows: 2. tithia (Geyer) SIRONIA, IBTi, MHubner, Zutr. z. Samml. exot. 675.1. Schmett., 2: 31. TL - “South Brazil”. HT presumed lost. 182:CCXVI Correct Roman numerals to: CCXni. Add species as noted: 3. anna (Gu6rin-M6neville) CALL/C<9/f£, 1844. Icon. Regne Anim.: 480. 677.1. TL - Mexico? HT presumed lost. 182:CCXVH Correct Roman numerals to: CCXIV. 182:679a It has been suggested by Masters [1970. J. Lepid. Soc., 24(3): 207] that M. cana floridana be sunk as a junior synonym of M. bogatana cana. In subsequent publications by other authors, M. cana (Erichson) and M. bogatana Felder have been treated as distinct species. 1 82:CCXVIII Correct Roman numerals to: CCXV. 183: Change Tribe entry as follows: Tribe Ageroniini Doubleday 1847. Gen. dium. Lepid., 1(8): 81. 183:CCXIX Correct Roman numerals to: CCXVI. A major revision of the genus HAMADRYAS has been published by Jenkins [1983. Bull. Allyn Mus., (81): 1-146], and a subsequent paper on North American taxa [1984. J. L^id. Soc., 38(3); 171-175]. Starting after the genus prefatory entry, the species entries should be replaced as follows: *1. fcbrua (Hiibner) AGERONIA, 1823. Samml. exot. Schmett., 2: pi. [4]. TL - Not stat^. Type probably lost [see Note 9]. a. f. ferentina (Godart) NYMPHALIS, [1824]. In Latreille, Hist Nat. 681a. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 5S [Zool.], 9: 428 (based on figure labeled Papilio feronia Cramer, 1782: 140, 249, pi. 362, figs. A, B [nec Linnaeus, 1758]. TL - “East Indies” according to Cramer (1782); Surinam according to Godait [1824]. ST’s - Loc. unknown. = gudula Author not stated [Fruhstorfer] AGERONIA, 1914. In Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde, 5; 105d. = gudula (Fruhstorfer) AGERONIA, 1916. In Seitz Gross- schmett. Erde, 5: 539. TL - “Texas” (on specimen label); "W. Mexico” (in description). ST’s in BM. = icilia (Fruhstorfer) AGERONIA, 1916. In Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde, 5: 540. TL - Belmont, Trinidad. ST’s in BM. = hierone (Fruhstorfer) AGERONIA, 1916. In Seitz, Gross- schmett. Erde, 5: 540. TL - Yucatan, Mexico. ST’s - Loc. unknown; not in BM or ZMHU. = fundania (Fruhstorfer) AGERONIA, 1916. In Seitz, Gross- schmett Erde, 5: 540. TL - San Pedro Sula, Honduras. ST’s in BM. = fictitia (F. M. Brown [nec Fruhstorfer]) AGERONIA, 1945. J.New York ent. Soc., 53: 41. = f. “sodalia” (Fruhstorfer) AGERONIA, In Seitz, Gross- schmett. Erde, 5: 540. TL - “E. & S. Mexico”. ST’s in BM. *2. amphichloe (Boisduval) AGERONIA, 1870. Consid. L6pid. env. Guatemala de I’Orza. Rennes: 27. TL - Guayaquil, Ecuador. ST - BM. = tegyra (Fruhstorfer) AGERONIA, 1916. In Seitz, Gross- schmett. Erde, 5; 54. TL - Ecuador. ST - BM, = amphichloe (Fruhstorfer [nec Boisduval, 1870]) AGERONIA, 1916. In Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde, 5: 540. a. a. diasia (Fruhstorfer) AGERONIA, 1916. In Seitz, Grossschmett. 682a Erde, 5: 541. TL - Puerto Rico and Haiti. ST’s - Loc. unknown; not in BM or ZMHU. = antillana (Hall) AGERONIA, 1925. The Entomologist, 58: 187. TL - Hispaniola. ST’s in BM; Booth Museum. *3. atlantis (Bates) AG£/?OMA, 1864. Ent. month. Mag., 1: 115-116. TL - Chuacds, Guatemala. HT in BM. a. a. Iclaps (Godman and Salvin) AGERONIA, [1883]. Biol. Central!- 683 a Americana, Lepid, Rhop., 1: 270. TL - Ventanas, Durango, Mexico. HT in BM. *4. feronia (Linnaeus) PAPILIO, 1758. Syst. Nat, ed. 10, 1: 473. TL - “India”. Loc. of type unknown (Uppsala, Linnaean Soc., London?), a. f. farinulenta (Fruhstorfer) AGERONIA, 1916. In Seitz, Gross- 684a schmett. Erde, 5: 542, TL - San Pedro Sula, Honduras. ST’s in BM. = feronia (Godman and Salvin [partim, nec Linnaeus, 1758]) PERIDROMIA, [1883]. Biol, Centrali-Americana, Lepid. Rhop. 1: 273. = guatemalena (Godman and Salvin [partim, nec Linnaeus, 1758]) PERIDROMIA, [1883]. Biol. Centrali-Americana, Lepid. Rhop., 1:273. = nobilita (Fruhstorfer) AGERONIA, 1916. In Seitz, Gross- schmett. Erde, 5: 543. TL - Chiriquf, Panamd. ST’s in BM. 54 Mem. tepid. Soc., (3) = insularis (Fruhslorfer) AGERONIA, 1916. In Seitz, Gross- schmett. Erde, 5; 542. TL - Belmont, Trinidad. ST’s in BM. = mandragora (M6n6tri6s [Fruhstorfer]) AGERONIA, 1916. In Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde, 5; 542. TL - “Espirito Santo”. ST’s in BM. *5. guatcmalena (Bates) AGERONIA, 1864. Ent. month, Mag., 1: 115. TL - Central valleys, Guatemala. ST’s in BM. a. g. marmarice (Fruhstorfer) AGERONIA, 1916. In Seitz, Gross- 684.1a. schmett. Erde, 5: 542. TL - “Orizaba and Guadalajara, Mexico”. ST’s in BM. *6.iphthime (Bates) AGERONIA, 1865. Ent. month. Mag., 1; 116. TL - “Columbia and Guatemala”. ST’s in BM. a. i. joannae Jenkins, 1983. Bull. Allyn Mus., 81: 72-73. TL - Chiltepec, 684.2a. Oaxaca, Mexico, HT in AME. = iphthime (Bates) AGERONIA, 1864 [partim]. Ent. month. Mag., 1: 116. TL - “Polochic Valley, Guatemala and Bogota, Columbia”. ST’s in BM. = iphimede (Boisduval) AGERONIA, 1870. Consid. L6pid. env. Guatemala de I’Orza. Rennes; 26. Le^sus calami. = iphthime (Bates [Fruhstorfer]) AGERONIA, 1916. In Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde, 5: 543. = feronia var. b. iphthime (Bates [Kirby]) AGERONIA, 1871. Syn. Cat. Lepid,, 215. *7.amphinome (Linnaeus) PAPILIO, 1767. Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1: 779-780. TL - “America meridionali”, probably Surinam. HT may be in Uppsala or Linnaean Soc., London. a. a. mexicana (Lucas) PERIDROMIA, 1853. Rev. Zool. [1853]: 331. 685a. TL - “Mexico”. Loc. of type unknown (MNHN?). = amphinome (Godman and Salvin \partim, nec Linnaeus, 1767]) PERIDROMIA, [1883]. Biol. Centrali-Americana, Lepid. Rhop., 1: 271. 184:CCXX Correct Roman numerals to: CCXVn. 184:686 Correct type font to; acheronta. 184:CCXXI Correct Roman numerals to CCXVIII; add species as follows; *2. blomHldia (Fabric ius) PAPILIO, 1781. Spec. Ins., 2; 84. TL - un- known. HT presumed lost, a. b, datis Fruhstorfer, 1907. Int. ent. Zschr. Guben, 1; 319. TL - “Mex- 688.1a. ico and Central America”. ST’s may be in BM. 185;CCXXII Correct Roman numerals to: CCXIX. In prefatory entry, make two corrections as follows: The lit, cit. for Tymetes and its type-species should be: Doyere, [1840]. In Cuvier, R^gne Anim, (Disciple’s edn.) Ins. 2: expl. pi. 138, pi. 139. Correct spelling to read; Eumargareta. 185:689 To conform to the CODE (C. F. Cowan, in Utt.), the first four lines of the entry must be changed as noted below. We would support a petition to the I.C.Z.N. for the suppression of zerynthia Hubner in favor of the well- known and long-used coresia (Godait). 1. zerynthia Hubner, [1823]. Samml. exot. Schmett., 2: pi. [51]. TL - 689. Not stated. Type probably lost [see note 9]. = coresia (Godait) NYMPHAUS, [1824]. Enc. Meth., 9: 359. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 55 TL - “Brasil”. HT may be in MNHN. 186:CCXXIII Correct Roman numerals to: CCXX. 186:CCXXIV Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXI. 187:CCXXIV Renumbered as CCXXI, add species as follows; 3. echemus (Doubleday and Hewitson) CYMATOGRAMMA, [1849]. 697.1. Gen. diur. Lepid., 2: 316; pi. 49, fig. 4. TL - Honduras. HT in BM. 187:CCXXV Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXII. A complete revision of this genus has been undertaken by T. P. Friedlander [“1986(I987)”[1988]. J. Res. Lepid., 25(4): 215-338]. The portions of this work that affect Memoir No. 2 are presented below and replace the original text. Genus CCXXI: Asterocampa Rober 1916. In Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde, 5: 549. Type-species by designation of D. M. Bates, 1926. Ent. News, 37: 154, Apatura celtis Boisduval and Le Conte. “1833” [1835], Hist. gen. Iconogr. L6p. Am6r. Sept.: 210 [see Note 608], 1. celtis (Boisduval and Le Conte) APATVRA “1833” [1835]. Hist. g6n. Iconogr. L6p. Am6r. sept.: 210. TL -“Gdorgie”, probably northwest of Savannah, perhaps in Screven Co., Georgia. Type based upon Abbot drawing, the model for which has not been found. Regarding the date of publication, T. P. Friedlander has informed the Committee that [1835] is the best date based upon Cowan’s (1969) dating of Plate LVII ^'Apatura celtis" as “1833” [1835]. = alicia (W. H. Edwards) APATURA, 1868. Butts. N. America, 1: [135-136], TL - Vic. New Orleans, Louisiana. Type[s] lost; the figure in W. H. Edwards, 1868. Butts, N. America, 1: pi. Apatura I may be considered to represent types. a. c. celtis (Boisduval and Le Conte) APATC/RA “1833” [1835]. Hist. 698a. g6n. Iconogr. L6p. Am6r. sept.: 210. TL -“G6orgie”, probably north- west of Savannah, perhaps in Screven Co., Georgia. Type based upon Abbot drawing, the model for which has not been found. = alba (W. G. Wright) APATURA, 1905. Butts. W. Coast: 58. (Change of status). b. c. reinthali Friedlander “1986(1987)”[1988]. J. Res. Lepid., 25(4): 698b. 242-243. Ocoee, Horida. HTinCM. c. c. antonia (W. H. Edwards) APATURA “1877” [1878]. Field and 698c. Forest, 3: 103. TL - Vic. Norse, Bosque Co., Texas; restricted by F, M. Brown, 1967. Trans. American ent. Soc., 93: 377-378, LT in CM, designated by F. M. Brown, op. cit., p. 379. = montis (W. H. Edwards) APATURA, 1883. Papilio, 3: 7. TL - Vic. Ft. Grant, Graham Mtns., Cochise Co., Arizona. LT in CM, designated by F. M. Brown, 1967. Trans. American ent. Soc., 93: 382. 2. leilia (W. H. Edwards) APATURA, 1874. Trans. American ent. Soc., 699. 5: 103. TL - “at Camp Lowell and in Sonoto [stc] Valley, Arizona”. LT in CM, designated by F. M. Brown, 1967. Trans. American ent. Soc., 93: 385. = leila Skinner, 1891. Ent. News, Suppl. [1891]: i-vi. Lapsus cal- 56 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) ami. Subsequently so misspelled by many authors including Miller and Brown, 1981. Lepid. Soc. Mem. No. 2: 187. = codes (Lintner) APATURA, 1885. Papilio, 4; 141. TL - Hidalgo, Texas. LT in CM, designated by T. P. Friedlander, 'T986{1987)”[1988]. J. Res. Lepid., 25(4): 255. LT in CM. 3. clyton (Boisduval and Le Conte) APATURA, “1833” [1835]. Hist. g6n. Iconogr. L6p. Am6r. sept.: 208. TL - “mdridionales des fitats-Unis”, probably Screven Co., Georgia. Type based upon Abbot drawing, the model for which has not been found [see Note 609]. a. c. clyton (Boisduval and Le Conte) APATURA, “1833” [1835]. Hist. 700a. g6n. Iconogr. L6p. Am6r. sept.: 208. TL - “mdridionales des fitats- Unis”, probably Screven Co,, Georgia. Type based upon Abbot draw- ing, the model for which has not been found [see Note 609]. = ocellata (W. H. Edwards) APATURA, 1876. Butts. N. America, 2: [245]. TL - Coalburgh, West Virginia. LT in CM, designated by F. M. Brown, 1967. Trans. American ent. Soc., 93; 387. = proserpina (Scudder) APATURA, 1868. Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 11; 401. TL - Iowa. Type misplaced; not in MCZ. = nig (J. B. Smith) APATURA, 1903. Check List bor, America: 4. Validating excluded name “Clyton ab. nig.” (H. Strecker) APA- TURA, 1878. Butts. Moths N. America: 145. TL - Berks Co., Pennsylvania. HT in FMNH. b. c. flora (W. H, Edwards) APATURA, 1876. Butts. N. America, 2: 700b. [247]. TL - Palatka, Florida. LT in CM, designated by F. M. Brown, 1967. Trans. American ent. Soc., 93: 389. c. c. texana (Skinner) CHLORIPPE, 1911. Trans, American ent. Soc., 700c. 37: 214. TL - Round Mt., Texas. HT in CM. = subpallida (Barnes and McDunnough) CHLORIPPE, 1913. Contr. nat. Hist. Lepid. N, America, 2: 99. TL - Babaquivera [sic] Mtns., [Pima Co.], Arizona. LT is USNM, designated by T. P. Friedlander, “1987(1987)”[1988]. J. Res. Lepid., 25(4): 263. d. c. louisa Stallings and Turner, 1947. Ent. News, 58: 38. TT - Pharr, 700d, Texas. HTinYPM. 188:CCXXVI Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXni. Family: SATYRIDAE Boisduval 1 88: Correct lit. cit for family name to read: “1832” [-1834] (12 Oct., 1833). Icon. hist. Ldpid. Europe, 1: 166 [see Notes 1 and 612]. 189: Correct first part of lit, cit. in line 2 to read: Corresp.-Blatt zool.-min. . . 1 89:CCXXVII Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXIV. 1 89:CCXXVIII Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXV. 190: Correct lit. cit. for subfamily Satyrinae to read; “1832” [-1834] (12 Oct., 1833). Icon. hist. L6pid. Europe, 1: 166 [see Notes 1 and 612]. Crarect tribe entry as follows; 190 Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 Tribe Euptychiini Reuter 1896. Acta Soc. Sci. Fennicae, 22; 367-370 (as Euptychiid). = Euptychiini Miller, 1968. Mem. American ent. Soc., 24: 79-95. 190:CCXXIX Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXVI. 190:715 Correct 1st line of species entry following EUPTYCHIA to read; , [1867]. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1866, (3): 499. 191 :CCXXX Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXVU. 191;CCXXXI Correct Roman numerals to; CCXXVIII. 1 9 1 ;72 la To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to; areolata. 192:CCXXXII Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXIX. 192:723b C. G. Oliver [1982. J. Lepid. Soc., 36(2): 153] has suggested that c. cymela and c. viola may be sibling species. Further study is required, as earlier noted by L. Miller [1976. Bull. Allyn Mus., (33): 4. 7]. 192:CCXXXI1I Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXX. 193:CCXXXIV Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXXI. The genus COENONYMPHA in North America requires considerable additional study with respect to its related species. It is clear that haydenii is a distinct species. The remaining taxa have been treated by some authors as subspecies of the tullia complex; other authors have treated tuUia as a superspecies. Brown in compiling the Satyridae section of Memoir No. 2 followed the general format of the 1964 dos Passes Synonymic List. 193:728e Add at end of entry: = bottineauensis Chermock, Simmons and Chermock, 1963. In Knudson and Post, Butts. Bottineau Co. Pub. No. 2, Dept. Agric. Ent., N. Dakota State Univ.: 23. TL - Bottineau Co., North Dakota. HT in AME. 1 93 :729 b Insert immediately prior to last line on page: = ochracia Chermock and Chermock, 1938. Proc. Pennsylvania Acad. Sci., 12; 49-50. Lapsus calami. 194:729f This taxon was originally described under ampelos, but based upon its maculation, it belongs under ochracea. 194:730e To conform to the CODE, emend spelling to: insulana. 194:731 Editorial Note: Domfeld [1980. Butts. Oregon] has stated that eryngii and ampelos intergrade where these races meet in southwestern Oregon. On this basis, it seems wise to include calif ornica and eryngii in the tullia complex. See Checklist arrangement. 195:CCXXXV Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXXII. 1 95:732 Editorial Note: The Cercyonis pegala complex requires careful study with regard to the affmities of the described taxa. T. C. Emmel proposed a re- vision in 1961 [J. Lepid. Soc., 23(3): 165-175]. This arrangement was followed in Howe, 1975 [Butts. N. America]. Scott [1986. Butts. N. America] recognized substantially fewer subspecies than other contemporary authors and has selected the taxon nephele (often treated as a form) to replace several subspecies recognized by other authors. Until this complex is sorted out, no major changes are made herein. 195:732b The name maritima should be placed as a synonym of p. alope (732c). 196:7321 Some field collectors have suggested that damei is not a subspecies of pegala, but rather a hybrid between sihenele and meadii. 58 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) 196:732m The taxon blanca is a synonym of stephensi (732j) and should be placed as a junior synonym of the latter. See Austin “1985(1986)” [J. Lepid. Soc., 39(2): 110]. 196;735b Editorial Note: The placement of silvestris under oetus has been ques- tioned by many collectors from the western U.S. who generally associate silverslris as a subspecies of stkenele. The lectotype designated by Brown has been carefully examined by both L. D. Miller and C. D. Ferris, and compared against series of California oetus and stkenele. In their opinion, the lectotype specimen is equivocal and could be placed with either taxon. No change is made here, but it is recognized that a stkenele phenotype occurs in southern California to which the name silvestris may or may not apply. Emmel and Emmel [1973. Butts. S. California, p. 27] used the combination C. stkenele silvestris. Brown [1964. Trans. American ent. Soc., 90: 362] placed silvestris under oetus. 197:735 Add subspecies: d. o. pallescens Emmel and Emmel, 1971, Pan-Pacif. Ent., 47: 155-157. TL - Reese R. Valley, 4 road miles NE of Reese R. crossing on Nevada Hwy. 2, 5700’, WSW of Austin, SW comer of T19N, R43E, Lander Co., Nevada. HT in T. C. Emmel Collection, University of Florida. 197:CCXXXVI Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXXIII. Editorial Note: Scott [1986. Butts. N. America: 243-246] has made several new combinations in genus Erebia which are deemed unjustified in view of our present knowledge of North American and Old World fauna. Rather than duplicate comments in the taxonomic section that follows, these taxa are addressed here. The Scott combinations are shown in boldface type. Erebia magdalena erinnyn. The taxon erinnyn was originally described by Staudinger as erynnis (= erinna Staudinger). In 1932, Warren [Ent. Rec., 44: 166] proposed the replacement name erinnyn which is the accusative case of erynnis and may not be used. Korshunov [1972. Entomol Rev., 51(1): 93] proposed a second replacement name sajanensis. The holotype illustrated by Staudinger [1894. Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris], 7: 247- 248, 1. IX, f. 2] is a female. This species is reported to occur in southern Siberia in the eastern Sayan Mtns. and in the Baykal Range. Another magdalena-like species is anjuika Kurentzov [1966. In New Species in the Fauna of Siberia and Neighboring Regions, Nauka, Novosibirsk: 33-35, figs. 1-2]. This species is reported to occur in the Anyuy and Omsukchan Ranges of NE Siberia. In terms of geographic distribution, anjuika is probably the closest Siberian relative to magdalena (which has recently been found to occur widely in the Seward Peninsula of Alaska), In any case, since the type of sajanensis (= erynnin) is a female, and the type of anjuika is in the U.S.S.R., it is not possible to study the male genitalia of these species and their relationships to North American magdalena mackinleyensis. On this basis and the fact that the appropriate replacement name for erynnis Staudinger, 1894 is sajanensis Korshunov, 1972, the subspecific epithet mackinleyensis Gunder, 1932 must be retained, Ferris et al. [1983. Canadian Ent., 115: 837 and fig. 3] reported the occurrence of E. sajanensis (as erinnyn) in the Yukon Territory. It is not entirely clear to what species the butterflies illustrated belong. ITiree specimens, collected at the same time from a single locality, exist in two private collections. Most 735d. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 59 probably they represent one of the following conditions: 1. color-reversal of E.fasciata; 2. aberrant or heavily maculated E. magdalena, which is proving to be extremely variable in the Arctic as to pattern; 3. possible hybrids between fasciata and magdalena. Erebia theano pawloskii. This subspecies was described by M^ndtrids in 1881 and ranges from Transbaykalia to NE Siberia including the Kamchatka and Amur regions. It is premature to associate it with North American fauna. Some Russian specialists treat pawloskii as a distinct species. Erebia dabanensis youngi. As more than adequately demonstrated by Troubridge and PhOip, [“1982(83)”. J. Res. Lepid., 21(2): 107-146], dabanensis Erschov, 1871 a.nd youngi Holland, 1900 are separate species. Erebia kozhantshikovi lafontainei. Troubridge and Philip (op. cit.) clearly demonstrated that kozhantshikovi Sheljuzhko, 1925 occurs only in Siberia. 198:738 Karsholt and Nielsen, 1986 [Ent. scand., 16:443] have designated a LT for this taxon and fixed the TL as Sweden. 198:738a Correct date of publication to: [1849]. 198:742a This name is preoccupied by sophia Acerbi, 1802 [CODE, Art. 58, item (9)], thus the name reverts to canadensis Warren, 1931, who correctly proposed the replacement. 199:746 Delete existing entry and replace as follows: 1 1. lafontainei Troubridge and Philip, “1982(83)”. J. Res. Lepid., 21(2); 746. 130-133. TL - Mt. Decoeli, 1300 m, St. Elias Mtns., Yukon Territory. HT in CNC. 12. occulta Roos and Kimmich, 1983. Entomol, Zeitschr., 93(6): 69-75. 746.1. TL - km 150, Dempster Hwy., Yukon Territory. HT in Kimmich, Siepe and Roos Collection. = phellea Philip and Troubridge, “1982(83)”. In Troubridge and PhUip, J. Res. Lepid., 21(22): 118-123. TL - km 66-68 CouncU Rd., 9-11 km NNE of Solomon. HT in USNM. See also PhUip, 1985 [J. Res. Lepid., 24(1): 81-82]. 13. inuitica Wyatt, 1966. Zeits. Wiener ent. GeselL, 51: 93-94. TL - Anak- 746.2. tuvuk, Endicott Mtns., Alaska. HT in Colin Wyatt Collection in Karls- ruhe Museum, West Germany. This taxon is known only from a single male holotype. The validity of this species has been disputed strongly by Scott [1986. Butts. N. America: 246], however, the taxon appears to be valid. K. W. PhUip kindly provided the Committee with copies of letters exchanged between him and the late Hans Epstein, and between Epstein and Wyatt. The type specimen was collected by a 9-year-old Eskimo boy on 28 June, 1965. It was sent by Wyatt to B. C. S. Warren for ex- amination, who placed it in the epiphron group which belongs to the Old World. Based upon the documents examined, there appears to be no reason to suspect that the specimen was mislabeled as to the collection locality. The closest relative to inuitica seems to be E. pharte Hiibner. 199:CCXXXVII Correct Roman numerals to; CCXXXIV. 200:CCXXXVIII Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXXV. 200:748 According to a recent revision of this genus by Austin [1986. Bull. AUyn Mus., (107); 1-27], dionysus should be placed as a junior synonym stretchii, and three new subspecies added as follows: 60 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) c. r. pallidus Austin, 1986. Bull. AUyn Mus., (107): 10-13. TL - Larkin 748c. Dry Lake Rd., 4.8 road mi. N. SR 359, Alkalai Valley 7000’, R28E, T4N, S12 on Aurora NV-CA 15’ quad.. Mineral Co., Nevada, HT in Nevada State Museum. d. r. nunimus Austin, 1986. Bull. AUyn Mus., (107): 14-16. TL - N. side748d. of city of Moose Jaw, 50°24’N, 105°30’W, Saskatchewan. HT in AME. e. r. neomexicanus Austin, 1986. BuU. AUyn Mus., (107): 16-18. TL- 748e. Bluewater Can., Zuni Mtns., 7800’, Valencia Co., New Mexico. HT in AME. 200;CCXXXIX Correct Roman numerals to: CCXXXVI. 200:749 CoUecting in California during the past decade has produced series of speci- mens that grade from Oeneis ivallda into O. chryxus Stanislaus (752f). On this basis, ivallda should be treated as O. chryxus ivallda and relocated as entry 752g, Editorial Note: dos Passos separated ivallda from chryxus based upon a chemical test developed in England by Ford [1948. Ent. News: 59: 92-96]. This test involves a temporary color change of anthoxanthin pigments located in butterfly wing scales when they are exposed to the fumes of Ammonium hydroxide (28.2%). The whitish areas on the wings of ivallda turned yellowish, while dos Passos reported no color change in chryxus. OccasionaUy pale specimens of chryxus that re- semble ivallda are coUected in Alberta and extreme northern British Co- lumbia. C. D. Ferris has subjected specimens of ivallda, from various localities, and pale chryxus specimens to the test described. The most re- sponsive specimens were from a clinal population taken at Carson Spur in Amador Co., California. Responses to the test by typical ivallda were mixed varying from virtually none to strong. Some of the pallid chryxus from Canada showed weak responses to this test. On the basis of these results, the validity of this method for species separation is questioned. It does appear to have some validity at the subspecies level. Slight chemical differences can produce drastic color changes in butterfly- wing pigments. Such chemical changes may be controUed by a single gene (such as sexual dimorphism in Colias), and also perhaps environmentally induced. Some data are summarized in Ferris, 1985 [Bull, AUyn Mus., (96): 1-51]. In the case at hand, it seems unwise in light of field data to treat ivallda as a separate species based upon a possibly unreliable chemical test. 201 :752d The TL has been restricted to the vicinity of Rock Lake, Alberta (53''27’N, 118°16’W) by Shepard [1984. Quaestiones Entomologicae, 20: 35-44]. 201 :755 In a paper published in 1983 [Canadian Ent., 1 15: 823-840], Ferris et al., recommended that the species bore and taygete be combined into a single species bore. Recent studies by Ferris in the western arctic have disclosed that two apparent sibling species exist, separable by behavior and phenotype, but not by recognizable characters of the male genitalia (in- formally reported in “1986(1987)”, J. Lepid. Soc., 40(3): 131-138). Until this situation is resolved, it seems best to retain both of these taxa. 201 :755a Correct date of bootes entiy to: “1832” [1834], 202:756b Add at end of entiy: = acerta T. Emm el, 1975. /n Howe, Butts. N, America: 86. Lapsus calami. 202:757e HTisinAMNH. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 61 202:758a Correct date of /itsoTi, IK77). 480. Strymon bebrycia (Hewitson, 1868). 481. Strymon martialis (Herrich-Sch differ, 1864). 48 2. Strymon yojoa (Reakirt, [1866]). 483 . Strymon albatus sedecia (Hewitson, 1874). 484a. Strymon acts bartrami (W. P. Comstock and Huntington, 1943). 485a . Strymon alea (Godman and Salvin, 1887). 486. Strymon columella modesta (Maynard, 1 873). 487a. Strymon columella cybira (Hewitson, 1 874). 487b. Strymon columella istapa (Reakirt, 1 866) . 487c. Strymon limenia (Hewitson, 1868). 488. Strymon cestri (Reakirt, [1866]). 489. Strymon bazochii (Godart, [1824]). [see comment in Part H] 490. Erora laeta (W. H. Edwards, 1862). 491. Erora quaderna sanfordi dos Passos, 1 940. 492a. Electrostrymon endymion cyphara (Hewitson, 1874). [see comment in Part H] 493a. Electrostrymon angelia (Hewitson, 1874). 494. Brephidium exile ifioisdnyal, 1852). 495. Brephidium isophthalma pseudofea (Morrison, 1 873). 496a . Leptotes cassius theonus (Lucas, 1 857). 497a. Leptotes cassius striata W. H. Edwards, 1878). 497b . Leptotes marina (Reakirt, 1 868). 498. Zizula cyna (W. H. Edwards, 1881). 499. 84 Mem. Lepid, Soc., (3) Hemiargus thomasi bethunebakeri W. P. Comstock and Huntington, 1943. Hemiargus ceraunus antibubastus Hiibner, [1818]. Hemiargus ceraunus gyas (W. H. Edwards, 1871). Hemiargus ceraunus zachaeina (Butler and H. Druce, 1872). Hemiargus isola alee (W. H. Edwards, 1871). Everes corny ntas comyntas (Godart, [1824]). Everes comyntas texanus F. Chermock, 1944. Everes amyntula amyntula (Boisduval, 1852). Everes amyntula valeriae Clench, 1944. Everes amyntula albrighti Qench, 1944. Everes amyntula herrii F. Grinnell, 1901. Celastrina argiolus ladon (Cramer, [1780]). Celastrina argiolus lucia (W. Kirby, 1837). Celastrina argiolus argentata (Fletcher, 1903). Celastrina argiolus nigrescens (Fletcher, 1903). Celastrina argiolus sidara (Qench, 1944). Celastrina argiolus echo (W. H. Edwards, 1864). Celastrina argiolus gozora (Boisduval, 1870). Celastrina argiolus cinerea (W. H. Edwards, 1883). Celastrina ebenina Clench, 1972. Philotes sonorensis (C. and R. Felder, 1865). Euphilotes battoides centralis (Barnes and McDunnough, 1917). Euphilotes battoides ellisi (Shields, 1975). Euphilotes battoides glaucon (W. H. Edwards, 1871). Euphilotes battoides oregonensis (Barnes and McDunnough, 1917). Euphilotes battoides baueri (Shields, 1975). Euphilotes battoides intermedia (Barnes and McDunnough, 1917). Euphilotes battoides battoides (Behr, 1867). Euphilotes battoides martini (Mattoni, [1955]). Euphilotes battoides bernardino (Barnes and McDunnough, 1917). Euphilotes battoides comstocki (Shields, 1975), Euphilotes battoides allyni (Shields, 1975). Euphilotes enoptes ancilla (Barnes and McDunnough, 1918). Euphilotes enoptes columbiae (Mattoni, [1955]). Euphilotes enoptes enoptes (Boisduval, 1852), Euphilotes enoptes bayensis (Langston, [1964]). Euphilotes enoptes smithi (Mattoni, [1955]). Euphilotes enoptes tildeni (Langston, [1964]). Euphilotes enoptes langstoni (Shields, 1975). Euphilotes enoptes dammersi (J. A. Comstock and Henne, 1933). Euphilotes mojave (Watson and W. P. Comstock, 1920). Euphilotes rita rita (Barnes and McDunnough, 1916). Eupiulotes rita coloradensis (Mattoni, [1966]). Euphilotes rita emmeli (Shields, 1975). Euphilotes rita mattonii (Shields, 1975). Euphilotes rita pallescens (Tilden and Downey, 1955). Euphilotes rita elvirae (Mattoni, [1966]). Euphilotes spaldingi spaldingi (Barnes and McDunnough, 1917). Euphilotes spaldingi pinjuna Scott, 1981. Philotiella speciosa (Hy. Edwards, 1876). 500a. 501a. 501b. 501c. 502a. 503a. 503b. 504a. 504b. 504c. 504d. 505a. 505b. 505c. 505d. 505e. 505f. 505g. 505h. 506. 507. 508 a. 508b. 508c. 508d. 508e. 508f. 508g. 508h. 5081. 508j. 508k. 509a. 509b. 509c, (509d). 509d, (509e). 509e, (509f). 509f, (509g). 509g, (509h). 509h, (509i). 510, (509c). 511a. 511b. 511c, (511d). 511d, (511e). 511e, (510a). 511f, (510b). 511.1a, (511c). 511.1b. 512. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 85 Glaucopsyche piasus plasus (Boisduval, 1 852), 513a. Glaucopsyche piasus sagittigera (C. and R. Felder, 1865). 5 1 3b . Glaucopsyche piasus nevada F. M. Brown, 1975. 513c. Glaucopsyche piasus daunia (W. H. Edwards, 1871). 513d. Glaucopsyche piasus toxeuma F, M. Brown, 1971. 513 e , Glaucopsyche lygdamus mildredae F. H. Chermock, 1944. 514a . Glaucopsyche lygdamus couperi Grote, 1873. 514b , Glaucopsyche lygdamus afra (W. H. Edwards, [1884]). 514c. Glaucopsyche lygdamus lygdamus (Doubleday, 1841). 514d. Glaucopsyche lygdamus jacki D. Stallings and Turner, 1947. 514e. Glaucopsyche lygdamus oro (Scudder, 1876). 5 1 4 f . Glaucopsyche lygdamus arizonensis McDunnough, 1934. 5 1 4 g . Glaucopsyche lygdamus australis F. GrinneU, 1917. 514h. Glaucopsyche lygdamus incognita Tilden, [1974], 5141 . Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdescensis E. M. Perkins and J. Emmel, 1978. 514j . Glaucopsyche lygdamus Columbia (Skinner, 1917). 514k. Glaucopsyche xerces (Boisduval, 1 852). 515. Lycaeides idas anna (W. H, Edwards), 1861. 516a. Lycaeides Idas ricei (Cross, 1 937) . 516b. Lycaeides idas lotis (Lintner, [1876]), 516c. Lycaeides idas alaskensis (F. H. Chermock, [1945]). 516d. Lycaeides idas scudderi (W. H. Edwards, 1861), 516e. Lycaeides idas aster (W. H. Edwards, 1882). 516f. Lycaeides idas empetri (T. N. Freeman, 1938), 51 6g. Lycaeides idas ferniensis (F. H. Chermock, [ 1 945]) . 5 1 6 h . Lycaeides idas atrapraetextus (Field, 1939). 5161. Lycaeides idas sublivens Nabokov, 1949. 5 16j . Lycaeides idas longinus Nabokov, 1949. 516k . Lycaeides idas nabokovi Masters, 1972. 5161. Lycaeides melissa samuelis Nabokov, 1944. 517a. Lycaeides melissa melissa (W. H. Edwards, 1 873). 517b. Lycaeides melissa annetta (W, H. Edwards, 1 882). 517c. Lycaeides melissa fridayi (F. H. Chermock, [1945]). 517d. Lycaeides melissa paradoxa (F. H. Chermock, [ 1 945]). 5 1 7e . Plebejus saepiolus arnica (W. H. Edwards, 1863), 5 18a. Plebejus saepiolus whitmeri F, M , Brown, 1951. 518b. Plebejus saepiolus gertschi dos Passes, 1938. 518c. Plebejus saepiolus insulanus Blackmore, 1919. 518d. Plebejus saepiolus saepiolus (Boisduval, 1 852). 5 1 8 e . Plebejus saepiolus hilda (J. and F. GrinneU, 1907). 5 1 8f . Plebulina emigdionis (F. GrinneU, 1 905). 519. Icaricia icarioides pembina (W. H. Edwards, 1862). 520a. Icaricia icarioides lycea (W. H. Edwards, 1864). 52 0b . Icaricia icarioides ardea (W. H. Edwards, 1871). 520c. Icaricia iacrioides buchholzi (dos Passes, 1938). 52 Od. Icaricia icarioides blackmorei (Barnes and McDunnough, 1919). 520e . Icaricia icarioides montis (Blackmore, 1923). 52 0 f, Icaricia icarioides icarioides (Boisduval, 1 852). 5 2 0 g . Icaricia icarioides pardal is (B ehr, 1 867). 5 2 0 h . Icaricia icarioides pheres (Boisduval, 1852). 520i . 86 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) Icaricia icarioides missionensis (Hovanitz, 1937). Icaricia icarioides moroensis (Stemitzky, 1930). Icaricia icarioides evius (Boisduval, 1869). Icaricia icarioides helios (W. H. Edwards, [1871]). Icaricia shasta minnehaha (Scudder, 1874). Icaricia shasta pitkinensis (Ferris, 1976). Icaricia shasta shasta (W. H. Edwards, 1862). Icaricia shasta charlestonensis (Austin, 1980). Icaricia acmon lutzi (dos Passes, 1938). Icaricia acmon texana Goodpasture, 1973. Icaricia acmon spangelatus (Burdick, 1942). Icaricia acmon acmon (Westwood and Hewitson, [1852]). Icaricia lupini lupini (Boisduval, 1869). Icaricia lupini monticola (Clemence, 1909). Icaricia lupini chlorina (Skinner, 1902). Icaricia neurona (Skinner, 1902). Vacciniina optilete yukana (Holland, 1900). Agriades franklinii (Curtis, 1835). Agriades rusticus rusticus (W. H. Edwards, 1865). Agriades rusticus podarce (C. and R. Felder, [1865]). Agriades rusticus megalo (McDunnough, 1927). Agriades rusticus lacustris (T. N. Freeman, 1939). Agriades rusticus bryanti (Leussler, 1935). RIODINIDAE Euselasia abreas (W. H. Edwards, 1881). Calephelis virginiensis (Gu6rin-M6neville, [1831]). Calephelis borealis (Grote and Robinson, 1866). Calephelis nemesis australis (W. H. Edwards, 1877). Calephelis nemesis nemesis (W. H. Edwards, 1871). Calephelis nemesis dammersi McAlpine, 1971. Calephelis nemesis californica McAlpine, 1971. Calephelis perditalis Barnes and McDunnough, 1918. Calephelis wrighti Holland, 1930. Calephelis mutica McAlpine, 1937. Calephelis rawsoni McAlpine, 1939. Calephelis freemani McAlpine, 1971. Calephelis arizonensis McAlpine, 1971. Calephelis dreisbachi McAlpine, 1971. Caria ino melicerta Schaus, 1890. Lasaia sula peninsularis Clench, 1972. Melanis pixe (Boisduval, [1836]). Emesis zela cleis (W. H. Edward, 1870). Emesis ares (W. H. Edwards, 1882). Emesis emesia (Hewitson, 1867). Apodemia mormo mormo (C. and R. Felder, 1859). Apodemia mormo langei J. A. Comstock, 1938. Apodemia mormo cythera (W. H. Edwards, 1873). Apodemia mormo duryi (W. H. Edwards, 1882). 520j. 520k. 5201. 520m. 521a. 521b. 521c. 521d. 522a. 522b. 522c. 522d. 523 a. 523b. 523c. 524. 525a. 526. 526.1a, (526e). 526.1b, (526f). 526.1c, (526d). 526.1d, (526b). 526. le, (526c). 527. 528. 529. 530a. 530b. 530c. 530d. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538a. 539a. 540. 541a. 542. 543. 544a. 544b. 544c. 544d. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 87 Apodemia mormo mejicana (Behr, 1865). 544e. Apodemia mormo tuolumnensis Opler and Powell, 1962. 544f. Apodemia mormo virgulti (Behr, 1 865). 54 4g . Apodemia mormo deserti Barnes and McDunnough, 1918. 5 44 h . Apodemia mormo dialeuca Opler and Powell, 1 962 5441. Apodemia multiplaga ScYidois, 1902. 54 5. Apodemia hepburni Godman and Salvin, [1886]. 546. Apodemia p^merii (W. H. Edwards), 1870. 547. Apodemia walkeri Godman and Salvin, [1886]. 548. Apodemia phyciodoides Barnes and Benjamin, 1924. 549. Apodemia nais (W. H. Edwards, 1876). 550. Apodemia chisosensis H. A. Freeman, 1964. 551. LIBYTHEIDAE Libytheana bachmanii bachmanii (Kirtland, 1852). 552a. Libytheana bachmanii larvata (Strecker, [187 8]). 552b. Libytheana carinenta mexicana Michener, 1 943. 553a. Libytheana motya (Boisduval and Le Conte, [ 1 833]) . 554. HELICONIIDAE Agraulis vanillae nigrior Michener, 1 942. 555a. Agraulis vanillae incamata (Rdey, 1926). 555b. Dione moneta poeyi Butler, 1 873. 5 56 a . Dryadula phaetusa (Linnaeus, 1758). 557. Dryas iulia largo Qench, 1975. 558a. Dryas iulia moderaia (Riley, 1926). 558b. Eueides Isabella zorcaon Reakirt, 1866. 559a. Heliconius charitonius tuckeri W. P. Comstock and F. M. Brown, 1950. 560a. Heliconius charitonius vazquezae W. P. Comstock and F. M. Brown, 1950. 560b . Heliconius erato petiveranus (EXjubleday, 1847). 561a . NYMPHALIDAE Euptoieta claudia (Cramer, [1775]). 562, Euptoieta hegesia hoffmanni W. P. Comstock, 1944. 563a . Speyeria diana (Cramer, [1775]). 564. Speyer ia cybele cybele (Fabricius, 1775). 565a. Speyeria cybele novascotiae (McDunnough, 1 935). 565b. Speyeria cybele krautwurmi (Holland, 1931), 565c. Speyeria cybele pseudocarpenteri (F. and R. Chermock, 1 940) . 5 6 5 d . Speyeria cybele carpenierii (W. H. Edwards, 1876). 565e. Speyeria cybele charlottii (Barnes, 1897). 565f. Speyeria cybele letona dos Passos and Grey, 1 945 . 5 6 5 g . Speyeria cybele pugetensis F. Chermock and Frechin, 1947 . 565h. Speyeria cybele leto (Behr, 1862). 5651. Speyeria aphrodite aphrodite (Fabricius, 1787). 566a. Speyeria aphrodite winni (Gunder, 1932). 566b. Speyeria aphrodite alcestis (W. H. Edwards, 1877). 5 66c. 88 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) Speyer ia aphrodite mamtoba (F. and R. Chermock, 1940). Speyer ia aphrodite whitehousei (Gunder, 1932). Speyeria aphrodite Columbia (Hy. Edwards, 1877). Speyeria aphrodite ethne (Hemming, 1933). Speyeria aphrodite byblis (Barnes and Benjamin, 1926). Speyeria Jtii/ia (Drury, [1773]). Speyeria nokomis nokomis (W. H. Edwards, 1862). Speyeria nokomis nitocris (W. H. Edwards, 1874). Speyeria nokomis coerulescens (Holland, 1900). Speyeria nokomis apacheana (Skinner, 1918). Speyeria edwardsii (Reakirt, 1866). Speyeria coronis coronis (Behr, 1864). Speyeria coronis hennei (Gunder, 1934). Speyeria coronis semiramis (W. H. Edwards, 1886). Speyeria coronis simaetha dos Passos and Grey, 1945. Speyeria coronis snyderi (Skinner, 1897). Speyeria coronis hdcyone (W. H. Edwards, 1869). Speyeria zerene zerene (Boisduval, 1852). Speyeria zerene conchyliatus (J. A. Comstock, 1925). Speyeria zerene gloriosa Moeck, 1957. Speyeria zerene sordida (W. G. Wright, 1905). Speyeria zerene malcolmi (J. A. Comstock, 1920). Speyeria zerene carolae (dos Passos and Grey, 1942). Speyeria zerene hippolyta (W. H. Edwards, 1879). Speyeria zerene behrensii (W. H. Edwards, 1869). Speyeria zerene myrtleae dos Passos and Grey, 1945. Speyeria zerene bremnerii (W. H. Edwards, 1872). Speyeria zerene picta (McDunnough, 1924). Speyeria zerene garretti (Gunder, 1932). Speyeria zerene sinope dos Passos and Grey, 1945. Speyeria zerene platina (Skinner, 1897). Speyeria zerene gunderi (J. A. Comstock, 1925). Speyeria callippe callippe (Boisduval, 1852). Speyeria callippe comstocki (Gunder, 1925). Speyeria callippe Uliana (Hy. Edwards, [1877]). Speyeria callippe semivirida (McDunnough, 1^4). Speyeria callippe elaine dos Passos and Grey, 1945. Speyeria callippe rupestris (Behr, 1863). Speyeria callippe juba (Boisduval, 1869). Speyeria callippe laura (W. H. Edwards, 1879). Speyeria callippe nevadensis (W. H. Edwards, 1870). Speyeria callippe macaria (W. H. Edwards, 1877). Speyeria callippe laurina (W. G. Wright, 1905). Speyeria callippe harmonia dos Passos and Grey, 1945. Speyeria callippe meadii (W. H. Edwards, 1872). Speyeria callippe gallaiini (McDunnough, 1929). Speyeria callippe calgariana (McDunnough, 1924). Speyeria egleis egleis (Behr, 1862). Speyeria egleis tehachapina (J. A. Comstock, 1920). Speyeria egleis oweni (W. H. Edwards, 1892). [see comment in Part H] [see comment in Part II] [see comment 566d. 566e. 566f. 566g. 566h. 567. 568a. 568b. 568c. 568d. 569. 570a. 570b. 570c. 570d, (570e). 570e, (570f). 570f, (570g). 571a. 571b. 571c. 571d. 571e. 571f. 571g. 571h. 5711. 571j. 571k. 5711. 571m. 571n. 571o, (570d). 572a. 572b. 572c. 572d. 572e. 572f. 572g. in Part U] 572h. 572i, (572j). 572j, (572k). 572k, (5721). 5721, (572m). 572m, (572n). 572n, (572o). 572o, (572p). 573a. 573b, (573e). 573c, (573f). Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 89 Speyeria egleis linda (dos Passos and Grey, 1942). Speyeria egleis macdunnoughi (Gunder, 1932). Speyeria egleis albrighti (Gunder, 1932). Speyeria egleis uiahensis (Skinner, 1919). Speyeria egleis toiyabe Howe, 1975. Speyeria egleis seer eta dos Passos and Grey, 1945. Speyeria egleis moecki Hammond and Domfeld, 1983. Speyeria adiaste adiaste (W. H. Edwaurds, 1864). Speyeria adiaste atossa (W. H. Edwards, 1890). Speyeria adiaste clemencei (J. A. Comstock, 1925). Speyeria atlantis atlantis (W. H. Edwards, 1862). Speyeria atlantis canadensis (dos Passos, 1935). Speyeria atlantis hollandi (F. and R. Chermock, 1940). Speyeria atlantis hesperis (W. H. Edwards, 1864). Speyeria atlantis nikias (Ehrmann, 1917). Speyeria atlantis dorothea Moeck, 1947. Speyerya atlantis nausicaa (W. H. Edwards, 1874). Speyeria atlantis schellbachi Garth, 1949, Speyeria atlantis chitone (W. H. Edwards, 1879). Speyeria atlantis wasatchia dos Passos and Grey, 1945. Speyeria atlantis greyi (Moeck, 1950). Speyeria atlantis tetonia dos Passos and Grey, 1945. Speyeria atlantis viola dos Passos and Grey, 1945. Speyeria atlantis dodgei (Gunder, 1931). Speyeria atlantis irene (Boisduval, 1869). Speyeria atlantis electa (W. H. Edwards, 1878). Speyeria atlantis lurana dos Passos and Grey, 1945. Speyeria atlantis hutchinsi dos Passos and Grey, 1947. Speyeria atlantis beani (Barnes and Benjamin, 1926). Speyeria atlantis lots (W. H, Edwards, 1884). Speyeria atlantis dennisi dos Passos and Grey, 1947. Speyeria atlantis ratonensis Scott, 1981. Speyeria atlantis elko Austin, 1983. Speyeria atlantis capitanensis R. Holland, 1988, Speyeria hydaspe hydaspe (Boisduval, 1869). Speyeria hydaspe viridicornis (J. A. Comstock, 1925). Speyeria hydaspe purpurascens (Hy. Edwards, [1877]). Speyeria hydaspe minor dos Passos and Grey, 1947. Speyeria hydaspe rhodope (W. H. Edwards, 1874). Speyeria hydaspe sakuntala (Skinner, 1911). Speyeria hydaspe conquista dos Passos and Grey, 1945. Speyeria mormonia bischoffii (W. H. Edwards, 1870). Speyeria mormonia opis (W. H. Edwards, 1874). Speyeria mormonia washingtonia (Barnes and McDunnough, 1913). Speyeria mormonia erinna (W. H. Edwards, 1883). Speyeria mormonia artonis (W. H. Edwards, 1881). Speyeria mormonia mormonia (Boisduval, 1869). Speyeria mormonia eurynome (W. H. Edwards, 1872). Speyeria mormonia luski (Barnes and McDunnough, 1913). Boloria napaea alaskensis (Holland, 1900). 573d, (573g). 573e, (573h). 573f, (573i). 573g, (573j). 573h, (573k). 573i, (5731). 573 j. 573.1a, (573b). 573.1b, (573d). 573.1c, (573c). 574a. 574b. 574c. 574d. 574e. 574f. 574g. 574h. 574i. 574j. 574k. 5741. 574m. 574n. 574o. 574p. 574q. 574r. 574s. 574t. 574a. 574v. 574w. 574x. 575a. 575b. 575c. 575d. 575e. 575f. 575g. 576a. 576b. 576c, (576d). 576d, (576e). 576e, (576g). 576f, (576h). 576g, (576i). 576h, (576j). 577a. 90 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) Boloria napaea nearctica Verity, 1932. Boloria napaea halli Klots, 1940. Clossiana eunomia triclaris (Hiibner, [1821]). Clossiana eunomia alticola (Bames and McDunnough, 1913). Clossiana eunomia dawsoni (Barnes and McDunnough, 1916). Clossiana eunomia laddi (Klots, 1940). Clossiana eunomia ursadentis (Ferris and Groothuis, 1971). Clossiana eunomia denali (Klots, 1940). Clossiana selene myrina (Cramer, [1777]). Clossiana selene nebraskensis (Holland, 1928). Clossiana selene sabulocollis (Kohler, 1977). Clossiana selene tollandensis (Bames and Benjamin, 1925). Clossiana selene albequina (Holland, 1928). Clossiana selene atrocostalis (Huard, 1927). Clossiana selene terraenovae (Holland, 1928). Clossiana bellona bellona (Fabricius, 1775). Clossiana bellona toddi (Holland, 1928). Clossiana bellona jenistae (D. Stallings and Turner, 1946). Clossiana frigga saga (Staudinger, 1861). Clossiana frigga gibsoni (Bames and McDunnough, 1926). Clossiana frigga sagata (Bames and McDunnough, 1923). Clossiana improba improba (Butler, 1877). Clossiana improba harryi Ferris, 1984. Clossiana acrocnema (Gall and Sperling, 1980). Clossiana kriemhild (Strecker, [1878-1879]). Clossiana epithore epithore (W. H. Edwards, [1864]). Clossiana epithore chermocki (E. and S. Perkins, 1966). Clossiana epithore uslui Ko 9 ak, 1984. Clossiana epithore sierra (E. Perkins, 1973). Clossiana polaris polaris (Boisduval, [1828]). Clossiana polaris stellata (Masters, 1972). Clossiana freija freija (Thunberg, 1791). Clossiana freija tarquinius (Curtis, 1835). Clossiana freija natazhati (Gibson, 1920). [see coraent in Part II] Clossiana freija browni (Higgins, 1953). Clossiana alberta (W. H. Edwards, 1890). Clossiana astarte astarte (Doubleday and Hewitson, [1847]). Clossiana astarte distincta (Gibson, 1920). Clossiana astarte tschukotkensis Wyatt, 1961 . Clossiana titania boisduvalii (Duponchd, [1832]). Clossiana titania rainieri (Bames and McDunnough, 1913). Clossiana titania grandis (Bames and McDunnough, 1916). Clossiana titania montinus (Scudder, 1863). Clossiana titania ingens (Bames and McDunnough, 1918). Clossiana titania helena (W. H. Edwards, 1871). Clossiana chariclea arctica (Zetterstedt, [1839]). Clossiana chariclea butler i (W. H. Edwards, 1883). Poladryas minuta minuta (W. H. Edwards, 1861). Poladryas minuta nympha (W. H. Edwards, 1884). Poladryas arachne arachne (W. H. Edwards, 1869). 577b. 577c. 578a. 578b. 578c. 578d, (578e). 578e, (578f). 578f, (578g). 579a. 579b. 579c. 579d. 579e. 579f. 579g. 580a. 580b. 580c. 581a. 581b. 581c. 582a. 582b. 582.1. 583. 584a. 584b. 584c. 584d. 585a. 585b. 586a. 586b. 586c. 586d, (586e). 587. 588a. S88b. 588c. 589a. 589b. 589c. S89d. 589e. 589f. 590a. 590b. 591a, (591). 591b, (592b). 592a. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 91 Poladryas arachne monache (J. A. Comstock, 1918). 5 92 b , (592c) . Thessalia theona thekla (W, H. Edwards, 1870). 593a. Thessalia theona bolli (W. H. Edwards, 1877). 593b. Thessalia chinaiiensis (Tinkham, 1944). 594. Thessalia cyneas cyneas (Godman and Salvin, 1878). 595a, (595) . Thessalia fulviafulvia (W. H. Edwards, 1879). 596a, (596). Thessalia fulvia coronado M. Smith and Brock, 1988. 596b . Thessalia fulvia pariaensis M. Smith and Brock, 1988. 596c. Thessalia leanira leanira (C. and R. Felder, 1 860). 597a. Thessalia leanira wrighti (W. H. Edwards, 1886). 597b . Thessalia leanira cerrita (W. G. Wright, 1905). 597c. Thessalia leanira alma (Strecker, 1878). 597d . Thessalia leanira oregonensis (Bauer, 1975). 597e. Chlosyne californica (W. G. Wright, 1905). 598. Chlosyne lacinia crocale (W. H. Edwards, 1874). 599a. Chlosyne lacinia adjutrix Scudder, 1 875. 599b. Chlosyne definita (E. M. Aaron, 1 884), 600. Chlosyne endeis (Godman and Salvin, 1894). 601. Chlosyne erodyle (H. W. Bates, 1864). 602. Chlosyne janais (Drury, [1782]). 603. Chlosyne rosita browni Bauer, 1960. 604a. Chlosyne ehrenbergerii (Geyer, 1 833), 604.1. Chlosyne melitaeoides (C. and R. Felder, 1 867), 604.2. Charidryas gorgone gorgone (Hiibner, 1810). 605a. Charidryas gorgone carlota (Reakiit, 1 866). 605b. Charidryas nycteis nycteis (Doubleday and Hewitson, [1 847]). 606a . Charidryas nycteis drusius (W. H. Edwards, 1884). 606b . Charidryas nycteis reversa (F. and R. Chermock, 1940). 606c. Charidryas harrisii harrisii (Scudder, 1864). 6 07a. Charidryas harrisii liggetti (Avinoff, 1930). 607b . Charidryas harrisii hanhami (Fletcher, 1 904). 60 7c. Charidryas palla palla (Boisduval, 1852). 608a. Charidryas palla whitneyi (Behr, 1863), [see comment in Part II] 608b. Charidryas palla vallismortis (J. W. Johnson, 1938). 608c. Charidryas palla calydon (Holland, 1931). 608d . Charidryas palla flavula (Barnes and McDunnough, 1918). 608e. Charidryas palla sterope (W. H, Edwards, 1870). 60 8f . Charidryas acastus (W, H. Edwards, 1874), 609. Charidryas neumoegeni neumoegeni (Skinner, 1 895) . 610a. Charidryas neumoegeni sabina (W. G. Wright, 1905). 610b . Charidryas gabbii (Behr, 1 863) . 611. Charidryas damoetas damoetas (Skinner, 1902). [see comment in Part H] 612a. Charidryas damoetas malcolmi (J. A, Comstock), 1926. 612b. Charidryas hqffmanni hoffmanni (Behr, 1863), 613a. Charidryas hoffmanni segregata (Barnes and McDunnough, 191 8). 613b. Charidryas hoffmanni manchada (Bauer, 1959[1960]). 613c. Microtia elva H. W. Bates, 1 864. 6 1 4. Dymasia dymas dymas (W. H. Edwards, 1877). 615a. Dymasia dymas chara (W. H. Edwards, 1883). 615b . Dymasia dymas imperialis (Bauer, [1959]). 615c . 92 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) Texola elada Ulrica (W. H. Edwards, 1877). 616a . Texola elada perse (W. H. Edwards, 1 882). 616b. Anthanassa texana texana (W. H. Edwards, 1863). 617a. Anthanassa texana seminole (Skinner, 1911), 617b . Anthanassa frisia (Poey, 1832). 618. Anthanassa ptolyca (H. W. Bates, 1864). 619. Anthanassa tulcis (H. W. Bates, 1864). 620. Phyciodes vesta (W. H. Edwards, 1869). 621. Phyciodes phaon (W. H. Edwards, 1 864). 622 . Phyciodes tharos arcticus dos Passes, 1 935. 623a. Phyciodes tharos tharos (Drury, [1773]). 623b. Phyciodes tharos distinct us B auer, 1975. 623c. Phyciodes tharos pascoensis W, G. Wright, 1905. [see comment in Part 11] 623d. Phyciodes balesii (Reakiit, 1865). 624. Phyciodes pratensis pratensis (Behr, 1 863). 625a . Phyciodes pratensis montanus (Behr, 1863). 625b . Phyciodes pratensis camillus W. H. Edwards, 1871. 625c. Phyciodes pictus pictus (W. H. Edwards, 1865). 626a. Phyciodes or sets or sets W. H, Edwards, 1871. 627a. Phyciodes orseis herlani B auer, 1 975 . 62 7b. Phyciodes palUdus pallidus (W. H, Edwards, 1864). 628a. Phyciodes pallidus barnesi Skinner, 1 897 . 628b. Phyciodes mylitta mylitta (W. H. Edwards, 1861). 629a. Phyciodes rrtylitta callina (Boisduval, 1869). 629b. Phyciodes mylitta thebais Godman and Salvin, 1878 . 62 9c. Tegosa anieta luka Higgins, 1981. 629.5a. Euphydryas gillettii (Barnes, 1921). 630. Euphydryas anicia alena Barnes and Benjamin, 1926. 631a. Euphydryas anicia anicia (Doubleday and Hewitson, [1848]). 631b. Euphydryas anicia bakeri D. Stallings and Turner, 1945. 631c. Euphydryas anicia bernadetta Leussler, 1920. 63 Id. Euphydryas anicia capella (Barnes, 1897). 631e. Euphydryas anicia carmentis Barnes and Benjamin, 1926. 63 If. Euphydryas anicia chuskae (Ferris and R. Holland, 1980). 63 Ig. Euphydryas anicia cloudcrofti (Ferris and R. Holland, 1980). 63 Ih. Euphydryas anicia effi D. Stallings and Turner, 1945. 63 li. Euphydryas anicia eurytion (Mead, 1875). 031j. Euphydryas anicia helvia (Scudder, 1869). 631k, Euphydryas anicia hermosa (W. G. Wright, 1905). 6311. Euphydryas anicia hopfingeri Gunder, 1931. 631in. Euphydryas anicia howlandi D, Stallings and Turner, [1947]. 63 In. Euphydryas anicia irelandi Gunder, 1929. 63 lo. Euphydryas anicia macyi Fender and Jewett, 1953, 63 Ip. Euphydryas anicia magdalena Barnes and McDunnough, 1918. 63 Iq . Euphydryas anicia maria (SldnneT, 1899). 631r. Euphydryas anicia morandi Gunder, 1928, 631s. Euphydryas anicia veazieae Fender and Jewett, 1953. 631t. Euphydryas anicia wheeleri (Hy. Edwards, 1881). 63 In. Euphydryas emicia windi Gunder, 1932. 63 Iv. Euphydryas chalcedona chalcedona (Doubleday, [1847]). 632a. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 93 Euphydryas chalcedona colon (W. H. Edwards, 1881). Euphydryas chalcedona corralensis T. and J. Emmel,[1973]. Euphydryas chalcedona dwinellei (Hy. Edwards, 1881). Euphydryas chalcedona kingstonensis T. and J. Emmel, [1973]. Euphydryas chalcedona klotsi dos Passos, 1938. Euphydryas chalcedona macglashanii (Rivers, 1888). Euphydryas chalcedona nevadensis Bauer, 1975. Euphydryas chalcedona olancha (W. G. Wright, 1905). Euphydryas chalcedona paradoxa McDunnough, 1927. Euphydryas chalcedona perdiccas (W. H. Edwards, 1881). Euphydryas chalcedona quino (Behr, 1863). Euphydryas chalcedona sierra (W. G, Wright, 1905). Euphydryas chalcedona sperryi F. and R. Chermock, 1945. Euphydryas chalcedona wallacensis Gunder, 1928. Euphydryas editha alebarki Ferris, [1971]. Euphydryas editha augusta (W. H. Edwards, 1890). Euphydryas editha aurilacus Gunder, 1928. Euphydryas editha baroni (W. H. Edwards, 1879). Euphydryas editha bayensis Stemitzky, 1937. Euphydryas editha beani (Skinner, 1897). Euphydryas editha colonia (W. G. Wright, 1905). Euphydryas editha editha (Boisduval, 1852). Euphydryas editha edithana (Strand, 1914), Euphydryas editha fridayi Gunder, 1931. Euphydryas editha gunninsonensis F. M. Brown, [1971]. Euphydryas editha hutchinsi McDunnoughi, 1928. Euphydryas editha insularis T. and J. Emmel, [1975], Euphydryas editha lawrencei Gunder, 1931. Euphydryas editha lehmani Gunder, 1929. Euphydryas editha monoensis Gunder, 1928. Euphydryas editha nubigena (Behr, 1863). Euphydryas editha rubicunda (Hy. Edwards, 1881). Euphydryas editha taylori (W. H. Edwards, 1888). Euphydryas editha wrighti Gunder, 1929. Euphydryas editha luestherae Murphy and P. Ehrlich, 1980. Euphydryas editha koreti Murphy and P. Ehrlich, (1984). Euphydryas phaeton phaeton (Drury, [1773]). Euphydryas phaeton ozarkae Masters, 1968. Polygonia inter rogationis (Fabricius, 1798). Polygonia comma (Harris, 1842). Polygonia satyr us (W. H. Edwards, 1869). Polygonia faunus faunus (W. H. Edwards, 1862). Polygonia faunus smythi A. H. Clark, 1937. Polygonia faunus rusticus (W. H. Edwards, 1874). Polygonia faunus arctic us Leussler, 1935, Polygonia faunus hylas (W, H. Edwards, 1872). Polygonia zephyrus (W. H. Edwards, 1870). Polygonia gracilis (Grote and Robinson, 1867). Polygonia oreas oreas (W. H. Edwards, 1869). Polygonia oreas silenus (W. H. Edwards, 1870). 632b, (633a). 632c, (632b). 632d, (632c). 632e. 632f. 632g. 632h, (633b). 632i, (632h). 632j, (633c). 632k, (633d). 6321, (632i). 632m, (632j). 632n, (632k). 632o, (633e). 634a. 634b. 634c. 634d. 63 4e. 634f. 634g. 634h. 634i. 634j. 634k. 6341. 634m. 634n. 63 4o. 634p. 634q. 634r. 634s. 634t. 634u. 634v. 635a. 635b. 636. 637. 638. 639a. 639b. 639c. 639d. 639e, (640). 642. 643. 644a. 644b. 94 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) Polygonia progne progtu: (Cramer, [1776]). 645a . Polygonia progne nigrozephyrus Scott, 1984. [see comment in Part II] 645b. Nymphalis vaualbum j-albwn (Boisduval and Le Conte, [1883]). 646. Nymphalis californica califomica (Boisduval, 1852). 647 a . Nymphalis califomica herri Field, 1936). 647b . Nymphalis antiopa antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758). 648a . Nymphalis antiopa kyperborea (Seitz, 1914), 648b . Aglais milberti viola dos Passos, 1938. 649a . Aglais milberti milberti (Godait, [1819]). 649b. Vanessa virginiensis (Drury, 1773). 650. Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758). 651. Vanessa annabella (Field, 1971). 652. Vanessa atalanta rubria (Fruhstorfer, 1 909). 653a. Hypcmartia lethe 1793). 654. Hypolirrmas misippus (fAmi 2 LQ\x% 1764). 655. Junonia coenia Hubner, [1822] . 656. Junonia genoveva zonalis C . and R. Felder, [ 1 864- 1867]. 657a. Junonia evarete (Cramer, [1779]). 658. Anartia jatrophae guantanamo Munroe, 1942. 659a. Anartia jatrophae luleipicta Fruhstorfer, 1 907. 659b. Anartia chrysopelea Hubner, [1824]. 660. A/wr/ia (Fabricius, 1793). 661. Siproeta stelenes biplagiata (Fruhstorfer, 1907). 662a. Basilarchia arthemis arthemis (Drury, [1773]). 663a. Basilarchia arthemis rubrofasciata Barnes and McDunnough, 1916. 663b. Basilarchia arthemis astyanax (Fabricius, 1775). 663c. Basilarchia arthemis arizonensis (W. H. Edwards, 1882). 663d. Basilarchia archippus archippus (Cramer, [1776]). 664a . Basilarchia archippus floridensis (Strecker, 1 878). 664b . Basilarchia archippus watsoni dos Passos, 1938. 664c. Basilarchia archippus obsoleta (W. H. Edwards, 1882). 664 d. Basilarchia archippus lahontani (Herian, 1971), 664e, Basilarchia weidemeyerii oberfoelli (F. M. Brown, 1960). 665a. Basilarchia weidemeyerii weidemeyerii W. H. Edwards, 1861. 665b . Basilarchia weidemeyerii latifascia (E. M. and S. F. Perkins, 1967). 665c. Basilarchia weidemeyerii nevadae B ames and Benj amin, 1924. 6 6 5 d . Basilarchia weidemeyerii angustifascia Barnes and Benjamin, 1912. 665e. Basilarchia weidemeyerii siermafascia (Austin and Mullins, 1984). 66 5 f. Basilarclualorquiniburrisoni (Maynard, 1891). 666a. Basilarchia lorquini lorquini (Boisduval, 1852). 666b. Adelpha fessonia ifA&wii&on, 1847). 667. Adelpha bredowii eulalia (Doubleday and Hewitson, [1848]). 668a . Adelpha bredowii californica (Butler, [ 1 865]). 668b, Epiphile adrasta adrasta Hewitson, 1876. 668.5a. Myscelia ethusa ethusa (Doy^re, 1 840) . 669a. Myscelia cyananthe skinneri Mengel, 1894. 670a, (670, 672). Eunica monuna (Stoll, [1782]). 673 . Eunica tatila tatilista Kaye, 1926. 674a. Dynamine dyonis Geyer, [1837], 675, Dynamine tithia (Geyer, 1 823). 675.1. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 95 Diaethria clymena (Cramer, [1776]). Diaethria asteria (Godman and Salvin, 1894). Diaethria anna (CKi6rin-M6neville, 1844). Mestra amymone (M6n6tri6s, 1857). Mestra cana (Erichson, 1848). Biblis hyperia aganisa Boisduval, 1836. Hamadryas februaferentina (Godart, [1824]). Hamadryas amphichloe diasia (Fiuhstorfer, 1916). Hamadryas atlantis lelaps (Godman and Salvin, [1883]). Hamadryas feronia far inulenta (Fnihstorfer, 1916). Hamadryas guatemalena marmarice (H. W. Fruhstorfer, 1916). Hamadryas iphthime joannae Jenkins, 1983. Hamadryas amphinome mexicana (Lucas, 1853). Historis odius (Frabricius, 1775). Historis ocher onta cadmus (Cramer, [1775]). Smyrna karwinskii Geyer, [1883]. Smyrna blomfddia dcUis Fruhstorfer, 1781. Marpesia zerynthia Hubner, [1823]. Marpesia chiron (Fabricius, 1775). Marpesia petreus (Cramer, [1776]). Marpesia eleuchea Hubner, [1818]. Anaea aidea (Gu6rin-M6nevilie, [1844]). Anaea floridalis F. Johnson and W. P. Comstock, 1941. Anaea andria Scudder, 1875. Memphis glycerium (Doubleday, [1850]). Memphis pithy usa (R. Felder, 1869). Memphis echemus (Doubleday and Hewitson, [1849]). Asterocampa celtis celtis (Boisduval and Le Conte, [1837]). Asterocampa celtis reinthali Friedlander, “1986(1987)”[1988]. Asterocampa celtis antonia (W. H. Edwards, [1878]). Asterocampa leilia (W. H. Edwards, 1874). Asterocampa clyton clyton (Boisduval and Le Conte, [1837]). Asterocampa clyton flora (W. H. Edwards, 1876). Asteroicampa clyton texana (Skinner, 1911). Asterocampa clyton louisa Stallings and Turner, 1947. Doxocopa pavon (Latreille, [1809]). Doxocopa laure (Drury, [1773]). SATYRIDAE Enodia portlandia portlandia (Fabricius, 1781). Enodia portlandia floralae (J, R. Heitzman and dos Passos, 1974). Enodia portlandia missarkae (J. R. Heitzman and dos Passos, 1974). Enodia anthedon A. H. Clark, 1936. Enodia creola (Skinner, 1897). Satyrodes eurydice eurydice (Linnaeus in Johansson, 1763). Satyrodes eurydice fumosa Leussler, 1916. Saiyrodes appalachia appalachia (R. L. Chermock, 1947). Satyrodes appalachia leeuwi (Gatrelle and Arbogast, 1974). Cy Hops is pycramon nabokovi L. Miller, 1974. 676. 677. 677.1. 678. 679. 680a. 681a. 682a. 683a. 684a, (682a). 684.1a. 684.2a. 685a. 686. 687a. 688 . 688.1a. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 697.1. 698a, (698). 698b. 698c, (699). 699, (702a). 700a, (704). 700b, (705). 700c, (706). 700d, (707). 708. 709. 710a. 710b. 710c. 711. 712. 713a. 713b. 714a. 714b. 715a. 96 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) Cyllopsis henshawi (W. H. Edwards, 1876). 716. Cyllopsis pertepida dorothea (Nabokov, 1942). 717a. Cyllopsis pertepida maniola (Nabokov, 1942). 717b. Cyllopsis pertepida avicula (Nabokov, 1942). 717c. Cyllopsis gemma gemma (Hiibner, [1808]). 718a. Cyllopsis gemma freemani (D. Stallings and Turner, 1946). 718b. Hermeuptychia hermes (Fabricius, 1775). 719. Hermeuptychia sosybius (Fabricius 1793). 720. Neonympha areolata areolata (J. E. Smith, 1797). 721a. Neonympha areolata septentrionalis Davis, 1924. 721b. Neonympha mitchellii French, 1889. 722. Megisto cymela cymela (Cramer, [1777]). 723a. Megisto cymela viola (Maynard, 1891). 723b. Megisto rubricata rubricata (W. H. Edwards, 1871). 724a. Megisto rubricata smithorum (Wind, 1946). 724b. Megisto rubricata cheneyorum (R. Chermock, [1949]). 724c. Paramacera allyni L. Miller, 1972. 725. Coenonympha haydenii (W. H. Edwards, 1872). 726. Coenonympha tullia Complex kodiak W. H. Edwards, 1869. 727a. yukonensis Holland, 1900. 727b. maruro/u Alpheraky, 1897. 727c. mcisaaci dos Passos, 1936. 727d, (728a). nipisiquit McDunnough, 1939. 121 e, (728b). heinemani F. M. Brown, [1959]. 727f, (728c). inornata W. H. Edwards, 1861. 727g, (728d). benjamini McDunnough, 1928. 727h, (728e). mackenziei Davenport, 1936. 727i, (729a). ochraceaV/. H. Edwards, 1861. 727j, (729b). brenda W. H. Edwards, 1869. 727k, (729c). subfusca Barnes and Benjamin, 1926. 7271, (729d). furcae Barnes and Benjamin, 1926. 727m, (729e). mono Burdick, 1942. 121n, (729f). elko W. H. Edwards, 1881. 727o, (730a). Columbiana McDunnough, 1928. 727p, (730b). eunomia Domfeld, 1967. 727q, (730c). ampelos W. H. Edwards, 1871. 727r, (730d). insulana McDunnough, 1928. 727s, (730c). ca///(9rma Westwood, [1851]. 727t, (731a). eryngii Hy. Edwards, 1877. 727u, (731b). Cercyonis pegala abbotti F. M. Brown, 1969. 732a. Cercyonis pegala pegala (Fabricius, 1775). 732b. Cercyonis pegala alope (Fabricius, 1793). 732c. Cercyonis pegala nephele (W. Kirby, 1837). 732d. Cercyonis pegala Olympus (W. H. Edwards, 1880). 732e. Cercyonis pegala texana (W. H. Edwards, 1880). 732f. Cercyonis pegala ino Hall, 1924. 732g. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 97 Cercyonis pegala boopis (Behr, 1864). 732h. Cercyonis pegala ariane (Boisduval, 1852). 732i . Cercyonis pegala stephensi (W. G. Wright, 1905). 732 j . Cercyonis pegala wheeleri (W. H. Edwards, 1873). 732k . Cercyonis pegala damei Barnes and Benjamin, 1926. 7321. Cercyonis meadii meadii (W. H. Edwards, 1872). 733 a. Cercyonis meadii alamosa T. and J. Emmel, 1969. 733b. Cercyonis meadii melania (Wind, 1 946) . 733c. Cercyonis meadii mexicana R. Chermock, 1948. 733d. Cercyonis sthenele masoni Cross, 1 937 . 734a. Cercyonis sthenele paulus (W. H. Edwards, 1879). 734b. Cercyonis sthenele sthenele 1852). 734c. Cercyonis oetus charon (W. H. Edwards, 1872). 735a. Cercyonis oetus silvestris (W. H. Edwards, 1861). [see comment in Part H] 735b . Cercyonis oetus oetus (Boisduval, 1 869). 735c. Cercyonis oetus pallescens Emmel and Emmel, 1971. 73 5d . Erebia vidleri Elwes, 1 898 . 736. Erebia rossii omata Leussler, 1935. 737 si. Erebia rossii rossii (Curtis, 1 835). 737b. Erebia rossii gabrieli dos Passos, 1 949. 737c. Erebia rossii kuskoquima Holland, 1931 . 737d . Erebia disa mancinus Doubleday and He witson, [ 1 849] . 738a. Erebia disa steckeri Holland, 1930. 738b. Erebia disa subarctica McDunnough, 1937. 738c. Erebia magdalena magdalena Strecker, 1880. 739a. Erebia magdalena mackinleyensis Gunder, 1932. 739b . Erebia fasciaiafasciata Butler, 1 868. 740a. Erebia fasciata avinoffi Holland, 1 930. 74 0b. Erebia fasciata semo Givan-GTshmsuLo, 1899. 740c. Erebia discoidalis discoidalis (W. Kirby, 1 837) . 741a. Erebia discoidalis mcdunnoughi dos Passos, 1940. 741b. Erebia theano canadensis Warren, 1931. 742a. Erebia theano alaskensis Holland, 1900. 742b. Erebia theano ethelaW.U.Edwaids, IS91. 742c. Erebia theano demmia Warren, 1936. 742 d . Erebia youngi herscheli Leussler, 1935. 743a. Erebia youngi youngi Holland, 1 900. 743 b. Erebia youngi rileyi dos Passos, 1947. 743c. Erebia epipsodea rhodia W. H. Edwards, 1871. 744a. Erebia epipsodea freemani P. Ehrlich, 1954. 744b. Erebia epipsodea epipsodea Butler, 1868. 744c. Erebia epipsodea hopfingeri P. Ehrlich, 1 954 . 7 4 4 d . Erebia epipsodea remingtoni P. Ehrlich, 1952. 744e. Erebia callias W. H. Edwards, 1871. 745. Erebia lafontainei Troubridge and Philip, "1982(83)”. 746. Erebia occulta Roos and Kimmich, 1983. 746.1. Erebia inuitica Wyatt, 1966. [see comment in Part H] 7 46.2 . Gyrocheilus patrobas tritonia (W. H. Edwards, 1874). 747a. Neominois ridingsii ridingsii (W. H. Edwards, 1865). 748a. Neominois ridingsii stretchii (W. H. Edwards, 1870). 748b . 98 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) Neominois ridingsii pallidus Austin, 1986. 74,8c. Neominois ridingsii minimus Austin, 1986. 7^8d. Neominois ridingsii neomexicanus Austin, 1986. 748e. Oeneis nevadensis gigas Butler, 1868. 750a. Oeneis nevadensis nevadensis (C. and R. Felder, [1866]). 750b. Oeneis nevadensis iduna (W. H. Edwards, 1874). 750c. Oeneis macounii (W. H. !^wards, 1885). 751. Oeneis chryxus strigulosa McDunnou^, 1934. 7S2si. Oeneis chryxus Calais (Scudder), 1865. 752b. Oeneis chryxus caryi Dyar, 1904. 752c. Oeneis chryxus chryxus (Doubleday and Hewitson, [1849]). 752d. Oeneis chryxus valerata Burdick, [1958]. 752e. Oeneis chryxus Stanislaus Hovanitz, 1937. 752f. Oeneis chryxus ivallda (Mead, 1878). 752g, (749). Oeneis uhleri varuna (W. H. Edwards), 1882. 753a. Oeneis uhleri nahanni Dyar, 1904. 753b. Oeneis uhleri cairnesi Gibson, 1920, 753c. Oeneis uhleri uhleri (Reakirt, 1866). 753d. Oeneis uhleri reinthali F. M. Brown, 1953. 753e. Oeneis alberta alberta Hwes, 1893, 754a. Oeneis alberta oslari Skinner, 1911. 754b. Oeneis alberta capulinensis F. M. Brown, 1970. 754c. Oeneis alberta daura (Strecker, 1894). 754d. Oeneis taygete taygete Geyer, [1830]. 755a. Oeneis taygete gaspeensis dos Passes, 1949. 755b. Oeneis taygete for di dos Passes, 1949. 755c. Oeneis taygete edwardsi dos Passes, 1949. 755d. Oeneis bore hanburyi Watkins, 1928. 756a. Oeneis bore mckinleyensis dos Passes, 1949. 756b. Oeneis jutta terraenovae dos Passes, 1935. 757a. Oeneis jutta ascerta Masters and Sorenson, 1968. 757b. Oeneis Jutta riding iana F. and R. Chermock, 1940, 757c. Oeneis Jutta harperi F. H. Chermock, 1969. 757d. Oeneis Jutta leussleri Bryant, 1935. 757e. Oeneis Jutta alaskensis Holland, 1900. 757f. Oeneis Jutta chermocki Wyatt, 1965. 757g. Oeneis Jutta reducta McDunnough, 1929. 757h. Oeneis melissa melissa (Fabricius, 1775). 758a. Oeneis melissa semidea (Say, 1828). 758b. Oeneis melissa semplei HoUand, 1931. 758c. Oeneis melissa assimilis Butler, 1868. 758d. Oeneis melissa gibsoni Holland, 1931. 758e. Oeneis melissa beanii Elwes, 1893. 758f. Oeneis melissa lucilla Barnes and McDunnough, 1918. 758g. Oeneis polixenes polixenes (Fabricius, 1775). 759a. Oeneis polixenes katahdin (Newcomb, 1901). 759b. Oeneis polixenes subhyalina (Curtis, 1835). 759c. Oeneis polixenes luteus Troubridge and ParshaD, 1988. 7S9d. Oeneis polixenes yukonensis Gibson, 1920. 759e. Oeneis polixenes brucei (W. H. Edwards, 1891). 759f. Suppl. to Memoir No. 2 99 Oeneis polixenes woodi Troubridge and Parshall, 1988. 75 9g . Oeneis philipi Troubridge, 1 988. 759.1. Oeneis excubitor Troubridge, Philip, Scott and Shepard, 1 982. 759.2. DANAIDAE Danuwjr (Linnaeus, 1758). 760. Danaus gilippus berenice (Cramer, [1775]). 761a. Danaus gilippus strigosus (H. W. Bates, 1864). 761b . Danaus eresimus montezuma Talbol, 1943. 762a. Danaus eresimus tethys Forbes, 1 943 . 762b. Lycorea cleobaea demeter C. and R. Felder, [1865]. 763a. Lycorea cleobaea atergatis Doubleday and Hewitson, [1 847]. 763 b ITHOMIIDAE D ircenna klugii (Geyer), 1 837 . 764. Greta polissena umbrana (Haensch, 1 909) . 765a. INDEX NOTE As stated in the Introduction on p. vii, no Index is provided for this Supplement to Memoir No. 2. The Checklist entries are keyed to the corresponding entry numbers in this Supplement and the original Memoir No. 2. In this sense, the Checklist serves as a basic Index. The Index to Memoir No. 2 should be used to locate taxa. A list of names added in Memoir No. 3 and not included in Memoir No. 2 begins on page 101. These names are keyed to Part II based upon either species number or genus number. A name set in ( ) is a nomen nudum. The List of Added Names does not include misspellings. Entries in Part Two of this Supplement are arranged by page and species numbers keyed exactly to the original publication. Thus to locate a particular kern, the reader should follow the page/species numbers that appear along the left margin of each page in this Supplement. Instructions for using Memoir No. 3 appear in the Introduction on p. vii. 100 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) NOTES and ADDITIONS After the final typsetting of Memoir No. 3 was completed, the following information was received: Based upon the revision by R. K. Robbins [Evolution, comparative morphology, and iden- tification of the eumaeinae butterfly genus Rekoa Kaye (Lycaenidae: Theclinae), Smithsonian Contr. ZooL, in press], on p. 104 of Memoir No. 2, Thereus Hiibner becomes Rekoa Kaye, 1904. Trans, ent. Soc. Lond. 1904: 198. What have been recorded as spurina and zebina (misidentified) from our region are both Rekoa marius Lucas, of which spurina is a junior synonym. T. zebina = R. zebina is distinct species not found in our area. These changes affect entries 437 (which is deleted), 438 (which becomes/?, marius Lucas, 1857), and 439 (which becomes R. palegon). 130:CLXXIV (new number CLXXIV), add species as follows: 4. tenedia C. and R. Felder, 1861. Wien. ent. Monats., 5(4): 99. TL - ?? 543.1. HT - probably in BM. This species was recorded from southern Texas in 1987, and reported by A. B. Swengel in the Winter 1988 issue of Wings, pp. 10-1 1, published by the Xerces Society. Add also to Checklist. List of Added Names A coloro 303b abebalus 137.5 commodus 205.1 acrocnema 582.1 coiinna 65.1a adrasta d68.5a Coronado 596b aghia 569 curassavica 184 alba 698a D albamontana 175g daiis 688.1a albania 390 diasia 682a albidus 424d didia 65.1a albimedia 74.5 dbmdiata 65.1a alinea 154c Dircenna CCXXXIX alkaliensis 175f draudti 614 amanda 192c E amphichloe 682a echemus 697.1 anethi 325a ehrenbergerii 604.1 angelika 336 “ehnnanni” 320a angelina 345a ekisi 336 anieta 629.5a elissa 234 anna 677.1 elko 574w anrumae 300 emorsus 74.5 Antigonus XXIXA Epiphile CCVIX andJlana 682a eucherus 137.5 apache 355h Eucolias cvin argiolus 505 excubitor 759.2 artendsia 394d F Arteurotia XXIA fantasos 137.5 adantis 683 ferentina 681a azteca 70.1 fictUia 681a B Fixsenia CXLVII basinensis 175i flaveola 187a betulae 648a “flavolineata” 167 bilinea 65.1a frechini 310a bianco 50d fundania 681a blon^ildia 688.1 G bobae 65.1a gnaphalii 650 bogatana 697a gracehus 303a bonnevillus 192f Greta CCXL boreale 424b guatemalena 684 bottineauensis 728e guatemakna 684.1 (browni) 336 gudula 681a C guppyi 336 caenus 528 H californicus 7c harbesoni 217d canadensis 357.1 "harperi” 624 capitanensis 574x harryi 582b Cervantes 99a heatfui 424b chalcosiva 458d hellos 520m charlestonensis 521d “herse” 623d cinctus 41.1 hierone 681a clenchi 458e “hopfingeii” 608b 102 Mem. Lepid. Soc., (3) korm 614 nevadensis 396c huasteca 140.1 nigrescens 175j huebneri 205.1 “nigrescens” 623d (hyatti) 326 “nigrocapitata” 167 hypsipyle 65.1a nigrozephyrus 645b I nivonicus 65.1a icilia 681a nohilita 684a Idas 516 O insularis 205.1 occulta 746.1 insularis 684a orbis 376.1 inuklca 746.2 orecoastus 192e iphthime 684.2 oregonensis 597e ilalica 653a organensis 475b J oroplata 158o joannae 684.2a P juvenis 85a pales 577b K pallescens 735d kluanensis 355g pallida 1751 klugii 764 palUdus 748c koreti 634v panamintensis 312i {hnvakwapoochesi) 310a pandonius 327a L (paradoxa) 448 l(rfontairtei 746 Paranddea cvn lagimae 101b pariaensis 596c leilia 699 pheUea 746.1 lelaps 683a phUipi 759.1 lemhiensis 356c phyllisae 312h luestherae 634u pinjuna 511.1b luka 629.5a pinkensis 239a luieus 759d plautus 470a (luxuriosus) 314 plinius 25 M polls sena 765 mackenziei 120a portensis 205.1 maculata 18 potosiensis 189.2 mandragora 684a iprestoni) 310a “marginata” 167 pronus 25 mariarme 562 pulchella 623b tnarmarice 684.1a R maynardi 320c ratonensis 574v mazai 189.1 reicheli 336 meckyae 336 reinthdi 698b melaruca 329c ribbei 62.5a melitaeoides 604.2 rogenhoferi 669a millerorum 452.1 rotundatus 41.1 minimus 748d "nibrosuffusa” 167 rmnistrgma 175d rusticus 526.1 muertovcdle 151b S N sangredecristo 589f negra 657a santacruzus 192d neomexicemus 748e serpentariae 297a List of Added Names (shapiroi) 336 (tremblayi) 336 sienmrfascia 665f tschukotkensis 588c sinemaculata 175h tumeri 179 singular is 148 U “sodalia” 681a umbrana 765a “stemitzkyi” 398 usuli 584c strophius 440 V syraces 126.1 ‘Venusta’* 6311 T Vettius UA Tegosa CXCVI victorinus 326.1 tegyra 682 vitellius 205.1 texami 462b W texanus 118c “weidenhameri” 656 thomei 461.1 wetona 197b tiliae 636 woodi 759 tithia 675.1 Y tractipennis 62.5a (yukonensis) 355g